181-240 of 1,024 results
"For the first time in history, humanity has a story that has the potential to unite us all. As we embody the natural impulse of evolution within us, we create a powerful field connecting cocreators worldwide in a unique self symphony of human genius, innovation and synergy...
5 min
An Imagined Letter from Covid-19 to Humans
Stop. Just stop.
It is no longer a request. It is a mandate.
We will help you.
We will bring the supersonic, high speed merry-go-round to a halt
We will stop
the planes
the trains
the schools
the malls
the meetings
the frenetic...
4 min
This bears repeating: Humans are not inherently toxic and destructive. Humanity is not a cancer.
Frightening commentary has emerged among liberals committing to a protest-vote against both Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden. Proponents argue that, in some undescribed way, their protest-vote will send to these front-runners the “signal” that they are not entitled to our...
Ariän El-Taher
This video explores the reasons to vote for Bernie Sanders over other candidates in the 2020 Democratic primary election.
11 min
Astronomer Carl Sagan's landmark 13-part science series takes you on an awe-inspiring cosmic journey to the edge of the Universe and back aboard the spaceship of the imagination.
780 min
We must think, act and organize locally, while simultaneously cultivating a global vision and global solidarity.
Ronnie Cummins
"It’s all a question of story. We are in trouble just now because we are in between stories. The Old Story—the account of how the world came to be and how we fit into it—sustained us for a long time. It shaped our emotional attitudes, provided us with life purpose, energized...
Tim Hjersted
Capital is coordinated and globalized. Our struggles against injustice and oppression must be the same.
Noam Chomsky, Paul Shannon, Charles Derber and Suren Moodliar
"This is a poignant situation. A woman is feeling pretty beat down in a pretty dark place who loves art, but shuts down when the question "what's the point?" inevitably creeps into her mind."- Charles Eisenstein
7 min
"Run to the rescue with love, and peace will follow." - River Phoenix
3 min
Even if we elect a better-than-Trump, half-measures candidate, we're still not better off. Our grandchildren will curse us all the same.
Thomas Neuburger
Some people are starting to talk about regenerative cultures as possible pathways towards a thriving future of people unfolding their unique potential within the context of the communities and regions they help to regenerate — cultures that are healthy, resilient and...
Daniel Christian Wahl
Divide-and-conquer allows the oligarchy free rein. It makes the rest of us puppets, fighting each other on a made-up stage.
Robert Reich
“It is extremely important for our democracy to function that ordinary citizens understand the key issues and basic theories of economics.” – Ha-Joon Chang
385 min
John Perkins describes the methods he used to bribe and threaten the heads of state of countries on four continents in order to create a global empire and he reveals how the leaders who did not “play the game" were assassinated or overthrown.
19 min
In the often polarizing and intense debates on identity politics you often encounter three talking points from those who oppose those who criticise identity politics. First, that all politics is identity politics. Second, critics of so called “identity politics” ignore the...
Ralph Leonard
The visionary goal of Project Drawdown, founded by Paul Hawken, is to actually reverse global warming by drawing carbon out of the atmosphere back down to pre-industrial levels. All the practices and technologies documented in Paul’s best-selling "Drawdown" book are already...
33 min
"The overarching theme of Climate: A New Story, the book that I wrote, is really the living planet view of the world." - Charles Eisenstein
17 min
The future of the political party is here. Welcome to the OneNation Party (USA). Our Purpose is...
31 min
I am an archaeologist and a wilderness survival instructor. Because I study societies that have collapsed, and since I teach basic outdoor skills, people ask me about what to do in a natural disaster, social upheaval, or some apocalyptic event. Right now, much of that concern...
Chris Begley
In one department of a giant steel mill in northwest Indiana a foreman assigned a white worker to the job of operating a crane. The Black workers in the department felt that on the basis of seniority and job experience, one of them should have been given the job, which...
Noel Ignatin
In the face of economic, social, and ecological breakdown, the inevitable transition is comming. And what it requires from us is beyond the realms of 'activism'.
18 min
Chris Jordan is all in on beauty. After photographing sea birds dying by the dozens from consuming bits of plastic, Chris had a revelation: It was time to refocus in his lens on the awesome beauty of the planet.
16 min
Timothy Scott Bennett director of the film What A Way to Go: Life at the End of Empire and author of the novel All of The Above shares his thoughts on the works of Daniel Quinn, author of Ishmael, The Story of B, Beyond Civilization and other novels.
55 min
We face a perfect storm of environmental, social, technological, economic, geopolitical and other global stressors. These global stressors interact in unpredictable ways. The pace of future shocks is increasing. The prospect for civilizational collapse is real. We need to...
Michael Lerner
[…] have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and do try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able...
Daniel Christian Wahl
"What we take for the reality outside of ourselves can be understood as a story we're telling ourselves about who we are and how the world works." - Charles Eisenstein
13 min
One of the reasons the world is in the state that it is, is because everybody mortgages what is really pulling at their heart to do something abstract. For the thing that they think they have to do for the numbers to work out. - Charles Eisenstein
21 min
At this point in human history, the limits of capitalism and the limits of our species’ life on Earth have converged. We have never been here before, and we cannot go back.
