The initial phase of the #OCCUPY movement was marked by several weeks of viral growth that peaked on October 15 with a global day of action. In the next phase, there will be a turn towards addressing the deep philosophical and strategic questions of how to escalate this democracy moment into a revolutionary people's movement. Across the nation there are clear signs that the #OCCUPY movement is simultaneously maturing and growing more militant.
Of the many questions swirling around #OCCUPY, the most challenging is how to gel into a global movement without sacrificing the decentralized, leaderless model. There is a widespread acknowledgment that there are challenges that can only be dealt with on a global scale, such as a climate change accord and overturning international casino capitalism, and that we must therefore forge a globally united people's movement. However, there is also a growing recognition that the general assembly model that has worked beautifully thus far may be fundamentally limited on a structural level.
A breakthrough came on Friday from the New York City General Assembly where the structure working group has proposed, and the general assembly has accepted, the adoption of a modified spokes council model that will work in conjunction with the general assembly. This lays the foundation for a regional, national and potentially international spokes council, something that both #OCCUPYPHILLY and The 99 Percent Declaration have been pushing for. We are beginning to see how the #OCCUPY movement will elevate itself into an international force.
Meanwhile, the power center of the movement is shifting away from the East Coast towards the West. On Wednesday, #OCCUPYOAKLAND is organizing a General Strike that is already finding support within the local community. Solidarity actions are planned in occupations nationwide. Within the movement, there is a sense that this may be a turning point as militant tactics come to the fore and direct confrontation with the structures of the corporate-state becomes the norm.
Other sparks on the horizon include the November 5 Transition Day/Bank Transfer Day, the November 25 Buy Nothing Day kick off to #OCCUPYXMAS and the December 10 Global Day of Action which was proposed this week by the international network behind the blast on October 15.
Hang in there!
for the wild,
Culture Jammers HQ