Ecological artists Patrick M. Lydon (USA) and Suhee Kang (Korea) infiltrate the world's largest MUJI store (無印良品) near Osaka, Japan. Inside they ask shoppers to stop shopping, slow down, and re-connect with nature. Together with shoppers, they build an interactive 'Nature Mandala' artwork, helping shoppers realize that they don't need to spend money to make art, or to enjoy life.
You can make your own nature mandala too!
You could make one today with your children, or with friends. It's easy to do anywhere, in a park, on a sidewalk, or in your backyard. The art store is all around you. All you need are leaves (or any natural materials), a mind that is ready to cultivate its relationship to nature, and a centerpoint from which to start working.
To make your own nature mandala, just pick a center point, and work slowly from the center, moving towards the outside. It helps to keep these three rules in mind while you are working:
- Slow down and consider the beauty of each leaf, working only with one at a time
- Feel where to put your leaves, rather than thinking over-thinking it
- Don't judge yourself, others, or nature when working, simply be aware and accept whatever happens in the mandala
While you’re doing it, you might just feel that seed within yourself growing, sprouting, flowering, too.
Read more about the project at and at City as Nature