Laurie Adkin
Contrary to what you may have heard, you are needed in this world.
6 min
I see a lot of encouraging signs that civilization is returning to an understanding of a living Earth. - Charles Eisenstein
8 min
Rising inequality and growing political instability are the direct result of decades of bad economic theory, says entrepreneur Nick Hanauer. In a visionary talk, he dismantles the mantra that "greed is good" -- an idea he describes as not only morally corrosive, but also...
18 min
When we talk about sustainability, there's an implication there, that is present in the question "what is it that we want to sustain?" Read "Climate: A New Story" for free at
8 min
We must reduce carbon emissions by 40% in the next 12 years to have a 50% chance of avoiding catastrophe.
Chris Hedges
Tawai is a word the nomadic hunter-gatherers of Borneo use to describe the connection they feel to their forest home. In this dreamy, philosophical and sociological look at life, Bruce Parry (of the BBC's Tribe, Amazon & Arctic) embarks on an immersive odyssey to explore the...
100 min
Produced by S.O.U.L. Documentary, this is a film on the life’s work of late, legendary visionary Jacque Fresco, founder of The Venus Project. The movie features never before seen archival footage and the inspirational last interview of his life.
44 min
Just imagine living in an America that has the policies Bernie & Co. are pushing for. Poverty will be virtually eliminated. Medical and Student Debt Relief will be huge burdens lifted; Medicare for All and Tuition-Free College ensure that those issues never happen again...
In this interview we talk to a former U.S military analyst of the RAND corporation and whistleblower of the Pentagon papers, Daniel Ellsberg, about his personal journey and why he decided to blow the whistle in 1971. Furthermore we delve into his recent book “The Doomsday...
44 min
We must organize to replace existing structures of power with ones capable of coping with the crisis before us.
Chris Hedges
As civilization faces an existential crisis, our leaders demonstrate their inability to respond. Theory of change shows that now is the time for radically new ideas to transform society before it’s too late.
Jeremy Lent
In September of 2011, the state of Georgia executed Troy Davis— a man who the best evidence suggested was innocent. On February 26, 2012, 17-year-old Trayvon Martin was murdered by self-appointed community ‘guardian’ George Zimmerman in Sanford, Florida. Then Michael Brown...
Rob Urie
“All things are interrelated. Everything in the universe is part of a single whole. Everything is connected in some way to everything else. It is therefore possible to understand something only if we can understand how it is connected to everything else.”
Robert Koehler
The most powerful and important organs in the invisible government are the nation’s bloated and unaccountable intelligence agencies.
Chris Hedges
What we are witnessing is not a passive geological event but extermination by capitalism.
Justin Mcbrien
“Humans think in stories rather than in facts, numbers, or equations, and the simpler the story, the better.” Yuval Noah Harari
10 min
Exploring the intimate relationship between self, story, and reality. Join the course at
3 min
An excerpt from a new book by Samuel Alexander and Rupert Read
Samuel Alexander
They say it's the end of the world. We say it's the beginning of the next.
6 min
“Going around New Zealand making a film … like that's not gonna get you anywhere, that's irrational, impractical, unrealistic…”
71 min
It is not as if the internet and age of information is bad, but it's not as if it's good. In this video, Pursuit of Wonder explores why, during an era where there is more information than ever about how to live and be happy, we are more confused and less happy than ever, in...
8 min
The Fridays For Future (FFF) climate strike by high school students may well be one of the most important, yet hardly covered stories by the US media today. During the week of March 15th alone, 1.6 million strikers were counted across 125 countries. This environmental...
Otto Scharmer
Humanity has a lot of problems these days. Climate change, increasing economic inequality, crashing biodiversity, political polarization, and a global debt bubble are just a few of our worries. None of these trends can continue indefinitely without leading to a serious...
Richard Heinberg
In Doughnut Economics by Kate Raworth, we see that markets are inefficient and growth is not the holy grail. It's time for a new economic model: doughnut economics.
45 min
A stunning sensory experience and cinematic meditation on humanity’s massive reengineering of the planet, Anthropocene: The Human Epoch is a years-in-the-making feature documentary from the award-winning team behind Manufactured Landscapes (2006) and Watermark (2013) and...
3 min
Leading spiritual teacher warns that if people cannot save themselves from their own suffering, how can they be expected to worry about the plight of Mother Earth
Jo Confino
How can we create a worldwide, permanent shift to regenerative culture in every sphere of life?
Ruth Gordon
In the Oak-dotted countryside of Southern Portugal lies the Tamera Healing Biotope, one of Earth’s most radical social experiments in human futurism. Tamera began in the “free love” utopian movements of the 1960s’ and 70’s, building upon the insight that the liberation of...
4 min
Back in 2015 the RnB artist Akon grabbed headlines when he claimed that he doesn’t think charities ‘in Africa work’. But was he right?
7 min