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The Coming Collapse
It is impossible for any doomed population to grasp how fragile the decayed financial, social and political system is on the eve of implosion.
The Loss of the Immeasureable
Our society has definitely become masters at increasing the amount of things we can measure - more and more money, more and more floor space per capita, more and more GDP, and less and less of the things that we can’t measure - how happy we are, levels of intimacy, the...
Is It Possible to Love All Humanity?
Qualities like gender, ethnicity, and nationality tend to define us more than being human. What happens when we try to identify with all of humanity?
The Climate “Doomsday” Is Already Here
We have already altered the planet — and many have already been harmed by it.
The New Human Rights Movement - Peter Joseph
Peter Joseph speaks at The University of Santa Barbara, CA, Nov. 8th 2017, about the themes from his new book: The New Human Rights Movement. 
Economic Democracy: An Ethically Desirable Socialism That Is Economically Viable
This paper by David Schweickart, published alongside three others, is one of many proposals for a systemic alternative we have published or will be publishing here at the Next System Project. You can read it below, or download the PDF. We have commissioned these papers in...
Did Mushrooms Play a Role in the Evolution of Human Consciousness? - Paul Stamets
Paul Stamets is a mycologist, author and advocate of bioremediation and medicinal fungi. In this animation he describes the incredible properties of fungi as well as an overview of how mushrooms could have played a massive role in the evolution of human consciousness.
MLK’s Anti-War & Economic Radicalism Got Him Killed
On the 50th Anniversary of his death, many of MLK’s economic and radical messages are written out of history. 
The Big Story: Can We Change Civilization by Changing Its Origin Story?
How did humans go from savanna-dwelling primates to moon-bouncing Tide Pod™ eaters? This is the big question that Big History has been trying to answer for millennia. Sure, other ages may have framed the question differently. Pre-Internet historian Herodotus may have asked...
Culture Shift: Redirecting Humanity's Path to a Flourishing Future
It’s time to build a new worldview around a deeper sense of connectedness.
What happens at an ALTER EGO gathering ?
For the past two years, Alter Ego has been gathering new cultural and political leaders to rethink politics and our vision of progress. This is a behind the scenes of our first gathering in 2016, where we explored spirituality as a transformative source of political renewal...
The Coming Collapse + A Positive Course of Action
The United States and the global status quo are rapidly approaching a breaking point. Viewed from the scale of history we're milliseconds away.
How to Navigate the Disorientation of a Seismic World
Our situation may seem hopeless, but we have a rich inheritance of ideas and practices from which we can draw. Monarchies have been overthrown, dictators pulled down. We can take inspiration from past revolutions to build a new framework for the future.
The Promised Land Is Still Not Here
Fifty years after Martin Luther King's assassination, the Left struggles to speak with the kind of moral clarity King exemplified — but that shouldn't stop us from trying.
The Moral Roots of Liberals and Conservatives: Stepping Outside Our Moral Matrix - Jonathan Haidt
Psychologist Jonathan Haidt studies the five moral values that form the basis of our political choices, whether we're left, right, or center. In this eye-opening talk, he pinpoints the moral values that liberals and conservatives tend to honor most. Jonathan Haidt studies how...
Understanding the Blue Church
In my Situational Assessment: 2017, I quoted a post from Reddit: “The Blue Church is panicking because they’ve just witnessed the birth of a new Red Religion. Not
The Transition
Are nations and capitalism still viable systems or are they nearing their end of life? If so, what comes next? How do we deal with climate change and biodiversity loss? How do we make sense of the world and figure out what's true to inform choices? Is humanity going to get...
An Atlas of Real Utopias?
Atlas of Utopias is part of the Transformative Cities initiative, sharing 32 stories of radical transformation that demonstrate that another world is possible, and already exists.
Tribal Revival: The Tribal Basis Of The Next Civilization
True tribalism is a societal balance point
Shootings Are the Symptoms of an American Disease
A gun problem, a shooter problem, a racism problem, a mental health problem, a human problem. A violence problem. Violence. It’s not just a bullet or a knife. It’s an infection That permeates through people, relationships and society. Imagine: You’re bullied by a boss, it...
