Yesterday a teenager sent me an email letter in which he said, "I feel cheated that it's all UP TO ME. By being in the younger generation, I have to save the world before I can even begin to think of building a life for myself, or there will be nothing to build my life on."
I think this is a profound statement and a statement of profound importance to this particular audience. I've known several generations of kids your age, and I can tell you that feeling cheated is something NEW, and something new is always worth paying attention to.
The kids of my own generation didn't feel cheated, we felt terrified. We grew up in the coldest part of the Cold War, cowering in the shadow of the H-bomb, expecting at any moment to see the world come to an end in a nuclear holocaust. All we knew was that we had to get down to the business of getting as much of the good life as we could before the end came. We were the Silent Generation, and all we wanted was to get out there and get a job, a career, a marriage, a family, a house in the suburbs, squeezing in as much as we could before it all went up in smoke.
The kids of the sixties and seventies didn't feel cheated. They were just fed up with their parents' idea that the best life was the one the Silent Generation was struggling to get--the job, the career, the marriage, the family, the house in the suburbs. They wanted to LIVE, to have a little fun, and to hell with the goddamned H-bomb. Who could blame them?
Michael feels cheated, he says, because it's all up to him. If you haven't yet been told that it's "all up to you," believe me, you will be. Of course, this business of it all being up to you is pretty standard commencement day rhetoric. Every commencement day speaker worth his or her salt has got to say, one way or another, "The future is in your hands. Today the torch passes from one generation to the next," blah, blah, blah. This in itself is not new. I heard the same thing when I was your age.
But it meant something different when I heard it. It really was just commencement day rhetoric back then. Nowadays it means something different.
Nowadays it means something like this. My generation and my parents' generation and their parents' have really screwed things up here, and that's no joke. I can't even bring myself to look at the latest WorldWatch Institute estimate of how much time we have left to turn this around before we head down a slide from which no recovery is possible. It was 40 years the last time I DID have the nerve to look, and that was about ten years ago.
What does this figure mean? It doesn't mean human extinction in forty years. It means we have 40 years to find a new path for ourselves, and if we let those 40 years go to waste and just go on the way we are, the momentum that is carrying us forward to extinction will be too great to overcome. So that date is not the end of it all, it's just the point of no return. Irreversible.
So when people tell you now that it's all up to you, they really mean "If you can't find what we were unable to find and our parents were unable to find and their parents were unable to find (which is another way for us to go), then you may very well live to see the extinction of the human race."
I'm sure you haven't failed to notice what a monstrous copout this is.
Oh yes, we--your parents and their parents and their parents--have screwed up the world royally, and we admit it!! But if YOU don't find a way to FIX what WE'VE done, then it will be YOUR fault! Not OUR fault, because we have an excuse. We were just dumb and greedy. And because WE'VE been dumb and greedy, YOU'RE going to have to be smart and self-sacrificing. Got that?
Michael puts it in a nutshell: "By being in the younger generation, I have to save the world before I can even begin to think of building a life for myself, or there will be nothing to build my life on."
Your parents didn't have to save the world before building a life for themselves. Maybe it would've have been a good idea--but they didn't HAVE to. So they didn't.
You HAVE to, because if you don't, as Michael says, there will be nothing LEFT to build your life ON.
So that's the deal. Forget about having fun. Forget about taking up some career just because it happens to appeal to you. Forget about getting the good things in life that your parents have. Forget about the six-figure salary. Forget about the BMW. Forget about the 8000 square foot house. Those things are okay for people like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs and Donald Trump and Steve Case, because they belong to the same old, unregenerate generation as your parents. They can AFFORD to be dumb and greedy. They don't HAVE to save the world first. YOU DO.
Is it any wonder that Michael feels cheated?
When he speaks of being cheated, Michael unconsciously brings into play the language of games. I mean that Michael dimly recognizes that a game IS being played with him, and I'd like to take a few minutes to examine the game that's being played with him--and with you when people tell you that "It's all up to you."
