721-780 of 1,025
The Path of Positive Resistance
Bill Moyers speaks with doctors Jill Stein and Margaret Flowers about their personal journeys, what they have learned about our political system along the way and why they continue to fight the good fight.  JILL STEIN: "We who long for democracy, justice, sustainability...
Wealth Illusion, Structural Violence & The Fear of Truth
Abby Martin interviews the creator of the Zeitgeist Movement, Peter Joseph, covering everything from the upcoming Zeitgeist Festival in Los Angeles on October 4th to economic and societal solutions to global problems ranging from environmental destruction to mass inequality.
Indigenous Peoples Connect The Dots At Climate March in New York
Indigenous leaders at the Peoples Climate March in New York speak to the urgency of Climate Change and the need for all of us to be #IdleNoMore. From the Amazon to the Arctic, Indigenous Peoples are defending our climate and teaching allies about how extractive industries are...
Why I Think This World Should End
Sorry if this offends you. - Prince Ea
This Is The "Living on Earth 101" Primer Every Human Needs To See. And It's Only 52 Seconds.
This Wombat has some simple instructions for living on Earth. A great reminder for sure!
Why End War - In 2 Minutes
Why we should end all war, explained in 2 minutes.
Russell Brand: Is British PM David Cameron More Dangerous Than ISIS?
David Cameron outlined new anti-terror measures this week but is the Prime Minister's strategy on terrorism as straightforward as we're being led to believe? The Trews is Russell Brand's analysis of current events, connecting the dots and providing insight and information...
Against Conspiracy Theories - Why Our Activism Must Be Based in Reality
A talk given at Occupy Wellington, New Zealand, to counter the prevalence of conspiracy theories amongst the local wing of the Occupy movement.
What's So Special about Storytelling for Social Change?
A new world requires new stories, but people will only listen to them when they themselves are included in the storyline. This requires a ‘gear-shift’ in conversations about radical action.
Paul Hawken: Regeneration
Paul Hawken is a visionary social entrepreneur, the award-winning author of multiple landmark books including Blessed Unrest, The Ecology of Commerce and Natural Capitalism (co-author), and the Co-Founder of OneSun, a radically innovative solar energy technology company.
Rap News 27: MSMBS World News Headlies
A Rap News summary of the past months' remarkable series of events. From Gaza to Syria, ISIS to Ukraine, Sinkholes to Ebola, Ferguson to Robin Williams, the world has been experiencing a seemingly endless series of events befitting of a Ronald Emmerich movie. How do we manage...
It's The Greatest Love Story of Our Time - A Love Story for the Whole Planet
"The force of love, the force of reunion is unstoppable." - Charles Eisenstein
What's Wrong With Us?
Jeremy Rifkin answers the question, "What's wrong with us?" This is a clip from Occupy Love (2013) by Velcrow Ripper. If this got you interested in watching more, we highly recommend checking out the full documentary here. h...
Only a Society That Is Truly Insane Could Allow This to Happen
Powerful short video remix. Graham Hancock and Joe Rogan discuss our current situation on the planet. The audio was taken from Joe Rogan Experience podcast episode 417.
What is the Meaning of Death? This Man Has Some Words to Share with You.
A good friend of mine, Ian Mackenzie recently shot this short film The Meaning of Death – Stephen Jenkinson.  Hope you are as moved as I was by the film. IN JANUARY this year, I flew out to attend my first full session of the Orphan Wisdom school, founded by Stephen...
The Story That's Destroying the World
Let me start by saying something that sounds controversial but actually isn't:
Towards a New Co-Existence: On Reframing Our Ecological Crises
How we think about and talk about ecological crises and our role in them form the structures of our responses.  This is why thought forms, concepts, frames as George Lakoff calls them, are all central, form the crux, of attempts to protect species and the planet’s systems...
Bill Hicks: It's Just a Ride
The world is like a ride in an amusement park. And when you choose to go on it, you think it's real because that's how powerful our minds are. And the ride goes up and down and round and round. It has thrills and chills and it's very brightly coloured and it's very loud and...
In This Epic Moment of Eco-Social Disruption, The World Is Seeing a Revolutionary Transformation
In this epic moment of radical environmental and social disruption, the world is experiencing the dawn of a revolutionary transformation to becoming an ecologically literate and socially just civilization.
