481-540 of 1,025
10 Ways to Resist Right Wing Populism
Stop Analysing and Act!
Rising Women Rising World - Using Feminine Principles to Transform The World
From the incredible team who made Today I Rise - one of the most watched and loved films on this site - comes a short film documenting a conference they ran called Rising Women Rising World.
We Need to Confront an Unjust, Ecocidal system, But Let's Do It Without Hate
Normal is coming unhinged. For the past eight years it has been possible for most people (at least in the relatively privileged classes) to believe that society is sound, that the system, though creaky, basically works, and that the progressive deterioration of everything...
Trump or Clinton: a Choice Between Two Forms of Violence
12 things we can't ignore as America votes.
Films for Action: What We Are Here For
It's hard to believe Films For Action has been around now for 10 years. From our early years focusing on local film screenings to our more recent years, focusing on raising awareness globally via our website and social media, our mission has been to provide a DIY alternative...
Dreaming Beyond Capitalism: a Culture Without Fear
In the 1990s an unusual encounter took place in the Ecuadorian Amazon. In plant rituals, shamans of the Achuar, a tribe living in pristine forest that had never been in touch with Western civilization, received the warning that the “white man” would try to invade their lands...
Nonduality and the Consciousness of 'Things' - Thich Nhat Hanh
Do animals and plants have consciousness? Are electrons alive? Thich Nhat Hanh in dialogue with University of Virginia Astrophysicist Dr. Trinh Xuan Thuan.
Mary Lyons Describes 'The We'
Beautiful. Listen to this. 
No Moral Superpower: Arundhati Roy, Edward Snowden, and the Crimes of Empire
When Arundhati Roy was preparing, in 2014, for a trip to Moscow to meet Edward Snowden, she was troubled by two things.
The Burden of the New Story
The 'new story' - that longed for milieu when all is right with the world and things are set straight - seems to be taking its sweet time coming. Why?
Anarchists - What We Stand For
Anarchism : The word “anarchy” comes from Greek and means “no rulers”. As a political philosophy, anarchism is based on the idea that organization does not require rulers—that people can get together and deal with all the problems facing them, without an authority directing...
We live in a time of great uncertainty and confusion. Events keep happening that seem inexplicable and out of control. Donald Trump, Brexit, the War in Syria, the endless migrant crisis, random bomb attacks. And those who are supposed to be in power are paralysed - they have...
The Wikileaks Top 10 Leaks
WikiLeaks has published 10 million documents over the last 10 years -- an average of 3,000 documents per day. What are the top 10?
Trump Vs Clinton - The Window of Opportunity
Elections 2016... There has never been a better time for a rude awakening.
Open Letter to Sanders' Supporters
In this Open Letter animation, Michael Nagler from the Metta Center for Nonviolence encourages Bernie Sanders' supporters that they don't need to "get over their anger," but harness it because it's a real power—and it can serve as the basis of a major transformation in the...
Humanity's Greatest Challenges Aren't Technical, They're Human
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is incomplete as we commonly know it. Later in his life, Maslow wrote about a stage beyond self-actualization. Nichol Brandford explains how to arrive at this final place.
Edward Snowden Makes Moral Case for Presidential Pardon
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden tells the Guardian’s Ewen MacAskill why he should be granted a pardon by the US government. He also discusses the dangers of Donald Trump’s rhetoric on mass surveillance – and what he makes of Oliver Stone’s new movie
What The Truman Show Teaches Us about Politics
Peter Weir's 1998 film The Truman show can be read as an allegory for the present. Like the fictional town of Seahaven, our own world is experiencing a series of ruptures, like the recession of 2008, the Arab Spring, the killings of young black men by police and our...
Goodbye Democracy and Capitalism
Shifting to new paradigms to replace dysfunctional ones.
Important Free Lesson in Economics from Cambridge University Professor
Ha-Joon Chang is a professor of economics at Cambridge University and a best-selling international author. Author and journalist Owen Jones asked him to provide an argument against much of today's prevailing economic thought. Isn't austerity necessary? Do we have capitalism...
Stunning Summary of US Imperialism and Native Resistance... on MSNBC!
On The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC, Lawrence explains why a protest by Native Americans in North Dakota reminds us of the history American always tries to forget.