In his book, The Book: or, The Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are, Alan Watts examines the notion of the "double-bind." "A person," he writes, "is put in a double-bind by a command or request that contains a concealed contradiction. 'Stop being self-conscious!' 'Try to relax.' . . . Society, as we now have it, pulls this trick on every child from earliest infancy. In the first place, the child is taught that he is responsible, that he is a free agent, an independent origin of thoughts and actions. He accepts this make-believe for the very reason that it is not true. He can't help accepting it, just as he can't help accepting membership in the community where he was born. He has no way of resisting this kind of social indoctrination. It is constantly reinforced with reward and punishments. It is built into the basic structure of the language he is learning. . . . we befuddle our children hopelessly because we--as adults--were once so befuddled, and, remaining so, do not understand the game we are playing."
I hope you'll leave here today with a better understanding of the game that is being played with you. "The child," Watts says, "is taught that he is responsible, that he is a free agent, an independent origin of thoughts and actions." This is what you're hearing when people of an older generation say, "It's all up to you." You might say that this is HALF of the game. They themselves were told, "It's all up to you," when they were your age. But if you watch them in action, you'll see very clearly that they don't act as if it were all up to them. They act as if it were all up to SOMEONE ELSE. They were taught, just as you were, that they are responsible, that they are free agents, but they know perfectly well that this is make-believe. SOMEONE ELSE is responsible for saving the world. SOMEONE ELSE is a free agent CAPABLE of saving the world. It may not come to mind immediately who this SOMEONE ELSE is, but you'll certainly recognize it when you hear it.
Who is everyone WAITING for to save the world? Who is EVERYONE waiting for to save the world?
They are waiting for our LEADERS, of course. This is the other half of the game. The first half of the game is: It's all up to you. The second half of the game is: they don't have to do anything because they're waiting for the President to save the world. They're waiting for the Secretary General of the United Nations to save the world. They're waiting for some unthinkable industrial giant to save the world. They're waiting for some great thinker to save the world. They're waiting for Mikhail Gorbachev to save the world. They're even waiting for Daniel Quinn to save the world!
Someone UP THERE, someone in AUTHORITY!
Well, guess what, folks. There is NO ONE "up there" who is remotely CAPABLE of saving the world. Most of the people I've just mentioned aren't even THINKING about saving the world. Trust me, you will never hear Al Gore or Bill Bradley or George Bush utter one word about saving the world*. And whichever one of them is elected our next President, he will not spend a single minute of his administration thinking about saving the world. This is not something they should be blamed for, in all honesty. We don't ELECT presidents to save the world, and any candidate that campaigned on that basis would be laughed off the stage. We elect ALL our political leaders to address SHORT-TERM goals.
The kids of your grandparents' generation were told, "It's all up to you"--and they waited for SOMEONE ELSE to save the world.
The kids of your parents' generation were told, "It's all up to you"--and they waited for SOMEONE ELSE to save the world.
Now the people of your parents' and grandparents' generation are continuing the game by pointing at you and saying, "It's all up to YOU."
I'd like to try to persuade you to REFUSE to play the game. Don't let anyone get away with saying, "It's all up to you." No. It's all up to EVERYBODY. Refuse to accept your parents' and grandparents' copout. It's not good enough to say, "We've failed, so it's all up to you."
Tell them, "STOP failing!" Which means stop WAITING!
Tell them, "There's nothing to wait for. There's no ONE to wait for. No one is going to save the world but the PEOPLE of the world, and you can't make it the sole responsibility of MY generation. We are the ones with no experience, no clout, no connections, no power, no money--and it's all supposed to be up to US??? What are YOU going to be doing while WE save the world?"
Obviously in the few minutes I have here I can't give you a blueprint for saving the world. But I can give you a couple of fundamental notions that I think you can follow with complete confidence. The first of these might be called Quinn's First Law. It won't surprise you. It may even strike you as obvious. Here it is. No undesirable behavior has ever been eliminated by passing a law against it.
The second is Buckminster Fuller's Law, which is this: You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.
Most of the time when people write to me to ask what they should be doing to save the world, there is in the back of their minds two general notions of how change takes place. One is the notion that passing laws makes things change. The other is that fighting makes things change. We're trained to think that you really are DOING something if you're out there fighting and getting laws passed.