Will Cuba Become a Test Case for a Post-Postmodern Future?
Metamodern mindfulness offers a new way of thinking about the ideological conflicts of the past.
Daniel Quinn: a Return to Tribalism?
Daniel Quinn is an observer of the failure of modern civilization and an advocate of a return to tribal values. He explores this in his book Beyond Civilization: Humanity Next Great Adventure.
Cultural Appropriation, White Purity and ‘Woke’ Nationalism
While a White Nationalist claims that doing non-white things is tainting the race, the social justice activist claims that doing non-white things is theft. The end result is the same: a pure, untainted, culturally-distinct white race. White Nationalism and Woke Nationalism...
The Abstract Empire of Global Capital
Nonrepresentative Democracy at the Dark Heart of Globalization
Pro-Capitalist School Explains the Value of Understanding Marxism
Karl Marx remains deeply important today not as the man who told us what to replace capitalism with, but as someone who brilliantly pointed out its problems. The School of Life, a pro-Capitalist institution, takes a look.
The Forgotten Hero of My Lai | Hugh Thompson Jr.
On March 16. 1968 American troops murdered over 500 innocent women, old men, and children in the Vietnamese village of My Lai. But it could have been much worse if not for one very brave helicopter pilot: Hugh Thompson Jr.
How to Change the Course of Human History
(at least, the part that's already happened)
Student Debt Cancellation a Viable Option, Economists Say
A new in-depth study on the consequences of canceling all student debt in the US shows that it would help the economy far more than it would cost. We talk to Stephanie Kelton, one of the study's co-authors.
Are We Living in a Patriarchy? (Jordan Peterson vs. Angela Nagle)
This video will ask the question “Do we live in a patriarchy?” In order to answer the question we examine the ideas of three different cultural critics: Angela Nagle, Jordan Peterson, and Nina Power.
Situational Assessment: What We Must Learn from 2016 to Win The Battle of Ideas
In 2015, I took a swing at assessing the shape and state of our global challenges. Looking back, that essay is still well worth a read, but it is high time for an update. While many things have changed in the world in
"A Glitch in the Matrix" - Jordan Peterson, the Intellectual Dark Web & the Mainstream Media
David Fuller: “A Glitch in the Matrix" is about the relationship between truth and reality, the ideological blind spots of the mainstream media and the existential threat of polarisation — all seen through the lens of Jordan Peterson’s recent viral interview with Cathy Newman...
Arkan Lushwala Shares Indigenous Wisdom: The Earth Is Our Mother
Arkan Lushwala has allowed himself to be photographed for the first time ever, so that he could make the video you see here. His message is critical for us, human creatures of the Earth. Powerful and intelligent as we are, we sometimes consider ourselves the rulers of all...
The Children’s Fire: Our Culture’s Missing, Ancient, Core Value
“Can you imagine? Can you imagine our society if we placed the children’s fire at the center of all institutions of power in our government, in our corporations, in our religions, in all institutions of power, if we rekindled the children’s fire and the chiefs of those...
Afro.Germany: Being Black and German
Black and German: news anchor Jana Pareigis has spent her entire life being asked about her skin color. What is it like to be black in Germany? What needs to change? “Where are you from?”
The True Purpose of Government Should Be Investing in People, Not Empire
What is the true purpose of government? Critics would rightly say it's to control and dominate because that's the nature of every government we've known. Every government since the days of feudalism has been corrupted in some form, "captured" in other words, by monied, elite...
To Belong
A collection of poignant love stories from the areas of Wandsworth, Battersea and Tooting in London. Stories of connection, of belonging, of home and identity. A collaboration between the project A Human Love Story and the Wandsworth Fringe in 2016.
An Indigenous View on Oneness
Powerful words from Indigenous Elder, Miliwanga Wurrben, on the only true way to overcome obstacles and fighting in the world.
The Promise of a Million Utopias
This paper by Michael Shuman, published alongside three others, is one of many proposals for a systemic alternative we have published or will be publishing here at the Next System Project. You can read it below, or download the PDF. We have commission
The Tribal Identity - Paradigm for the Next Generation
The next generation needs a paradigm and a code of identity that bind with a sense of purpose, community, and mission; an idea and a feeling that transcend superficial characteristics (like skin color, gender and orientation). 