The Anthropocene Is Here: Humanity Has Pushed Earth Into a New Epoch
The epoch is thought to have begun in the 1950s, when human activity set global systems on a different trajectory
Let's Stop the Wealth Hoarders
They mindlessly consume wealth — and destroy the planet.
What Does Black Lives Matter Want?
On August 1 the Movement for Black Lives (M4BL), a coalition of over sixty organizations, rolled out “A Vision for Black Lives: Policy Demands for Black Power, Freedom & Justice,” an ambitious document described by the press as the first signs of what young black activists...
Are You Hopeful about the Future? I Am. With Eyes Wide Open. Here's Why.
It is a delicate balance to know how much the world is messed up and still be hopeful about the future. This is something I dance with on a daily basis — while writing about systemic corruption, the angst that arises from&n
What Is My Activism Really About? to Love, Serve and Remember
I have made a promise to this world that I will carry with me to my last days. It is my vow to lessen the suffering of the world while I am here - it is to ensure that every toxic legacy that I inherited from our culture ends with me - and, ideally, ends with all of us, in...
Why You Don't Need to Change the World
Let’s say you’ve found a new sense of awareness or elevated consciousness —  suddenly you feel connected to the beauty of the world, you understand yourself better, and you’re filled with a drive to become better, to nurture yourself and the world around you.
The Revenge of the Lower Classes and the Rise of American Fascism
College-educated elites, on behalf of corporations, carried out the savage neoliberal assault on the working poor. Now they are being made to pay. Their duplicity—embodied in politicians such as Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama—succeeded for decades. These elites...
Cracking the Codes: The System of Racial Inequity
From Shakti Butler, the director of The Way Home: Women Talk About Race in America and Mirrors of Privilege: Making Whiteness Visible , comes a new film that asks America to talk about the causes and consequences of systemic inequity. 
My Enemy, My Brother
This is the real life story about two former enemies who become blood brothers for life: Zahed Haftlang was an Iranian boy who ran away from home to join the army. Najah Aboud was a 19-year old Iraqi who had been conscripted to fight in the war, leaving behind his wife and...
Just Another Day in the Acid Nation
An argument for collective expression.
Why Don't We Take Action on the Global Crisis?
Taking action requires practice, and that means training for it. Simply put, we have not been training to build the skills necessary for actively evolving the institutions of our civilization — so we are not skilled in the practices needed to do the work. Most social change...
How Political Mind Control Works
The illusion of power IS a kind of real power. There is a lesson in this for the majority of humanity.
History Tells Us What May Happen Next With Brexit and Trump
It seems we’re entering another of those stupid seasons humans impose on themselves at fairly regular intervals. I am sketching out here opinions based on information, they may prove right, or may prove wrong, and they’re intended just to challenge and be part of a wider...
The Cultural Sickness That Needs to Be Named
All over the world there is a feeling that something is deeply wrong. It is often felt more than seen, an unnamed darkness that keeps millions (even billions) of people disconnected from the reality of authentic life-affirming experience. Too many of our so-called leaders...
Carl Sagan: We Are One Planet
A stirring speech by the legendary cosmologist Carl Sagan, on the evolution of human consciousness. Decades old but still highly applicable today. "More of us flee from war, oppression and famine today, than at any other time in human history, and the world impoverishes...
15 Films Inspiring and Illuminating the 'New Story' Revolution
Charles Eisenstein is one of the first people I heard talk about the "new story," synthesizing a diverse movement that has been emerging for the last several decades. When I go back far enough, I first heard about these ideas from reading Ishmael by Daniel Quinn when I was...
Wetiko - The Cannibalistic Disease Consuming Our Planet and Society
Wetiko is an Algonquin word for a cannibalistic spirit or thought-form driven by greed, excess and selfish consumption. It deludes it host into believing that consuming the life force of others for self-aggrandizement or profit is a logical and morally upright way to live.
Man in His Arrogance - a Great Speech by Carl Sagan
Sagan's ability to convey his ideas allowed many people to understand the cosmos better—simultaneously emphasizing the value and worthiness of the human race, and the relative insignificance of the Earth in comparison to the Universe. He hosted and, with Ann Druyan, co-wrote...
7 Solutions We Can Support Right Now to Transition to a Resource Based Economy
One of the downsides of presenting such a visionary solution to our global crisis is that it's hard to know where to begin, beyond raising awareness. The gap between where we are now, and where we'd like to go appears so great that it is not at all obvious how the transition...