How Can the Crisis of Our Time Be Turned Into a Great Love Story?
“The future belongs to the most compelling story.” — Drew Dellinger Humans are story-makers — we are continually weaving disparate events into coherent narratives. It gives form and substance to our life journey; it gives us meaning. At any given moment, we are making...
How Money Shapes the World...
“A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. They are not dependent on us. We are dependent on them. They are not an interruption in our work. They are the purpose of it. They are not outsiders in our business. They are a part of it. We are not doing them a...
In Love With the Darkness: Finding Hope in a Cynical, Burning World
These past several weeks have been riddled with news that could douse the flame of even the brightest of spirits.
Common Arguments Against Anarchism Explained, and Rebuked
We don't need brutalising hierarchies of power to survive. There's nothing 'natural' about the world we're living in, we are not all inherently evil for no reason, and there is no justification for the domination that we experience in everyday life.
The Global Brain | Peter Russell
Peter Russell’s award-winning video, based on a live audio-visual presentation in 1983. He explores the idea that the Earth is an integrated, self-regulating living organism and asks what function humanity might have for this planetary being. It suggests that we stand on the...
Roy Sesana's Speech Is One of The Most Powerful I have Ever Read: This Is What Leadership Looks Like
Roy Sesana gave this speech when he accepted the Right Livelihood Award in Stockholm in 2005. We read this years ago and wanted to share it with you, because it's one of those rare speeches that we have wanted to read again and again over the years. It is profound and...
The One Simple Truth about Our Existence That Everyone Needs to Know
If humanity came to understand this - everything would change.
The Allure of Societal Breakdown: Admit It - The Thought Kind of Excites You
It is frightening, this transition between worlds, but it is also alluring. Have you ever gotten addicted to doom-and-gloom websites, logging on every day to read the latest evidence that collapse is coming soon, feeling almost let down when Peak Oil didn’t start in 2005, or...
Charles Eisenstein: The Two Great Stories That Give Meaning to Our Lives
What matters in life? Who are we? Every culture has answers to these questions. And the way we answer them has profound effects on the health of people and planet. This is a consciousness-shifting clip from the excellent film "Occupied Cascadia," released online for free by...
Journey of the Universe (2011) (trailer)
Re-imagine the universe's story and see the human connection to the cosmos in new ways. Author and evolutionary philosopher Brian Thomas Swimme shares his infectious curiosity about life's biggest questions and our role as humans in this awe-inspiring universe.
The Tao Te Ching: The Classic Manual on The Art of Living
Wisdom for aspiring leaders and change-makers of every kind
The Lottery of Birth
Do you shape the world or does it shape you? Drawing on leading thinkers from around the world, and with a torrent of mind-expanding ideas and information, THE LOTTERY OF BIRTH will make you think again about what it means to be free.
The Story of the Chinese Farmer
"The whole process of nature is a process of immense complexity and it is really impossible to tell whether something that happens in it is good or bad." A parable about life and nature narrated by Alan Watts, animated by Steve Agnos, and with music by Chris Zabriskie.
World Peace Is a Local Issue
WORLD PEACE IS A LOCAL ISSUE documents how local efforts can impact national issues. The story begins in 1983, showing worldwide efforts to reverse the escalation of the nuclear arms race.
Listen To This Mute: An Angry Speech-Impaired Man Rants about His Country
A mute man rants about everything that is wrong in his country in under 3 minutes and goes on to tell you how you can change everything. A powerful film, relevant in every democracy across the world.
Five Ways of Being That Can Change the World
When you know where to look, you begin to see an unprecedented phenomenon now happening in this world of ours. Be they teachers in favelas, forest defenders, urban farmers, occupiers of Wall Street, designers of windmills, military resisters (the list goes on…), the fact is...
The War in Iraq IS The War in Vietnam...
The Fall of Mosul has made the parallels between Vietnam and Iraq impossible to ignore. This video looks at the connections between the two wars, and discusses one of their many lessons...
The Open Source Revolution Is Coming And It Will Conquer The 1% - Ex CIA Spy
Robert David Steele, former Marine, CIA case officer, and US co-founder o
The Fall of Iraq - What You Aren't Being Told
Iraq is descending into chaos, but not for the reasons you're being fed by the politicians and the mainstream media. In June of 2014 the world watched in shock as an Islamic militant group operating under the name of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (or ISIS), took...
