661-720 of 1,025
What They're Really Saying When They Say Bernie Sanders Won't Win
Media pundits, when they declare that Bernie won’t win, want us to believe that our history has been foreordained. The pundits, it seems, have been granted supernatural powers, powers that allow them to know exactly what the future holds for us. We need not bother creating...
Occupy The White House
The Revolution   Bernie Sanders is a socialist in the US Senate, the most deliberative, prestigious body of government in a nation that is at the helm of a global capitalist empire. It is an act of political genius for someone to have accomplished such a feat in an era of...
The Psychology of Religion: A Force For Good or Evil?
Is religion the source of conflict, or are deeper problems to blame? Militant atheists such as Richard Dawkins compare religion to a virus which infects human minds and turns potentially rational people into dogmatic automatons, willing to kill and die for their beliefs. But...
The Battle For Compassion
The Battle for Compassion is a film by Jonathan Leighton about what matters and how we can have greater impact in shaping a gentler future for our planet. The film draws on key ideas from his book The Battle for Compassion: Ethics in an Apathetic Universe. He advocates the...
Ecocide: The Psychology of Environmental Destruction
Recent scientific reports about climate change make grim reading. A paper published in The Economic Journal by the respected UK economist Lord Stern states that the models previously used to calculate the economic effects of climate change have been ‘woefully inadequate.’...
How Values Work
Following decades of research and hundreds of cross-cultural studies, psychologists have identified a number of consistently-occurring human values.
The Fermi Paradox - Where Are All The Aliens?
The universe is unbelievably big – trillions of stars and even more planets. Soo… there just has to be life out there, right? But where is it? Why don’t we see any aliens? Where are they? And more importantly, what does this tell us about our own fate in this gigantic and...
What If Our Theories Are Horribly Wrong?
Miasma Theory was universally held and horribly wrong. What else might we be wrong about?
The Oceans Are Not Worth $24 trillion
Some things are beyond measure and beyond price. No amount of money is enough to compensate for the loss of the sacred.
The Bloom Episode 2: Practicing The New World
Part II of The Bloom explores how Transformational Festivals have become incubators and spaces for “Practicing The New World”, where the festivals are produced using a model of CO-CREATION, utilizing an ethos of PARTICIPATION to create these remarkable realities and MODELLING...
Breath of Life
Spectacularly photographed in Europe, Scandinavia, North America and Hawaii, Breath of Life travels the globe in search of the truth behind what appears to be a looming environmental catastrophe. Everyone is telling us how we are destroying our world. BREATH OF LIFE is a film...
Watch a Giant Suction Tube Gobble Up The Earth In This Brilliant Video about Our Economy
Modern production is based on extraction from the planet, and modern finance is based on extraction from the many for the benefit of the very few. What would a new economy look like and how can we rethink our relationship to resources, work and culture? Those are some of the...
The Law of Diminishing Returns
Richard Heinberg explores how — in our economy, the environment, and energy production — we may well be hitting the point of diminishing returns. When previous societies have hit similar limits, they often doubled-down by attempting ever more complex interventions to keep...
The System Is Failing. We All Know It. It's Time to Start Talking about What's Next
Growing inequality, political stalemate, and climate disruption prompt an important insight. When the old ways no longer produce the outcomes we are looking for, something deeper is occurring. It is time to explore genuine alternatives and new models-"the next system."
Requiem For The American Dream
In his final long-form documentary interview - filmed over four years - Chomsky unpacks the principles that have brought us to the crossroads of historically unprecedented inequality. Tracing a half-century of policies designed to favor the most wealthy at the expense of the...
Deep Anger: We need to rediscover something we lost along the way
In a better world, there’d be no reason to write this. In that world, plastic bags would be outlawed, rednecks would voluntarily stop driving those obnoxious Ford F-350s and the yogis in yuppie neighborhoods would stop believing that a hybrid SUV could save the planet. But...
We are in the midst of a global crisis of perspective. We have forgotten the undeniable truth that everything is connected. PLANETARY is a provocative and breathtaking wakeup call, a cross continental, cinematic journey, that explores our cosmic origins and our future as a...
Patriarchy Is Killing Our Planet
The global epidemic of violence against women and their systematic exclusion from the power structures that rule us are integral to man's violent exploitation of Earth and her resources, writes Nafeez Ahmed. The fight to save the Earth must begin with the empowerment of women...
