601-660 of 1,024 results
Stress kills Mindfulness. Here are Ten Things you can do to avoid it.
Captain Paul Watson
Fermi's Paradox, climate change, capitalism, and collapse are among the subjects discussed in this feature length documentary on the environmental crisis. Interviewees include Bill McKibben, Gary Snyder, Derrick Jensen, Peter D. Ward, Jill Stein, Bill Patzert, Guy McPherson...
84 min
And we're going to create that world together.
Rabbi Michael Lerner and Vandana Shiva
In Terra Nova: Global Revolution and the Healing of Love, Dr. Dieter Duhm presents a vision for a new global culture – a world without war, a society without violence, love free of lies, and a life free of fear. Preview the book here. This video clip is a preview of the...
3 min
To create the conditions for equality and justice, to end the wanton destruction of the environment and begin the process of restoring ecosystems, we need to understand the root causes of the problems we face and strive for systemic change.
Monday, October 12th is Columbus Day, which we have celebrated in this country since the eighteenth century... and that's probably long enough. When you find out the actual facts of what Columbus did when he got to America, you'll find one of the darkest chapters in American...
9 min
Called forth by the enormous challenges of our times, a powerful new movement is emerging with the potential to change our world. Evolutionary spirituality is a new, integral vision bringing spirituality into social action—infusing a deep, evolutionary spiritual vision into...
Kavita Byrd
4-minute video of Darth Vader’s choice to serve love, family, and community rather than vicious psychopathic hatred:
For those involved in support of
Carl Herman
Behind the crisis of our time hides the core crisis of human relationships.
Dieter Duhm
The time has come to turn our focus onto the very medium which allows us to connect: The Internet. As we know it today, it has only been around for a short time: it's still an adolescent; still changing and growing. But even as we speak, powerful forces and interests are...
8 min
In the end, the lesson our culture needs to learn is simple. But before any meaningful change can happen in our world, we need to learn that lesson.
4 min
The Insight Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition is an annual celebration of the most beautiful and spectacular visions of the cosmos by astrophotographers worldwide. In 2015 the competition launched for its seventh year with new categories and more prizes up for...
Royal Museums Greenwich
Sources and transcript: If you want to start a to war, the unwashed masses must be convinced to send their brothers, sons and fathers to die on the front lines. The specter of an external enemy must be etched into their...
17 min
Does it feel like every day you're being told to "call people out" for more and more things? While acknowledging that some people do deserve to be called out for their actions, Brooke Sopelsa talks about an alternative for those who might not deserve it.
2 min
What will happen when the state collapses? Will society descend into lawlessness, or can we seize the opportunity to let our human potential flourish?
Joseph Todd
Abby Martin explores the U.S. Empire, its rise to world hegemony and its impact on people and the planet.
25 min
Humanity, after taking over the driver’s seat of evolution, has crashed it into the brick wall of industrial civilization.
Arun Gupta
If you want to do more than just feel good, ask the Big Questions about poverty and we can expose its root causes and get real answers about how to stop creating it.
2 min
In attempting to answer the question "how to win a holy war?" Matthew Cooke begins by trying to define what is "holy" and guides us on a wonderful journey toward oneness.
6 min
At her home just north of Tuai, a small town in the mountains of the North Island of Aotearoa New Zealand, Dr. Rangimarie Turuki Rose Pere shares some of the beliefs of her culture. Rose welcomes people from all over the world into her home to talk about ancient Maori ways...
2 min
Focusing on privilege diverts attention away from the real villains.
Connor Kilpatrick
Rather than creating an individualized “culture of giving,” we should be challenging capitalism’s institutionalized taking.
Mathew Snow
I'm disappearing for a while. Thank you to everyone who's watched and spread the Trews. I know that real change is coming. Russell X
11 min
It’s all a bit overwhelming, isn’t it? Inequality is rising, and services are being cut to those who most need them. Our eco-system is teetering on the edge, and oil companies are controlling the climate agenda. Multinationals are booming off the labour of the poorest, racism...
No Longer Powerless
Victim-blaming is rife in today’s world. Claiming benefits? You’re called a scrounger. Fleeing war? You’ll be criticised for spoiling someone’s holiday. Suffer from mental health problems? Maybe
George West
This is a clip from The Economics of Happiness. Watch it here (skip to the 10-minute mark to pick up where this clip ends)
9 min
No Longer Powerless tells the stories of women fighting for a better world. Read their stories. Share your stories. Stand up and be counted.
Even when a dentist kills an adored lion, and everyone is furious, there’s loftier righteousness to be had.
James Hamblin
For more information visit the official web site: thevenusproject.comFacebook:
4 min
In Margaret Atwood’s powerful essay [It’s Not Climate Change — It’s Everything Change] on the reality of climate change — and its implications for the future of oil-dependent industrial civilization — she tells two vastly distinct stories of our future.