Communalism: a Liberatory Alternative to the Present System
The belief that what currently exists must necessarily exist is the acid that corrodes all visionary thinking. - Murray Bookchin
"We Want Our Country Back!"  But From What?
Around the time of President Obama's first inauguration, Rich Benjamin noticed a phenomenon: Some towns were getting less diverse. So he got out a map, found the whitest communities in the USA — and moved in.
Now Is the Time to Be Rooted in Reality
In this time of unprecedented global change, we need to be rooted in reality more than ever. Yet it is quite clear — by simply tracking all the ways people make an exodus from “the real” on a daily basis — that we are not doing this individually or as a collective...
For the Love of Bastille
Today must begin a #RevolutionaryLove
Alone Through Iran - One Woman's Incredible 1144 Mile Journey, on Foot
This is a teaser trailer for a feature documentary about Kristina Paltén, a lone Swedish woman, who wanted to challange her own and other's prejudices against islam by running across Iran.
While You’re Busy Mocking Abigail Fisher, the Powerful Racist Forces Behind Her Are Getting a Pass
It might feel good to mock “Becky with the bad grades,” but focusing on her lets the real power players in her anti-affirmative action case off the hook.
My First Journey With Psilocybin Mushrooms
In May 2013, my whole world shifted. At the time, I was living in Amsterdam and I began to feel the call to the Peruvian Amazon to work with the sacred plant medicine ayahuasca.
Joanna Macy: The Courage to See, the Power to Choose
Non-stop war-making, climate chaos, lost harvests, poisoned seas and bodies, refugees in the millions pouring over borders while millions of Americans are locked in prison... How do we relate to such immensities of suffering?
Seven Must-Have Skills for the 21st Century
We live in a world that moves faster than we do. Trying to keep up can be an overwhelming task that at times feels hopeless, like we are falling further and further behind—but it doesn’t have to. We are fully capable of adapting to the changing times, and it begins with...
How We Understand the Crisis Is Part of the Crisis
It was something I heard one dissident professor say when I was an undergraduate studying psychology in a Nigerian university. He didn’t quite say it; he whispered it. When the white men came, they brought us schools and the bible, he intoned. And then we gave them our own...
How Big Oil Conquered the World
From farm to pharmaceutical, diesel truck to dinner plate, pipeline to plastic product, it is impossible to think of an area of our modern-day lives that is not affected by the oil industry. The story of oil is the story of the modern world. And this is the story of those who...
The Three Stories of Our Time
In any great adventure, there are always obstacles in the way. The first hurdle is just to be aware that we, as a civilization and as a species, are facing a crisis point. When looking at the mainstream of our society, and the priorities expressed or goals pursued, it is hard...
Embracing Radical Uncertainty
How to live passionately when we’re not sure how the story will end
How to Let Go of the World and Love All the Things Climate Can't Change
Oscar Nominated director Josh Fox (Gasland) continues in his deeply personal style, investigating climate change – the greatest threat our world has ever known. 
Does Capitalism Blind Us to the Real Fight?
The campaigns to improve our lot under capitalism are endless. Once one form of oppression is dealt with, there’s always another left to tackle, but while engaging in that new fight, the former is bound to return because no progress is ever permanent under capitalism...
The Great Lie of Living on a Dead Planet
The modern era is built on a theory of the Universe as a giant mechanical clock — dead matter with gears and springs.
93 Documentaries to Expand Your Consciousness
This is the crash-course in 'what the hell is going on here' that we surely all wish we got from our education growing up but probably never did.
The Economics of Happiness (Abridged Version)
This is a shortened version of the award-winning feature-length documentary film, The Economics of Happiness. Cut down from 68 minutes to less than 20, it provides an introduction to the concept of localization - a systemic alternative to corporate capitalism - and shows how...
The Boiling Pot of 2016
On the surface, things appear normal. The status quo of life in America circa 2016 isn’t to everyone’s liking, but at least the system is still working after a fashion. The price of oil is going up a bit: that means the cost of driving is also creeping higher, but steeper...
Turning of the Whales (trailer)
Fresh out of college, a skinny nerd with little or no social skills, my worldview heavily influenced by an Enlightenment notion of the 'human', I decided to dedicate my academic energies towards proving the existence of the soul. My map was unimpeachably detailed and...