The Lie We Live
Spencer Cathcart raises all the right questions, exposes collective lies and stories we tell ourselves all the while retaining a sense of hope for humanity. This video will challenge your views, values and beliefs in a very direct and unforgiving manner, but it will also...
The Economics of Climate Change
Shifting away from an emphasis on global economic growth toward local economies provides a means to increase meaningful employment, shrink the gap between rich and poor, and tackle climate change.
Why We Need Big Picture Activism
Despite the countless grassroots projects already under way, the global economic juggernaut can seem too powerful to stop. But because more and more of us are becoming aware of how disastrous the global economy is for people and the planet, I believe that the chances for...
Revolution without Upheaval: A Manual Of Change
When we talk about saving the world, what world are we talking about? Not the globe itself, obviously. But also not the biological world—the world of life. The world of life, strangely enough, is not in danger (though thousands and perhaps even millions of species are). Even...
The Time Is Right for a Palace Revolution
PRINCETON, N.J.—Tariq Ali is part of the royalty of the left. His more than 20 books on politics and history, his seven novels, his screenplays and plays and his journalism in the Black Dwarf newspaper, the New Left Review and other publications have made him one of the...
The Realist Approach to The Afterlife: Living On Through Memory and Deeds
Life after death for a pantheist depends entirely on the life of the living. It is achieved through deeds, descendance, inheritance, and remembrance.
When the Grandmothers Awoke
Becoming a global family, one that unites ancient indigenous wisdom with other faith and cultural traditions, is essential if humanity is to overcome the crises of climate change.
Why the Rise of Fascism Is Again the Issue
The US government has repeatedly lied to the public in order to wage war abroad, and control other nations and their resources.
The Little Engine That Couldn't: How We're Preparing Ourselves and Our Children for Extinction
In a recent semi-documentary film called Garbage, a toxic waste disposal engineer was asked how we can stop engulfing the world in our poisons. His answer was, "We'd have to remove everybody from the face of the earth, because humans GENERATE toxic waste, whether it be...
Our Religions: Are they the Religions of Humanity Itself?
Contrary to popular opinion, Charles Darwin did not originate the idea of evolution. By the middle of the 19th century, the mere fact of evolution had been around for a long time, and most thinkers of the time were perfectly content to leave it at that. The absence of a...
The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible - Charles Eisenstein
"There is a vast territory between what we're trying to leave behind, and where we want to go - and we don't have any maps for that territory." - Charles Eisenstein
The Cynic and the Boatbuilder
A story that will change how you think about what kinds of change will *really* make a difference
The End of War
Feedback from my lecture at the Green Party annual meeting has been trickling in, and it seems that the talk wasn’t as well-received as I thought at the time. The people who walked out in the first five minutes – maybe they didn’t have to go to the bathroom after all, as I’d...
The 6 Grand Illusions That Keep Us Enslaved
For a magician to fool his audience his deceit must go unseen, and to this end he crafts an illusion to avert attention from reality. While the audience is entranced, the deceptive act is committed, and for the fool, reality then becomes inexplicably built upon on a lie. That...
The Best Social Change Documentaries of 2014
This round-up features Films For Action's picks for best activist film of 2014, most of which can be watched for free online. Our favorites for the year are at the top of the list.  
There Are Seven Types of People. Which One Are You?
This is an excerpt from The One Idea That Saves the World: A Call to Conscience and A Call to Action by Laurence Overmire.
Prophecy Delivered! Martin Luther King Jr. and the Death of Democracy
“A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.” Democracy is dead. It has always been an afflicted creature - hobbling about - wounded at its very being. An enslaving...
To Change Everything, Start Everywhere
To Change Everything, Start Everywhere! The case for complete self-determination—a guide for the furious, the curious, and the pure of heart.
The New Story: Why Changing the Myth Changes Our world
Alan Heeks explores the pathways that can take us from the ‘old story’ of addictive materialism into a new, creative and regenerative post-industrial society.
Chris Hedges: A Message From the Dispossessed
The terrorist attack in France that took place at the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo was not about free speech. It was not about radical Islam. It did not illustrate the fictitious clash of civilizations. It was a harbinger of an emerging dystopia where the wretched of...
My Call For Humanity | Spoken Word
It is no longer acceptable to live an unfulfilling life, or participate in habits which cause degeneration in health, the environment, and/or relationships.
