What does it mean to be mindful?
When the notion of Mindfulness is mentioned at a conversation, people often tend to confuse it with being awake. Mindfulness is, however, not identical with being awake, since being awake is only one dimension of Mindfulness. It is the outermost dimension of Alertness, its surface only. Three dimensions of Mindfulness may be identified.
The Dimensions of Mindfulness
The surface, that is, the outermost dimension of Mindfulness is when the focus of attention is open the widest. Being Mindful then means that now, in this very moment, with our eyes closed (or open) you pay attention to the processes of your inner world (bodily sensations, the stream of your thoughts, the shifting of your emotions), and the external world surrounding you (noises, scents etc. from the direct world around you). In such an instant you only focus your attention on what takes place in that very moment.
From the aspect of another, deeper dimension of Mindfulness it is a quality of your consciousness when you cease to evaluate, qualify and control the experience affecting you at that particular moment (disregard the functions of the mind) and, at the same time, you give up all your desires to control events. You have no expectations in connection with the given moment, you accept what is taking place, without making judgments, what is wrong and what is right for you.
The deepest dimension of Mindfulness is a state of Consciousness the most important characteristic feature of which is the presence of the observing Consciousness, the capability of Sight. In this state of the Consciousness we, as an external spectator, view what is happening inside and around us, and we do not allow these events to take us with them, to affect us deeper. There is a virtual space between you as the contemplating Consciousness and the experiences affecting you. This space enables you to avoid identification with your experience and to look at that experience as an external spectator. Mindfulness is, at the same time.
Life Lessons about Mindfulness
1. The first gift of Mindfulness is when you discover, that instead of you, the deep-programs of your conditioned mind are living your life.
Whether you like it or not, these thoughts come and go, your mind is in constant motion. These patterns strive to be self-sustaining, and they generate the work of mind. The result is the cobweb of thoughts with which you identify and that is how you live your life. The fixed patterns of your mind are individual, since they reflect the expectations of the particular environment in which you have been brought up.
The expectations usually influence you unconsciously, almost like automatic deep programs of the mind. As these in-depth conditioning have become a part of your mind in the course of your upbringing, a particular situation or person immediately activates them. You automatically put on the mask appropriate for the particular situation, tailored to the expectations of the situation or person.
When you see and recognize how your fixed mental patterns work, the energy supply they receive gradually dries up, since the energy that formerly supplied these patterns now supply the emergence of the deeper dimensions of Mindfulness in you. In this way, conditioned mental patterns gradually lose their power and they vanish. As a result, the work of the mind that might have appeared chaotic to you before become increasingly transparent.
2. The Mindfulness is the door opening to our original life status, to the Oneness.
In our days it seems that identification with the forms and shapes becomes more and more superficial at an increasing number of people. In these people something from the deeper dimensions of Mindfulness appears to emerge.
With the appearance of the deeper dimensions of Mindfulness, a gap is generated in you between the world of forms and shapes and the world without these, that is between ”I am this and that” and ”I am.”
You no longer meditate, you merely Exist. You do not stay in life, but in Existence. Staying in the Existence is recognized by seeing that the world is a Oneness.
3. The third gift of Mindfulness: the happiness is the joy of Existence itself, the conscious presence.
The purpose is that you should recognize yourself through your own experience; you should wake up from the dream of forms and shapes. That is how a human being is able to return to their real self.
You do not identify yourself as an individual separated from the other creatures, but you see all the creatures of the world in yourself, and you discover yourself in every other creature in the world. You recognize that identification of the immortal creature that you are with the body and mind is not a part of a devilish plot. It is, instead, a station in the evolution of the Consciousness.
From the book>> Frank M. Wanderer: The Flames of Alertness: Discover the Power of Consciousness!
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