Nafeez Ahmed
It`s time to embrace the revival of the arcane, to reacquaint our selves with the living planet that sustains us. It`s time to return inward to the heart, into nature, into stillness, back to basics... to a state of being where we can feel the great life pulse of the...
6 min
“Horrendous inequity whereby a few hundred people possess half of Earth’s wealth as more than one billion live on less than $1.50/day is evil incarnate and will kill us all… The human family will only avert biosphere collapse if we choose to live more simply, share more with...
Dr. Glen Barry
The elaborate myth of racial difference that was created to sustain American slavery persists today. Slavery did not end in 1865, it evolved.
6 min
Zulu Sangoma (healer) Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa calls on all human beings to awaken the mother mind, that part of human consciousness that feels what is happening in the world.
2 min
Exctract from Zeitgeist: Addendum featuring "ecomomic hitman" John Perkins.
24 min
The recently published piece titled ‘The Likely Cause of Addiction Has Been Discovered, and It Is Not What You Think' gave me a lot of food for thought for how we relate to the phenomena of addiction, and how society goes about treating it.
As a budding cultural ecologist...
Sarah Levine
The best news for a good Anthropocene is that the human brain is a master at learning and relearning and that “rewiring” takes place all the time. Until old age, learning processes can cancel out old habits. Addictive and behavioral pitfalls can be replaced with new ways of...
Christian Schwägerl
This knowledge isn't supposed to make us afraid - it's meant to stir our hearts into action - to give us the fire that we can use to save everything we love.
3 min
"There are no bullets, but it's a war in which people are dying... And the principle weapon, is debt."
This clip is taken from the beginning of the film War By Other Means (1992), by John Pilger. Watch the full documentary online here. It may be over 2 decades old, but it...
3 min
This multi-part video series highlights the impact of systemic racism on our everyday lives. And yeah, it's really a thing.
In each 1 minute video, a different example of systemic racism is covered:
Part 1: Wealth Gap
Part 2: Employment
Part 3: Housing Discrimination
8 min
In this video we break down in simple terms the only way "those in power" can stay in power. It's not as complex at it may seem. They need us more than we need them.
5 min
Ever since Bill Clinton and the World Bank enthusiastically embraced the microfinance concept in the 1990s, we at Local Futures have been skeptical of its benefits, seeing it as part of a whole package of “market solutions” to our social and environmental crises that, in the...
Helena Norberg-Hodge
Ever since the Occupy movement coined the terms “the 1%” and “the 99%” to point out disparities of wealth and power, the gap between rich and poor has received a lot of attention. In his highly-regarded 2014 book, Capital in the Twenty-first Century, for example, Thomas...
It's official: the planet is entering a "sixth great extinction" that even the most conservative estimates show is killing off species at rates far higher than the previous five mass die-offs—and humanity is both at fault...and at risk.
A joint study by scientists from...
Nadia Prupis
The latest evidence shows with a high degree of confidence that we are currently undergoing Earth’s 6th Mass Extinction Event.
Bob Novella
“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” ~Jiddu Krishnamurti
Since the day you emerged into this bizarre, sparkling universe, you’ve been conditioned to think in certain ways.
Jordan Bates
This pamphlet gives an excellent analysis and debunking of conspiracy theories and proposes a practical alternative for emancipation.
Will, Chino, Saudade, Mamos
A movement is taking over America - the movement against inequality.
A more beautiful, egalitarian and regenerative world is possible. Take this library and use it to inspire global change!
Is there a belief about the Universe or about ourselves that causes all of the conflict in the world?
Chris Agnos
How large is Africa compared to the United States, or Western Europe? Most inhabitants of the latter places might guess it is a little larger, but few would have any idea of the scale of the difference. This has led German graphics designer Kai Krause to produce this map to...
Stephen Luntz
When you take a moment and look around at the world, things can appear pretty messed up. Take 5 or 10 minutes and watch the 6 o’clock news. Chances are, the entire time, all you are going to see is war, conflict, death, illness, etc. Sure, this is part of the mainstream...
Joe Martino
We don’t have to pick sides in this movement. We are all on the same side. We are all on the side of justice.
There is place where sex, creed and ethnicity do not harbor division. A place where everyone is military trained so that having a police force becomes obsolete. A place where civilian females, instead of asking for permission, instead of waiting for outside help, have taken...
8 min
The most difficult challenge facing humanity is not devising solutions to the energy crisis or climate crisis; rather, it is bringing stories or narratives of the human journey into our collective awareness that empower us to look beyond a future of great adversity and to see...
Duane Elgin
Maybe all this campaign talk about a Political Revolution will fade away.
From the tar sands of Alberta to the Port of Seattle to the communities in the blast zone of oil trains, organizers across North America are calling for a "wave of resistance" this fall to "shut down the economic and political systems threatening our survival."
Under the...
Sarah Lazare
Media pundits, when they declare that Bernie won’t win, want us to believe that our history has been foreordained. The pundits, it seems, have been granted supernatural powers, powers that allow them to know exactly what the future holds for us. We need not bother creating...