Rap News 24: Israel vs Palestine (2014)

Decades of failed peace talks have led nowhere. But do not lose hope just yet: join Robert Foster as he attempts to host the first ever Middle East Peace Raps, using rhyme and reason to bring together Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu, and a representative of Hamas. We investigate the key arguments, counter-arguments and ad-hominems from both sides. But the picture would not be complete without a thorough discussion of "America's last taboo", as Edward Said once referred to it: the USA's role as Israel's best (and only) buddy in the world (Ok, together with Australia). Featuring special cameos from prominent American Jewish scholar, Dr. Norman Finkelstein, and Palestinian rap legends, DAM, this is an episode for the ages. Join us as we bravely (or perhaps stupidly) take on one of the most bitter, divisive and controversial conflicts of our times: Israel & Palestine.

Written & created by Giordano Nanni & Hugo Farrant in a suburban backyard home studio in Melbourne, Australia, on Wurundjeri Land.


Main beat: "Look Away" by Profetesa:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6mid... (with additional composition work by Giordano Nanni)
MSMBS beat: "Basement Freak" by Profetesa:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTcvj... 
Check out Profetesa Beats here: http://www.profetesa-beats.com 
Ken Oathcarn beat: "K-Kids" by Able8 and Iz:https://soundcloud.com/able8/kay-keeeds

DAM cameo: Massive thanks to Tamer Nafar, Suhell Nafar and Mahmoud Jreri (aka DAM) for appearing in this episode and filming their scene in Ramallah. Check them out at their site:http://www.damrap.com. This collaboration could not have been possible without the help of @LondonBDSGroup, Arianne Shaffer from the Kindle Project: http://kindleproject.org and Amber Fares from Speed Sisters: https://www.facebook.com/speedsisters....

Norman Finkelstein cameo: Awesome gratitude to Norman for agreeing to lend his powerful voice to this episode. We thank Ken Klippenstein for putting us in touch with Norman; and all who helped with the recording and shoot in New York: Nancy Mansour aka Harrabic Tubman, Omar Abarubb (a.k.a Boy Hydro), AymanEl-Sayed (Existenceisresistance.org) and Draf of Damatrix Studios. 

ScarJo cameo: thanks to Scarlett for being a good sport and agreeing to take part. Ok, seriously: Thanks to Ellen Burbidge for her brilliant Scar-Jo impersonation; and to Lucy Cahill for providing the voice. 

All other acting by Hugo & Giordano.

Animations by Rap News fx-wizard, Jonas Schweizer (aka Kookybone)
Amazing prop engineering by Zoë Umlauthttp://www.zoeamandawilson.wordpress.com 
Images by Photoshop ninja Zoe Tame:http://www.visualtonic.com.au 
Make-up courtesy of Rosie Dunlop. 
Filming / video-editing assistance and all round legendary support by Damian Tapley. 
Photography in Israel/Palestine by Suhell Nafar and Dan Cohen.
Captions syncing by Koolfy from http://nurpa.be.
Wigs styled and provided by Rose Chonghttp://www.rosechong.com
Video and music editing by Giordano.

A special thanks to the sage Patrick Wolfe for consultation and conversations about Israel/Palestine; and to DBot and Adso Ferguson for providing invaluable feedback on the script.

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Brilliant talk by Edward Said: 
Norman Finkelstein in action: 
Fun debate between Noam Chomsky & Alan Dershowitz: 
Great read: "America's Last Taboo", by Edward Said:
Video of Palestinian suicide homes viciously attacking Caterpillar bulldozers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EC6C-...

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