Endgame 2050: Humanity's Last Chance Is Now (2020)

What will the future be like in the year 2050? A mere three decades away, most of us hope to still be around. So, what kind of future are we riding into? ENDGAME 2050 gives us a glimpse into that future, and it does not look good. Humanity has backed itself into an ecological endgame as we approach mid-century. Featuring musician Moby along with leading scientists, ENDGAME 2050 lays out the reality that, unless we act urgently now, we are hastening our own destruction.


Sofia Pineda Ochoa: I was born and raised in Guadalajara, Mexico. I attended medical school there and, as a student, my dream was to help people as a doctor. I devoted a full decade of my life for medical training in that pursuit. Over time, however, my perspective changed on what I believe is most urgent. I have come to understand that humans - myself included - are literally destroying the planet on which we live. Humanity is not only making the planet uninhabitable for human civilization, but also for countless other species with whom we share this world. I believe this is a crime like no other and feels a deep sense of concern, in particular, for all the other animals who are being decimated by human activities.

I made ENDGAME 2050 because I want people to wake up to the gravity of the situation before it’s too late. I think many environmental films sugarcoat our reality and the extent of changes needed. They sometimes don’t want to make people too uncomfortable. But I think that does a grave disservice to the audience and the planet. I wanted this film to clearly lay out the dire situation in which we now find ourselves, and the responsibility for these global problems that we all bear. I think we owe it to the planet, other species, and ourselves to not bury our heads in the sand.


FEATURING: Moby, Boris Worm, Paul Ehrlich, Claire Kremen, Bill Ryerson, Malcolm Potts, Alicia Graves, David M. Romps, Daniel H. Miller, James Gerber, Philip Wollen, Kim A. Williams, Josh LaJaunie, T. Colin Campbell, Bandana Chawla, Munish Chawla, Michelle McMacken and Robert Ostfeld 

Animal Rights   Environment   Human Rights   Sustainability   The Big Picture
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