Lost In Carranza

In the night of October 12th 2015, Pablo Carranza falls back into hard drugs despite his sobriety and battle against years of addiction. Alone in his apartment, filled with regret and guilt, he decides to confess by leaving a final voice message for his first love.


Open letter (director's note) :

« This film, true to life, depicts the story of Pablo Carranza, a young skater from the ghetto, lost and cut off from a system where everything goes too fast for the most vulnerable of us. Struggling in life and prisoner of his own environment, we follow him finding refuge in solitude, religion and hard drugs, anything that could give him the strength to face the harshness of a relentless daily struggle. Through this story of addiction, we wanted to talk about how drugs can affect our dreams, hopes, career and our relationship with others. 

But unfortunately, every shot in this film is true and Pablo has really fallen back into hard drugs in real life during the shooting. Reality has exceeded fiction despite ourselves and it has been very complicated to finish the film thereafter.

This project is different from what we usually see, I think, because we made it from our heart. Today, Pablo is sober and now the time has come to let go of the film. It’s yours. We really hope you will like Lost In Carranza, but more importantly if this film can help some people stop doing drugs, that would be our first victory. Thank you. »


Marin Troude
Film director 


*** Redline International Film Festival - Winner Best Short Documentary ***
*** Short Sweet Film Festival - Winner Best Documentary *** 
*** Mulhouse Tous Courts Film Festival - Winner "Coup de coeur" Jury Prize ***
*** Comète Film Festival - Winner Best Foreign Language Film ***

*** Beverly Hills Film Festival - Opening night, Official Selection *** 
*** American Documentary Film Festival - Opening day, Official Selection ***
*** Catalina Film Festival - Official Selection ***
*** Atlanta Shortsfest - Official Selection ***
*** Spotlight Film Awards - Official Selection ***
*** Sport Film Festival - Official Selection ***
*** Broadway International Film Festival - Opening night, Official Selection ***
*** Burgas Film Festival - Out of Competition ***
*** ECU European Independant Film Festival - Official Selection ***
*** Aux Écrans Du Réel  - First Documentary, Official Selection ***
*** Festival International de La Côte Bleue - Official Selection  ***
*** Festival International du Film d’Éducation (FIFE) - Official Selection  ***
*** Les Rencontres Cinématographiques d'Aix-en-Provence - Out of Competition ***

Directed by Marin Troude
Starring Pablo Carranza
Produced by Hell It's Paradise, Born Wild Agency, Bon Enfant Production
Supported by AV Superfly SF
Distributed by Enibas Distribution
Screenwriter : Marin Troude
Script supervisor : Shannon Santana
Director of photography : Marin Troude
Editing : Marin Troude
Sound mixing : Jim Calamel, PO Gautier
Color grading : Martin Pierret
Subtitles : Julie Coulon
Official film poster : Josephine Peters, Luca Werner
DCP : Media Solution
Country : France, USA

Drug Prohibition   Health   Social Issues
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