Jill Stein Rap Song (Green New Deal)


You have a right to vote, but also have a right to know
All the candidates that ya could be voting for
Yeah ya know Hill and Trump, but there’s still one more
The only candidate left who ain’t a corporate whore!

Still Jill Stein, There’s still Jill Stein
Bernie fans Stop cryin, cause there’s still Jill Stein
Don’t step in line, grow a spine and fight 
Let’s get Jill Stein the mic debate night!

All Hill and Trump do is lie so sign
the petition to get Jill Stein airtime
She’s real, not fake, you can see it with your eyes
She’s the only candidate that doesn’t use hair-dye

While Hill and Trump wine and dine, Jill Stein still strives 
not for the %1 but for the 99
We need to transform to a brighter paradigm 
And Jill Stein is our Optimus Prime!

If ya wanna fix the climate in time like Bill Nye
You’re best bets to get the mic to Jill Stein
Jill was arrested protested the keystone pipeline
Jill’s been arrested protestin 3 times


Ain’t no power like the power of the power of the people (Don’t stop!) 
Ain’t no power like the power of the power of the people don’t stop (Say what?!)
Power to the people, Not a lesser evil 
That’s why I am voting Jill, for a Green New Deal


Her purpose is urgent, Jill’s the doctor to call
She’s more green and appealing than Kermit the frog!
No more corporate control, make healthcare universal
Jill’s green and radical like a ninja turtle

Still Jill Stein is the only candidate 
Who wants Snowden back, and in her cabinet! 
Nukes and fossil fuels? She won’t frack with em 
And she won’t just ease, but erase student debt!

So bail out people, instead of Dow Jones
Ya let’s flip the script like Oliver Stone
Don’t want no more money junkies runnin the country
Jill’s the good, Hill’s the bad, Trump’s the ugly

Bernie was a beast, but Jill is the best
Cording to immortal technique and cornel west
Hill & Trump supporters are like Orc hordes
But Marc Lamont Hill and Aragorn are on our court


Democrypts and ReBloods are just corporate thugs
Green’s the only one that doesn’t take corporate funds
So screw Red and Blue, There’s a Green pill too
If ya knew the truth, it’s Jill you’d choose

Peace, planet, and people over profit
Jill walks the walk, doesn’t just talk shit
And instead of blaming Jill or Hill for a split
Vote Ranked Choice Voting for a win/win

Fight for 15 with a job guarantee
Legalize weed, Stop TPP
Make foreign Wars for oil obsolete, 
with energy efficiency by 2030

If you’re freaked by the DNC leaks 
For real democracy and peace
Get mean & green like TMNT 
‘n’ Tell the oligarchy to get the hell up off me!


Activism   Politics   Sustainability
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