Red Cry is an original, feature-length documentary film chronicling the lives of Lakota Elders and Oyate (people) in the face of ongoing genocide against the Lakota by government and corporate interests.
The incendiary film is the result of a historic collaboration between traditional Tetuwan Lakota Elders and Warriors from Pine Ridge Reservation and a growing group of native and non-native solidarity activists. In togetherness they are working to bring Lakota Elders -- particularly Grandmothers -- to the world stage to speak with their own voices to the International community.
Shot in high-definition digital over the summer of 2012 by the Lakota Solidarity Project, Red Cry is the centerpiece of educational outreach for Wagunpi Woashake Ikicupi (Elders Take Back Their Strength) and Stand Behind the Lakota Grandmothers solidarity movement. Extensively researched, the documentary advances the struggles of the Lakota in their own words, from their unique perspectives.
Red Cry premiered on April 1, 2013 at the Mother Butler Center in Rapid City, SD in Lakota Territory. It was shown on consecutive nights in other cities as part of the Lakota Truth Tour.