Solidarity: Five Largely Unknown Truths about Israel, Palestine and the Occupied Territories (2020)

#1 Most scholars agree that the beginning of today’s struggle was the displacement of over 700,000 Palestinian Arabs by the Israeli military in 1948, which the Palestinians call “The Nakba”, meaning “catastrophe” in Arabic.

#2 Since the First Intifada, nearly 7x as many Palestinians have been killed by Israelis than Israelis killed by Palestinians, and this disparity is growing over time. Source:

#3 The Israeli settlements are illegal under international law. Source: The Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, the United Nations General Assembly, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the International Court of Justice, and United Nations Security Council resolutions in 1979, 1980, and 2016.

#4 Adjusted for inflation, the US has given Israel over 233 billion dollars since 1949. (And it’s only going up.) Source: Coren, Ora, and Nadan Feldman. “U.S. Aid to Israel Totals $233.7b over Six Decades.”, March 2013.

#5 Criticizing or resisting the Israeli government and the Israeli military is not anti-Semitic.

The director’s writeup on the film: “We’re All in This Together: Palestine and Advocacy Film." (Jan 19 2020)

Read it on Portside if you can't read it on Medium.

Human Rights   Politics   War & Peace
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