The Associated Press ran the story yesterday that Clinton had enough delegates and superdelegates to clinch the nomination, ignoring the DNC’s own instruction not to include superdelegates in the count; and the simple reality that superdelegates cannot vote until the convention in July. They published it on the eve of the California primary; and, in the great tradition of “protesting too much”, they said that ‘Nothing in that discourages or prevents voters in six states from exercising their right to go to the polls today and cast their ballots.”
They know exactly what they’re doing.
Of course it will discourage people from voting.
Here's the truth:
Hillary Clinton is not the Democratic nominee.
The convention will be contested. That is a fact.
We won’t have a nominee until July.
The Democratic party needs Sanders supporters to win; but beyond that simple reality, they need Sanders supporters to exist.
People under 45 overwhelmingly support Sanders. They have also been paying attention to how the entire process has unfolded, how the media have manipulated it, and how the DNC has skewed it. There is nothing to be proud of, nothing to inspire loyalty. This latest, while egregious, is just another log on the fire.
Hillary Clinton can talk all she wants about what unites us; but the reality is, right now, I simply can’t bring myself to consider voting for her or Drumpf. I suppose that can change; but if you put me in a voting booth right now and told me “Clinton, Trump, or shit-burrito”, I’d be reaching for salsa.
The Democratic Party underestimates the potency of these feelings at their peril. You can’t dismiss, marginalize, disenfranchise, and slander people and then expect them to come out and help you a few months later. Sanders supporters know what’s up; we’ve been following things closely. You may be able to fool people about us, but you can’t fool us.
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