841-900 of 1,025
Dubai and the Fantasies of Civilization
Dubai is an interesting city. A thriving futuristic metropolis in the heart of the desert considered to be the crown jewel of modernity with indoor ski resorts, gulf courses, fully computerized metros, giant air-conditioned shopping malls, and the tallest skyscrapers in the...
30 Years, One Earth: The Planet As Digital Flip Book
Astonishing timelapse pictures of a growing, changing, withering, clearly finite planet have been unveiled from Landsat, a satellite project launched in 1972 by NASA, Google, the U.S. Geological Survey and others. Over three decades of minute-by-minute global change, watch...
Get Apocalyptic: Why Radical is the New Normal
Feeling anxious about life in a broken economy on a strained planet? Turn despair into action.
The Moneyless Manifesto by Mark Boyle
Mark Boyle's new book, The Moneyless Manifesto explores in-depth the social, personal, ecological and economic reasons why we may want to transition beyond money into a localised, gift-based economic model. In it he also provides a vast toolkit of ways you can thrive with...
It's The Greatest Drama of All Time and You Just Might Be Missing It
When you're glued to the latest series of a show like Game of Thrones, caught up in the drama, the twists and turns of the plot, you may be missing the most intricate, massive drama imaginable; the one happening all around you, in real time. 
Counter-Intelligence: Shining a Light on Black Operations
"Scott Noble may have outdone himself with Counter Intelligence. The Psywar filmmaker amassed a tour de force of power elite and deep state scholars weighing in and synthesizing decades of research. From the rise of the national security state and mass proliferation of...
Celebrate Interdependence Day on July 4
What would it mean for us to reclaim July 4th not as a celebration of militarism, but as a celebration of our interdependence?
Surviving Progress
Humanity's ascent is often measured by the speed of progress. But what if progress is actually spiraling us downwards, towards collapse? Ronald Wright, whose best-seller, A Short History Of Progress inspired Surviving Progress, shows how past civilizations were destroyed by...
Eve of Destruction (or How to Destroy a Planet Without Really Trying)
What is the future likely to bring?  A reasonable stance might be to try to look at the human species from the outside.  So imagine that you’re an extraterrestrial observer who is trying to figure out what’s happening here or, for that matter, imagine you’re an historian...
The Most Astounding Fact about the Universe
This is Neil Degrasse Tyson's response when asked to describe the most astounding fact about the universe. Background music is the cinematic orchestra - To build a home.
The Emergent Conspiracy of Culture: How the Ruling Class Is Held Captive to a Toxic Cultural Story Like the Rest of Us
Is mass media used to manipulate the public? Yes, undoubtedly so. Numerous examples illustrate this point, with intellectuals like Noam Chomsky and Norman Solomon highlighting it, and figures like
Earth Democracy
Vandana Shiva explains the concept of a deeper democracy called "Earth Democracy."
Everything Is Rigged: The Biggest Price-Fixing Scandal Ever
The Illuminati were amateurs. The second huge financial scandal of the year reveals the real international conspiracy: There's no price the big banks can't fix
Alex Jones is Phoning It In (More Evidence of Jones Making a Mockery of Criticism of the Government)
Alex Jones must be either getting lazy or think his readers are really dumb, because his grand theory about the Boston Marathon bombings is the sloppiest concocted narrative we’ve seen since that dog ate your homework. Of course, Jones and his comrades at InfoWars...
The Rare Non-Sucky Infographic on Climate Change
There was a time in the distant past — call it the late 2000s — when infographics seemed like a good idea. You can pack all kinds of info into a visually appealing file that’s easy to share! What could go wrong?
The Mona Lisa Curse (2008) (trailer)
In The Mona Lisa Curse, art critic Robert Hughes subjected present-day commercialisation of art to a withering criticism. It's a damning indictment of the general tendency of art to degenerate into flashy triviality to the degree that it subordinates itself to money-making...
A New Story of the People | Charles Eisenstein
The old story of our culture is losing its meaning for more and more people. Perhaps almost everyone can feel it these days. But a new story is emerging too - one that recognizes some long forgotten truths about who we are and our relationship to the world.
People Are Waking Up
People are waking up. They're getting involved. They're saying, "Not another day! This is where I mark the line." Their desire to change the world is turning from simple wishful thinking on Monday mornings into tangible action. The thoughts they used to have only occasionally...
Peter Joseph, Zeitgeist Movement Founder on The Young Turks
This week, Cenk Uygur sits down with Peter Joseph, founder of the Zeitgeist movement and creator of Zeitgeist: Moving Forward. The Zeitgeist movement's goal is to create global sustainability by changing established social systems. Can people save the world by changing...
