In episode two of The Guardian's series on modern masculinity, Iman Amrani met Neil Smedley, a barber shop owner in Leeds. In the interview they did together Neil spoke about a range of issues, some of them very personal, and they felt that they couldn't do his story justice by cutting it all into the second episode, so they're publishing the full interview here for those who want to hear more from him.
In this series, they're speaking to a wide range of voices about the issues that are affecting men and boys in today's society. Watch their series on Modern Masculinity here.
There are a number of issues discussed in the interview, including mental health and suicide. The following organizations provide support for people facing mental health problems:
Samaritans ► or tel 116 123
Calm ► or tel 0800 58 58 58
Mind ► or tel 0300 123 3393