If everyone watched this it could transform the world.
This is a segment from Moving Forward (2011). Watch the full documentary here.
"There is an alternative to police and prisons. It's called investing in communities instead of waging war on them.
It means, simply, to fund solutions that address the root causes of crime.
Police are literally designed to fail in this respect. They can only treat symptoms. They keep our unjust, unequal and inhumane society under control.
Underpinning the police and war-on-crime mentality are several myths about human nature and human behavior.
Most people are familiar with the myths, so they think "police" will be necessary forever. But this is not true.
When we understand how human behavior is influenced by the environment - it then becomes a matter of creating a society that supports the development of prosocial behavior rather than anti-social behavior.
If you watch this video, you'll understand what we mean.
This knowledge is critical to creating a society that has addressed the root causes of crime, making police and prisons obsolete.
If we have the audacity to call ourselves a civilized society, this is the vision we must pursue: A world without the need for cops, prisons, or standing armies. A world where we help the most vulnerable, marginalized and traumatized people growing up in this culture, not wage war on them. We need to create a society that truly believes in the inherent worth and dignity of every individual.
In that respect, city, state and national budgets are moral documents. We fund the things we value."
- Films For Action 6/11/2020