Is This Country Crazy? Inquiring Minds Elsewhere Want to Know
It’s past time to wake up, America, and look around Americans who live abroad -- more than six million of us worldwide (not counting those who work for the U.S. government) -- often face hard questions about our country from people we live among. European
Decade Of The Protester? Why The Uprisings Are Far From Over
In 2011, TIME Magazine selected “the protester” as its person of the year. Perhaps “person of the decade” would have been a more accurate depiction. We live in tumultuous times. Since 2011, every year seems to have brought more protests, more rebellions, more uprisings —...
Everything's Coming Together While Everything Falls Apart
It was the most thrilling bureaucratic document I’ve ever seen for just one reason: it was dated the 21st day of the month of Thermidor in the Year Six. Written in sepia ink on heavy paper, it recorded an ordinary land auction in France in what we would call the late summer...
Whatever is Neo-Liberalism?
Neo-liberalism, like capitalism, is not usually a consciously accepted ideology it is a descriptive term. In fact neo-liberalism is best understood as the particular form and stage of capitalism that we are suffering under at this present time. Thomas G Clarke of 'Another...
How Whales Change Climate | George Monbiot
When whales were at their historic populations, before their numbers were reduced, it seems that whales might have been responsible for removing tens of millions of tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere every year. Whales change the climate. The return of the great whales, if...
NGOs - Do They help?
NGOs are no longer seen as the blameless agents of benevolence. Dinyar Godrej inspects the charge-sheet against them.
They Sang with a Thousand Tongues: The Poetry of Diversity
Let me tell you a story about how the world began. I promise you the story is not completely false.
The Top Censored Stories of 2014 | Interview with Mickey Huff
Abby Martin interviews, Mickey Huff, Director of Project Censored, about some of the top 25 censored stories of 2014, covering everything from the lack of police brutality statistics to the impact of ocean acidification. 
Mark Corske's Engines of Domination
John Oliver Asks: Columbus Day - How Is This Still A Thing?
Christopher Columbus did a lot of stuff that was way more terrible than "sailing the ocean blue," but we don't learn about that. Columbus Day: How is it still a thing?
25 Thought-Provoking Pieces From A Prize-Winning Polish Cartoonist
Pawel Kuczynski is a Polish artist who specialises in images that make you think hard about the world we live in.
Expecto Patronum: Lessons from Harry Potter for Social Justice Organizing
Have you daydreamed about being a member of an intergenerational social justice organization like the Order of Phoenix? Do you want Dumbledore to be your mentor?
Breaking With Consensus Reality: From the Politics of Consent to the Seduction of Revolution
We who fight to create a freer world face a fundamental contradiction. On one hand, we don’t want to become a vanguard, “leading” or imposing our will on others, as that would run counter to our anti-authoritarian values. On the other hand, we believe with good justification...
Morgan Freeman Narrates the Greatest Story of Our Generation
This 6 minute short film tells the story of the human journey at this critical moment in time. Of all the stories to belong to, this is the story to be a part of. Don't watch it from the sidelines. Don't wait for the experts to figure it out. Ask yourself: how can I become...
Can Civilization Survive "Really Existing Capitalism"? An Interview With Noam Chomsky
For decades now, Noam Chomsky has been widely regarded as the most important intellectual alive (linguist, philosopher, social and political critic) and the leading US dissident since the Vietnam War. Chomsky has published over 100 books and thousands of articles and essays...
Common Mythconceptions: World's Most Contagious Falsehoods
A fun infographic on common myths and misconceptions from the book Knowledge is Beautiful. Click the infographic for a scalable full-size image.
The Radicalization of Phil Donahue
Mr. Donahue says he believed he was blessed, living in the greatest country on earth - but through hosting his show, speaking to people like Chomsky and the Black Panthers, he came to question what he had thought was true.
Neil Turok - The Universe Within
"My goal is to get people thinking and trying to wrap their heads around the amazing things that have been achieved and to dream about what will be achieved."
Whose Consumption Is Killing the planet?
It's not the impoverished billions, and it's not the majority of American consumers, either.
Jane Goodall Encourages Empathy With All Beings
Jane Goodall opens her heart to animals and tells us why we should, too.
Mobilize to Stop Planet Fever: A 10-Point Action Plan for System Change Not Climate Change
When we, as human beings, get a fever, we immediately get worried and take action. After all, we know that if our body temperature rises to 1.5ºC, let alone 2ºC [3.6 ºF] above the normal average, there can be severe damage, while an increase of 4-6ºC [7.2-10.8 ºF] or more can...