Sepp Holzer and Bernd Mueller explain the construction, the effect and the basic ideas for the construction of a water retention landscape: a local and natural solution to the global problem of disturbed water balance.
More in the books:
Bernd Müller: The Secret of Water (Meiga)
(DOWNLOAD "The secret of water":
Sepp Holzer: Wüste oder Paradies (Stocker-Verlag) - Available in english soon
Water is life. The Water Retention Landscape of Tamera.
Sepp Holzer and Bernd Müller
A film by Grace Media, 12 min.
Camera and editing: Ludwig Schramm
Script: Leila Dregger
Male Voice Over: Douglas Baillie
Female Voice Over: Claire-Lilith Suscens
Music: Rui Braga, Kevin McLeod
Photos: Tamera and Krameterhof archive, Ecomeda, Steve Lovegrove