No need to modernize the phrasing of this most obviously relevant Orwellian slogan. Obama, our Nobel Prince of Peace, continues the endless wars, warrantless and evidence-less detentions, and illegal torture. The public is kept in an increasing state of fear of a manufactured bogeyman that assumes the faces of individual leaders as needed (and their countries), but ultimately is defined as a War on Terror, thus a war without end.
The perpetual nature of war was at the heart of what Orwell was illustrating when he wrote, "A peace that was truly permanent would be the same as a permanent war." We are now living in a situation, similar to 1984, where our society believes that the only way to everlasting peace is through everlasting war. This mentality leads to a fundamental internal restructuring of society, as the actions we have condoned overseas have reworked America to resemble a battlefield landscape at home.
If I had a dollar for every time I've heard, "I'd rather fight them over there so we don't have to fight them here," I'd be as wealthy as the marketing propagandists who sold us this slogan. But when asked, Who are we fighting again? the stuttering ensues. In this Orwellian world, we are not meant to know exactly who or what we are fighting, which is why we have been sold on an intangible idea called Terror, or "those who hate our freedoms." Without a clear enemy, there can be no clear defeat of that enemy, and so there can be no victory -- only an ever-changing script dictated by the whims and business plans of the script makers. It is a script which is increasingly being written to include American citizens.
One script given by the CIA is that
50-100 Al Qaeda members are in Afghanistan and there is a threat of the freedom-fighting Taliban offering them a safe haven. Even taken at face value, the U.S. government can
track, trace, and database all Americans, so surely they can keep tabs on a few bad guys.
So, is it logical to believe that endless war, which is bankrupting the nation and turning our servicemen into nation-building targets, is solely because of 19 hijackers, and a maximum of 100 bad guys that will turn the whole Muslim world against the West? That this justifies transforming our entire culture into a hierarchy of military rule when we were founded as a Constitutional Republic?
Welcome to the meaning of peace.