Pinkwashing: Make Your Drilling Rig Less Carcinogenic, Paint It Pink!

Sometimes you just can't make this shit up. Fossil fuel frackers Baker Hughes have teamed up with breast cancer charity Susan G. Komen to "end breast cancer forever". How? By painting 1,000 of their drill heads pink and donating $100,000 to the charity. Strangely there is no mention in their press release of the high risk of cancer to oil and gas workers from the benzine that is part of their drilling operations and has been linked to leukaemia and, erm, breast cancer. Still, why let little things like that stand in the way of some good old fashioned PR.

Click on Part 2 above to see a remix of the video, with the commentary they should have used.

Read more at Ecowatch.

Climate Change   Environment   Health
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