They Say You Are What You Eat, In This Case It's A Pissed Off Talking Sausage
A hungry young man gets served some serious food for thought when a sausage starts telling his dramatic life story. What he hears will change his life forever.
Ashes And Snow
Exploring the shared language and poetic sensibilities of all animals.
Featuring no conventional narrative, this film presents footage of people, places and things from around the world. From chaotic cities to barren wilderness, the movie takes viewers around the globe to witness a variety of spectacles in both natural and technological realms...
CONTINUUM (2013) (trailer)
CONTINUUM is a feature length documentary telling the story of where we came from, who we are, and the possibilities of our future.
A Cosmic Journey into the Fractal Universe
The realm we exist in is so unimaginably huge, yet so incredibly detailed. We couldn't even begin to comprehend the true complexity of this cosmic domain. 
This is our Energy Reality
Energy is at the heart of the human predicament in the twenty-first century, and we now face a transformational moment in our energy story. As we leave the age of seemingly cheap and plentiful fossil fuels and enter an era of extreme energy, the ever-rising financial, social...
From Education to Economics: These Are The 40 Best Social Change Documentaries You Have to See
Over the last 7 years, Films For Action has been cataloging an online library of the best social change films that can be watched free online. Opting for quality over quantity, the site has grown slowly to include 500 documentaries and 900 short films, trailers and...
The War on Consciousness: Graham Hancock at TEDxWhitechapel
Graham Hancock tells the story of his 24-year relationship with cannabis brought to an abrupt halt in 2011 after an encounter with ayahuasca, the sacred visionary brew of the Amazon. Along the way he explores the mystery of death, the problem of consciousness, and the...
A Moral Question
If you don't have a moral question in your governing process, then you don't have a process that's going to survive." -Oren Lyons, Faithkeeper, Turtle Clan. 
The Citizen's Oath
The #1 demand of both the Occupy Movement & the Tea Party has been to end the bribing of our public officials to once and for all have a government of the people, for the people, and by the people. This is one thing we can all agree on.
The Astronauts Who Saw This Were Never the Same Again
On the 40th anniversary of the famous ‘Blue Marble’ photograph taken of Earth from space, Planetary Collective presents a short film documenting astronauts’ life-changing stories of seeing the Earth from the outside – a perspective-altering experience often described as the...
20 Big Ideas for Creating a Democratized Economy
The economic collapse of 2008 came at the end of three decades of stagnant wages that resulted in record household debt and made it apparent that the economy does not work for most Americans. 
From Consumerism to Climate Change: 41 Outstanding Documentaries You Have to See
Over the last 7 years, Films For Action has been cataloging an online library of the best social change films that can be watched free online. Opting for quality over quantity, the site has grown slowly to include 500 documentaries and 900 short films, trailers and...
Fall and Winter
This stunning film takes you on a hypnotic journey, reaching to the past to understand the origins of the catastrophic environmental transitions we now face. Over two years, director Matt Anderson traveled 16,000 miles to document firsthand our modern industrial world and the...
This is a film based on the book "Death of the Liberal Class" by journalist and Pulitzer prize winner, Chris Hedges.
Reconvergence (2012) (trailer)
"An epic rumination on the nature of modern human existence." -Maryland Film Festival At the core of humankind's ethos is an ongoing struggle to come to terms with the impermanence of self. Reconvergence offers an intriguing exploration of mortality, consciousness and...
Everyday Rebellion
Everyday Rebellion is a documentary about the power of the peaceful protests and the new forms of civil disobedience in a time of global upheaval. Featuring Femen, The Yes Men, Srdja Popovic, Reverend Billy And The Stop Shopping Gospel Choir, John Jackson, Monica Hunken, Amin...
Oliver Stone: The Untold History Of The United States
There is a classified America we were never meant to see. From Academy Award®-winning writer/director Oliver Stone, this ten-part documentary series looks back at human events that at the time went under reported, but that crucially shaped America's unique and complex history...
The Real Invasion of Africa and Other Not-Made-for-Hollywood Holy Wars
The "Islamic terrorism" that is an excuse for the enduring theft of Africa's vast store of minerals was all but invented by US, Pakistani and British intelligence agencies, which created the mujahedin of al-Qaeda and the Taliban.
Cultural Creatives 1.0: The (R)evolution
Featuring many key figures from Europe and the U.S., this is the first documentary film to look with scientific thoroughness at the world of Cultural Creatives. It shows that a great mass of people think differently from the way propagated by the media and promoted by the...
Four Horsemen
The modern day Four Horsemen continue to ride roughshod over the people who can least afford it. Crises are converging when governments, religion and mainstream economists have stalled. 23 international thinkers come together and break their silence about how the world...