Another World
"Another World" is a film about the grassroots initiatives in Greece that form another world right here and now, away from the crisis and beyond capitalism (Greek narration, English subtitles in captions).
The Accelerated Crash Course
This 'Accelerated' Crash Course video condenses over 4.5 hours' worth of detailed material on the trends most likely to shape your future into an easy-to-follow exploration that takes less than an hour to view. 
The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible (By Charles Eisenstein): A Review
The reader should be aware that this is not your typical review. As a world-weary academic, disillusioned by the failed promises of the ivory tower and its pretensions to inevitability, I think I know full well how reviews ought to proceed. Little wonder Steve Wasserman wrote...
The Myth Of Human Nature | Gabor Mate
Are we competitive, selfish, individualistic creatures by nature? What is human nature, anyway?
The Evolution of Ecological Consciousness | Andrew Faust
Permaculture designer Andrew Faust gives us an inspiring and heady narrative about the evolution of all life and human consciousness on Mother Earth. 
The award-winning documentary film, #ReGENERATION, explores the galvanizing forces behind the Occupy Movement and the state of social activism in our society. The film takes an uncompromising look at the challenges facing today’s youth and young adults as they attempt to...
5 Ways C02 Reduction Isn't The Best Way To Think about Solving Climate Change
Focusing on minimizing a number hasn't worked that well so far. Maybe it's time to try a whole-systems approach.
Taking The Future Into Account
Why do humans have such a hard time taking the future into account? Answering this question with insightful analysis, the film offers strategies for policymakers and individuals who are interested in ways that we can overcome our conditioned habits. In contrast to many films...
Freedom Ahead: Democracy Does Not Offer Freedom, Nature Does
Never before in history have so many people relied on so few for the basic essentials of life.
Earth Pilgrim
A spiritual journey into the ethereal landscape of Dartmoor with Satish Kumar, the world-renowned ecologist & creator of Resurgence magazine. Through changing seasons, Satish walks the moor and explores ancient woods and rivers, home to a wealth of wildlife including red...
A New Story for a New Economy
David Korten's new essay (available to read as a PDF) connects the work of finding a new sacred story with the effort to build a new economy.
The Pursuit of Happiness: A New Development Paradigm
During the 15 years, I lived and worked in Asia as a development professional from 1978 to 1992, I witness a troubling paradox. GDP was growing, incomes were rising, there was an expanding middle class, and a few people were getting fabulously rich. Development seemed to be...
Planet Earth is You
A film to remind all those who have forgotten. And a powerful and inspirational reminder for all of us. Planet Earth is you. 
John Lennon's "Imagine," Made Into a Comic Strip
This is easily the best comic strip ever made.
Top Ten Bill Moyers Videos on the Web
Modern America has a strong generational divide.  Whether it’s cultural or political, there are a wide-range of topics that can be off limits when talking to “the grandparents.”  On the reverse side, it can be hard to listen to the “wisdom” of a generation that’s had such a...
Why Riot?
Two years ago in Seattle, on May 1st, 2012, roughly four to five hundred people engaged in the largest riot the city had seen in more than a decade. Hundreds of thousands of dollars of property were destroyed[i], a minor state of emergency was declared, and the next day’s...
It's a "Story Problem": What's Behind Our Messed-Up Economy
The peoples of earlier times prospered from the guidance of simple stories that offered answers to their deepest questions. We need those now more than ever.
Bill Moyers:  Interview with Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky believes that propaganda is to democracy what violence is to a dictatorship. But he hasn’t lost faith in the power of common people to speak up for the truth. He is known around the world for his revolutionary work on the structure of language, studies he has...
The Only History the US Gov Knows, w/ Neville Chamberlain
Neville Chamberlain is one of the most reviled figures of the 20th Century. His story is fondly repeated, and is treated as if it is universally applicable. Every foreign policy challenge is related back to his failure to be tough. This week we let the man himself explain why...
10 Principles of Radical Ecological Democracy
A Way to Achieve Global Human Happiness Without Destroying the Planet
Pieces of Madrid
This short documentary from the excellent Global Uprisings crew explores ongoing resistance and self-organization in the midst of the economic and social crisis in Madrid, Spain. As social conditions continue to deteriorate across the country, people have been turning to the...