Jackson Katz: A Paradigm-Shifting Perspective On The Violence That Harms Both Women and Men

This should really get your brain thinking in entirely new ways.

"Our whole cognitive structure is built up" to ignore this...

Jackson Katz, Phd, is an anti-sexist activist and expert on violence, media and masculinities. An author, filmmaker, educator and social theorist, Katz has worked in gender violence prevention work with diverse groups of men and boys in sports culture and the military, and has pioneered work in critical media literacy.Katz is the creator and co-founder of the Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) program, which advocates the 'bystander approach' to sexual and domestic violence prevention. You've also seen him in the award winning documentary "MissRepresentation." 

To learn more about TEDxFiDiWomen, whether to attend, volunteer, speak or sponsor, please click on the following link! http://tedxfidiwomen.herokuapp.com/

To learn more about Jackson Katz, please visit http://www.jacksonkatz.com

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