But if you heed these two laws, you may think differently about this. Once again they are Quinn's First Law, No undesirable behavior has ever been eliminated by passing a law against it, and Fuller's Law, You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.
Here is Quinn's Second Law: What people think is what they do. And its corollary: To change what people do, change what they think.
At the present time, there are six billion people on this planet pursuing a vision that is devouring the earth. That's our problem. Our problem is not pollution. Our problem is not consumerism. Our problem is not capitalist greed. Our problem is not conservative selfishness or liberal utopianism. Our problem is not lack of leadership. Our problem is a world-devouring vision that six billion people are pursuing.
Now what can we do about this vision? We can't legislate it away or vote it away or organize it away or even shoot it away. We can only teach it away.
If the world is saved, it will be saved by people with changed minds, people with a new vision. It will not be saved by old minds with new programs.
Vision is a flowing river. Programs are sticks set in the riverbed to impede the flow of the river. But I don't want to impede its flow, I want to change its direction.
Is it so easy to change a cultural vision? Ease and difficulty are not the relevant measures. Here are the relevant measures: Readiness and unreadiness. If people aren't ready for it, then no power on earth can make a new idea catch on.
But if people are ready for it (and I think they are), then a new idea will sweep the world like wildfire.
In our culture at the present moment, the flow of the river is toward catastrophe, and programs are sticks set in the riverbed to impede its flow. Our path of hope is not to add more sticks to impede the flow. Our path of hope is to change the direction of the flow--away from catastrophe.
I think people are ready for this new idea.
Don't pay attention to people who talk as if saving the world is someone else's business--bigshots in international politics or bigshots in international commerce. I say again: If the world is saved, it will be saved by people with changed minds, and anyone can change a mind. I mean that. Back in the seventies, a lot of eight-year-olds came home and told their parents, "By God, you're going to stop smoking!"--and they made it stick. Back in the eighties, a lot of eight-year-olds came home and told their parents, "By God, we're going to start recycling aluminum cans!"--and they made it stick.
I've changed lots of minds, through my books--but the absolute fact is that my readers have changed more minds than my books have. A lot more.
One by one, readers did the work. Not me--people like you. Having done this work, having carried the word to parents, to children, to teachers, to friends, to relatives, even to strangers, they would then sit down and write me to say, but how can I help save the world? And I'd write back and say, "Look, you're already doing it!"
If the time is right, a new idea will sweep the world like wildfire.
Let me share with you the most inspirational story I've heard in a long time. This story comes to me from a high school teacher in Alaska who was using Ishmael in a third-year science course. One of the students in his class was recognized as a probable drop-out. She was a lukewarm student at best--indifferent and uninterested. But instead of dropping out, after reading Ishmael, this young woman did the strangest thing anyone had ever heard of, including me. She took it upon herself to buy copies of Ishmael for her parents and to organize a week-long seminar in her own living room that her parents were commanded to attend in order to engage in a Socratic dialogue on Ishmaels themes. From that point on, she never looked back, and no one thinks of her as a probable dropout any more.
Let me make it clear that I'm not telling this story to you because I'm proud of what Ishmael did. I'm proud of what this seventeen-year-old girl did! She found a path of hope for the future--all on her own. She didn't ask me, she didn't ask her parents, she didn't ask her teachers, she didn't ask her friends, she didn't ask anyone.
If the time is right, a new idea will sweep the world like wildfire--because of people like this seventeen-year-old girl.
Because of people like you.
Because of this seventeen-year-old girl, there are two more people in the world with changed minds. That's no small thing, believe me. Because where there are two with changed minds, there can be four. And where there are four, there can be eight. And where there are eight, there can be sixteen. All because of that one that started the whole thing by saying, "I've got to change these two minds."
That's exactly how new ideas sweep the world like wildfire--and that's how I see it.
That's our path of hope for the future.
This keynote address was delivered at the 2000 Houston Youth Environmental Leadership Conference, 1/26/00
Image credit: Eleatta Diver
The Big Picture