The Useful Idiocy of Donald Trump
The problem with Donald Trump is not that he is imbecilic and inept—it is that he has surrendered total power to the oligarchic and military elites. They get what they want. They do what they want. Although the president is a one-man wrecking crew aimed at democratic norms...
My Revolution: A Blazing Declaration for Inner & Global Transformation
An inspiring declaration for our times. 
Living the Change: Inspiring Stories for a Sustainable Future
Living the Change explores solutions to the global crises we face today – solutions any one of us can be part of – through the inspiring stories of people pioneering change in their own lives and in their communities in order to live in a sustainable and regenerative...
Opposition to GMOs Is Neither Unscientific Nor Immoral
The pro-and anti-GMO positions will remain polarized until larger questions about the future of food production are addressed.
Films for Action's Vision for the Future
Films For Action is a learning library for people who want to change the world. 
The Good News
I take my “binoculars” and observe the news coming from around the world. I see young people fighting for the Islamic State. I know what atrocities they commit, and the delusional ideas these actions are rooted in, yet I also know that they’re looking for the home and...
The Design Flaw at the Core of Humanity's Malaise
Recognizing the design flaws in our default programming is the first step to envisioning the world we know is possible.
AI Has Already Taken Over - It's Called the Corporation
Futurists warning about the threats of AI are looking in the wrong place. Humanity is already facing an existential threat from an artificial intelligence we created hundreds of years ago. It’s called the Corporation.
Trump: a Catalyst for the Peace Movement?
Donald Trump is the commander-in-chief of the biggest military force on Earth. There's no societal power above him, that's why he can do whatever he wants. What does he want? Or does he, perhaps, not have any own will, and is steered by other powers?
“Improbable Democracy” - Peter Joseph Lecture (9/8/17)
Peter Joseph speaking at The People’s Convergence, Sept 8th 2017, in Washington DC.
Changing How We Think About Change
“The way we are trying to change the world is not going to work, and it’s never going to work” This is the bold statement Deborah Frieze offers as she opens her TEDx talk. In this wonderful video, Deborah offers us a new map for navigating the potential for transformative...
Don’t Be Scared About the End of Capitalism—Be Excited to Build What Comes Next
Instead of fixating on a fight between capitalism and socialism, imagine innovating a future economy that transcends old binaries.
The Great Flood
How many times will we rebuild Florida’s cities, Houston, coastal New Jersey, New Orleans and other population centers ravaged by storms lethally intensified by global warming? At what point, surveying the devastation and knowing more is inevitable, will we walk away, leaving...
The Coming Great Transition
Our global civilization is currently undergoing a tremendous set of transitions that will ultimately result in the dismantling of much of the way that we currently live and the construction of a new “civilization model”. Over the next several months, I will be laying out...
Footage of the Sky Above the Atacama Desert Will Take Your Breath Away
The Atacama desert is home to the darkest and cleanest skies in the world. A view to the night sky rewards with uncountable numbers of stars and fantastic nebulas in one of the quietest and emptiest places on earth. Not a single noise distracts from the grand show the night...
Humans of New York: The Series
From the photo blog phenomenon comes Humans of New York: The Series. Creator Brandon Stanton worked with cinematographer Michael Crommett over four years to create the series. Taken from 1200 interviews, watch people from all walks of life tell stories of life, love, and...
Becoming Midwives for The Great Transition
Culture Designer Joe Brewer on the need for midwives on a planetary scale to help humanity make the transition to its new story.
How (Not) to Challenge Racist Violence
"Protesters are eager to expend extraordinary energy denouncing small-scale racist actors. But what about the large-scale racist actors?"
Democracy At Stake - The Sad State of the US Political System
In this four-part series filmmaker Matthew Cooke joins Patricia Arquette to explore the state of democracy in the United States.
Prince Ea: Will This Be Humanity's Fate?
We all can agree that if Earth dies, we die. So why do so many people keep denying climate change and our impact on this planet? Why do we take our time here for granted? Whether it's the food we eat, companies we support, our daily habits or how we vote, we have the power to...