Earth Keepers: A Survival Guide for a Planet in Peril
This documentary invites viewers to follow environmentalist Mikael Rioux as he meets exceptional men and women behind innovative projects for the future of society.
Plan B: Mobilizing to Save Civilization
"Plan B" provides a glimpse into a new and emerging economy based upon renewable resources as well as strategies to avoid the growing threat of climate change. As prices rise, oil insecurity deepens, and concerns about carbon emissions cast a shadow over the future of fossil...
How to Boil a Frog (Interview with the Filmmaker)
Peak Moment 187: Filmmaker Jon Cooksey is one funny guy, even while presenting the most serious problems facing humanity. In this fast-paced conversation, he gallops all over the map with five big problems, five big solutions, and a playful and heartfelt approach. Wacky...
'Propaganda' Review - Pyongyang Style
If YouTube was a race, gold would go to South Korea with Psy’s ‘Gangnam Style’ easily topping one billion hits, while silver would go to North Korea for it's documentary ‘Propaganda’ currently sitting at 1.3 million hits. This ha
Farm to Fridge - The Truth Behind Meat Production
Narrated by Oscar-nominee James Cromwell, this powerful film takes viewers on an eye-opening exploration behind the closed doors of the nation's largest industrial farms, hatcheries, and slaughter plants -- revealing the often-unseen journey that animals make from Farm to Fridge.
On Modern Servitude
The central objective of this film is to reveal man's condition as a modern slave within the context of the totalitarian mercantile system and to show the forms of mystification which mask his servile condition. Its aim is to attack head on the dominant world organization...
Their Future in Your Hands
Their Future in Your Hands is a great new video resource that is ideal for stimulating discussion about animal rights in subjects such as citizenship, English, RE and sixth form general studies. The film demonstrates that animals have rich emotional lives - in many ways...
Crossroads: Labor Pains of a New Worldview
Crossroads: Labor Pains of a New Worldview is a documentary exploring the depths of the current human condition and the emergence of a worldview that is recreating our world from the inside out. Weaving together insights and findings from biology, psychology, network...
Thrive: The Story is Wrong but the Spirit is Right
"What is keeping us from thriving?" asks the new movie, Thrive. The answer it gives is "the global elite," the people who control the financial system that in turn controls everything else. Operating through the power institutions of our society, this elite pursues a...
An Animated History of Taker Culture in 4 Minutes
Self-described civilized man, belonging to the culture known as the Takers. What an extraordinary creature. He has walked on the moon and created the worldwide web that connects billions of people like us right here. But there is a darker side of Taker culture, a history that...
Symphony of the Soil
Drawing from ancient knowledge and cutting edge science, Symphony of the Soil is an artistic exploration of the miraculous substance soil. By understanding the elaborate relationships and mutuality between soil, water, the atmosphere, plants and animals, we come to appreciate...
Occupied Cascadia
Occupied Cascadia is a documentary film both journalistic and expressionistic. Exploring the emerging understanding of bioregionalism within the lands and waters of the Northeast Pacific Rim, the filmmakers interweave intimate landscape portraits with human voices both...
Labor: the New Gold Standard
This article proposes issuing Hour-denominated currency nationwide, to stimulate creative and ecological economies, make grants to community groups, and make interest-free loans. Twenty years ago I started printing money.  Soon after, residents of Ithaca, New York, began...
Does the Crisis of Civilization have Modern Origins?
This is an excerpt from the two-part, 60-minute DVD. In it, Daniel Quinn proposes that the modern environmental crisis has its origins in the agricultural revolution that began about ten thousand years ago. At that time, humans developed a vision of themselves as the pinnacle...
New World Order or Business as Usual? -- an Open Letter to Supporters of Infowars and Alex Jones
Many of you have visited the Films For Action website and asked us why we have not posted any Alex Jones documentaries or included Infowars, Prision Planet, Natural News or other like-minded sites on our list of recommended independent media.
Take Nothing for Granted
What do you take for granted? Hopefully, we feel gratitude for all that we do have.  I made this film to inspire us to be grateful for and protect all that we have. 
A History of Beliefs about the New World Order in Popular Culture
As a conspiracy theory, the term New World Order or NWO refers to the emergence of a totalitarian one-world government.
She's Alive... Beautiful... Finite... Hurting... Worth Dying for.
This is a non-commercial attempt from Sanctuary Asia to highlight the fact that the world leaders, the irresponsible corporations and mindless 'consumers', are combining to destroy life on earth. This video is dedicated to all who died fighting for the planet and those whose...