A Burning Question: Propaganda & The Denial Of Climate Change (2012) (trailer)

Climate change has been hailed as "the biggest challenge to mankind in human history" and has also been called "the biggest swindle". Today many people are confused as to what climate change is and what consequences lie ahead for Ireland in the near and distant future. In this documentary Duncan Stewart takes us on a journey exploring the gap between public perceptions of climate change, what the scientists are trying to tell us and what role the media are playing.

Paleoclimatologist Professor Jennifer McElwain takes us on a journey through time and the Earth's history using evidence found in fossilized plants and shows us that climates have changed before. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon stresses the urgency of dealing with climate change. President Mary Robinson explains why public confusion still exists and who is responsible.

This documentary makes it clear that a big gap exists between public opinion, the media and respected climate scientists. Some argue that the information available only acts to scare and carbon taxes and green agendas have been pushed on us to change the way we live. What are the real consequences of Climate change going to be for Ireland? Will we find our cities underwater or will we experience longer, hotter summers? What does climate change really mean for Ireland?Climate change has been hailed as "the biggest challenge to mankind in human history" and has also been called "the biggest swindle". Today many people are confused as to what climate change is and what consequences lie ahead for Ireland in the near and distant future.

Climate Change   Environment
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