Infamous right-wing billionaires Rupert Murdoch and the Koch Brothers are threatening to buy the Tribune Company, which publishes the Los Angeles Times and the Chicago Tribune. Enough - let's buy the Tribune Company ourselves, and free the press.
Join the experiment, donate now!
So Here's The Scoop:
The Tribune Company which houses the Los Angeles Times, The Balitimore Sun and The Chicago Tribune (along with many other local newspapers) is up for sale!

The Bad News: The only people who are bidding on it right now are infamous right-wing Billionaires, who are likely to pay something around a $660 Million pricetag to control a big slice of trusted news media.

Rupert Murdoch, owner of Newscorp which houses Fox News and the New York Post, is one bidder:

And David and Charles Koch, the notorious funders of climate science denial and Tea Party thinktanks/media, are the other bidders:

The Good News: Instead of sitting back an allowing whichever victor to manipulate us through the media, we've decided to stage an intervention. And we want you to join us.
We thought...

That's why it's time for a...

Together, we can solve or at least begin to seriously address the big problems like how...

So, what would it actually take to crowdfund the kind of money that Murdoch and the Kochs are throwing at the Tribune Company? Something like this:

Yes, we're trying to make a point here.
And yes, some might say we're tilting at corporate windmills - but someone's got to do it. We need to get the conversation on media ownership started.
And what if by some freak miracle we do begin to approach the ridiculous sum of $660 Million? (That would be weird, but weirder things have happened - trust us.) What if we really do change the game of Billionaires vs. The Rest Of Us? It can't hurt to try, can it?
DONATE NOW! (If they don't reach their goal, you get your full donation back)