This film is now available for purchase and screenings. To learn more, go to, and follow us on Facebook at TEACHEDFilms and Twitter @TEACHED (and Producer/Director @KellyAmis).
The latest in the TEACHED short film series, "Code Oakland" examines the evolution of Oakland through the eyes of social entrepreneurs determined that youth of color not be left on the sidelines as Silicon Valley expands into the city that is home to the second largest black community in California. Kalimah Priforce, whose first success as a social justice rebel was a hunger strike at the age of eight, and Kimberly Bryant, a successful electrical engineer turned founder of Black Girls Code, are organizing large-scale hackathons to teach youth how to redesign the future through coding. Joined on the national stage by #YesWeCode founder Van Jones, their work represents the cusp of a movement changing both the face and use of technology in America. But is Silicon Valley ready to be hacked?
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Code Oakland is the newest film from the TEACHED short film series produced by Loudspeaker Films.