Mar 10, 2016

13 Point Human Rights-Based Revolutionary Agenda

13 Point Human Rights-Based Revolutionary Agenda

REVOLUTION LA is a political discussion group and revolutionary grassroots movement dedicated to building class-consciousness from the bottom-up through community education, outreach and empowerment.

As the struggle of disadvantaged populations continues to widen through mass unemployment, widespread poverty, income disparities and declining standards of living, many of us are now awakening and realize that change needs to transpire on multiple levels- social, economic, environmental, and political.

It is becoming increasingly apparent that our political system is not run by its citizens, but controlled by a network of economic elites and private interests. The fundamental divide of profit over people must change. The well-being and needs of the people must be placed over profit and private interests or else a future of equal access and opportunity will continue to diminish for generations to come.

REVOLUTION LA's mission is to raise awareness of social, economic and political issues through direct action and dialogue with the community, creating the foundation for wide-scale change. Knowledge is a torch of freedom and the fundamental step towards liberation begins with individual empowerment.

We aim to build a peaceful, people-powered revolution of conscientious active participants organized into a united front. Our objective is to help shift public perception towards true progress, creating the framework for a society that benefits the many and not the few.

It will take a collective effort of shared resources and ideas to restructure our world into one that is founded on economic security, equal opportunity and universal human rights. The limits of tyranny and oppression cannot be challenged until we unite and act to reclaim our power.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing.” - Edmund Burke

Below are our 13 points for a revolutionary movement: 

01 Dismantle the Military-Industrial Complex.

Focus on growing the civilian economy; end the empire and permanent war economy. Since 2011, the financial cost of war in the U.S. has reached $1.6 trillion. Our political and economic welfare ...more


02 Public Ownership of Banks.

The banking industry’s unregulated manipulations and privatized monopoly over the market share have directly risked the jobs, homes and savings of millions of Americans, as shown by the ...more


03 Green New Deal. Nationalize Fossil Fuel Industries.

A movement towards a prosperous world requires forward thinking solutions that are both economically empowering and environmentally sustainable. We must transition into a clean energy ...more


04 Guaranteed Living Wage. Right to Employment.

Over the last few decades, an increase in the cost of living coupled with stagnant wages has led to a decreased quality of life for a significant portion of the U.S. population. The United ... more


05 Education Revolution.

Education is not a privilege; it is a human right. We need to foster the intellectual capital of our youth, cultivating students to reach their highest potential through an education ...more


06 Strengthen Labor Power and Worker Co-Ops.

Over the last half century, the labor power of workers have drastically declined and wages have remained stagnant. With unions and collective bargaining rights stripped along with the ... more


07 Universal Publicly Funded Healthcare.

Healthcare is a vital necessity of life that must be afforded to every single person as a fundamental human right. 35 million Americans do not have access to healthcare, with millions more ... more


08 End Globalization. Repeal NAFTA, TPP andInternational Free Trade Agreements.

Corporate free-trade agreements have given rise to the offshoring of production, contributing to stagnant wages and the loss of nearly 5 million U.S. manufacturing jobs over the past 20 years. ... more


09 Restructure the Agriculture Industry.

Agriculture is the largest industry in the world as food is the foundation of civilization, providing the basic sustenance for all of life. As a result of corporate dominance over the ... more


10 Inheritance Cap for the Super-Rich.

One of the most significant systemic flaws in society is the stranglehold of economic prosperity by exclusive groups of private interests. It has become apparent that those with ... more


11 Transparent and Open Government.

Politicians and elected officials must be accountable to the people and not their campaign donors. The American people have been effectively silenced through the corruption of moneyed ... more


12 End Police Brutality, Private Prisons and the War on Drugs.

Police brutality and discrimination against communities of color must end. We support community policing, the demilitarization of police forces, external civilian oversight of police ...more


13 Universal Human Rights.

Human rights are universal and inherent to all human beings, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, or immigration status. We believe the highest aspiration for a nation is that ... more

Activism   Human Rights   Solutions   Sustainability   The Big Picture
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