This Video Is Amazing, Until It Becomes Blatant Corporate Greenwashing

This starts video starts so well. It points to the futility of small lifestyle tweaks without tackling the bigger underlying issues. It then goes on to poke fun at the "we're here to save you" privileged white male attitude exemplified by certain individuals and NGOs.

All the while you are waiting to find out what the message is going to be... Will it be to rise up to destroy capitalism? Genuine solidarity with frontline communities? On-the-streets movement building based on consensus and real equality? Erm, no. It's buy Rainforest Alliance certified crap. That's right, getting yourself a jar of Nescafe coffee or box of PG tips tea with a little frog logo on it is what little old you can do to create real and lasting positive change in the world.

The same Rainforest Alliance certification scheme that lead Dutch non-profit Somo to produce a report which found:

Wages with too few benefits or partly being paid in kind and not in cash, gender discrimination,ethnic discrimination, casual workers remaining permanently casual, workers applying pesticides without protective gear, sexual harassment, bad housing and hampered freedom of association and collective bargaining… These are some of the problems that affect tea workers on estates that have received certification from the sustainability standard system Rainforest Alliance

Follow the frog is greenwashing at its worst. Please don't buy the hype or any of their sketchily certified products. You can find out more in their Ethical Consumer article

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