Released in 2006, this is still one of the most compelling films outlining the disturbing and heavily censored facts associated with the worst terrorist attacks in American history. The film focuses on prior knowledge and established facts as reported by mainstream outlets, with minimal speculation. The narrator presents information in a plain and straightforward tone, with little music distraction or interruption, which is refreshing for focusing solely on the content. Intro ends at 3:15.
Here's the chapter breakdown:
Case 1: Project for the New American Century
Case 2: Florida Election -2000 Election -ChoicePoint (see also) -John Bolton -Staged Riot
Case 3: Huffman Aviation -Able Danger -Jeb Bush & Wally Hilliard -Huffman Aviation -Highjackers trained at military bases -Atta trained at Maxwell AFB -Yeslam bin Laden -Rudy Dekkers -Discover Air -INS -Venezuela
Case 4: San Diego -San Diego -Abdussattar Shaikh Phoney -American Commonwealth University -William Lyon -New Majority
Case 5: Secured Visas -15 Hijackers -Visa Express -pnac -Richard Armitage
Case 6: Intelligence Breakdowns and Coverups -Robert Wright -Coleen Rowley -Michael Maltbie -Harry Samit -Sibel Edmonds -Lt. Colonel Anthony Shaffer -Yellow Stickers -911 Commission -ABLE DANGER -Rep. Curt Weldon -Commander Scott Philpot -Slade Gorton -2.5 Terabytes
Case 7: Gamblers Scandals -Jack Abramoff -Rep. Tom Delay -Sun Cruz -Gus Boulis -Adam Kidan -Superbowl -Atta on Sun Cruz -Vegas Strip Clubs
Case 8: Foreknowledge -Willie Brown -Top Pentagon Officials -John Ashcroft -Salman Rushdie -Insider Trading -Buzzy Krongard
Case 9: Terrorist Money Trail -Pakistan Money -General Mahmud Ahmed - Ahmad Umar Sheikh -Daniel Pearle -Sen. Bob Graham -Rep. Porter Goss -911 Joint Congressional Inquiry
Case 10: -23 warnings from 11 governments -George Tenet -Ashcroft -Tom Pickard -John Oneill -Bush Memo -Fl. Executive Order 01-261
Case 11: Air Defenseless -War Games & Drills Timeline -Cassette Tape -Shocking Event -Pentagon Renovation Program -Hani Hanjour -Michael Meacher -Paul Hellyer -Robert M. Bowman -General Myers -Sen. Max Cleland -General Montague Winfield
Finale: -Counter terrorism Task Force -Cheney & Cipro anthrax vaccine prior to attacks -Fascism