541-600 of 1,024 results
We can all feel it — the mental disease of late-stage capitalism is causing widespread depression, an epidemic of suicides, chronic feelings of guilt and shame, and a general malaise of powerlessness.
Joe Brewer
Many changes happening around us remain unclear. We need better names and stories for them.
Joe Brewer
Here’s an amazing fact: It’s 2016 and humanity is collectively moving toward a future that nobody wants. We are literally going somewhere that will hurt every single one of us.
Mass extinctions are terrible things. Impoverished societies create the conditions for radical...
Joe Brewer
Feeling trapped on the corporate ladder? You’re not alone… our work culture has become uncaring, toxic and rather dangerous to our well-being.
Sigmund Fraud
From shells to sunflowers, dragonfly eyes to bee hives, you can find amazing connected paterns throughout nature.
4 min
I know it hurts — but what you are feeling (alongside millions of others) is the natural consequence of late-stage capitalism.
Joe Brewer
There is nothing more difficult to plan, nor more dangerous to manage, than the creation of a new system. For the creator has the enmity of all who would profit by the preservation of the old system and merely lukewarm defenders in those who would gain by the new one.”
John Fullerton
When famed New Zealander psychologist, Dr Paul Spong, was first invited by the University of British Columbia to study the sensory apparatus of killer whales at the Vancouver Aquarium, he no doubt thought his time with the cetaceans would be like his other experiments in the...
Renowned Cellular Biologist and author, Bruce Lipton, says the tremendous changes happening in the world today are like a late stage caterpillar. The creature has eaten its full and is now ready for its old self to die and be born anew.
4 min
There's so much pressure on us to be always rational, calm and sensible: it's time also to say a word about the essential normality of a little madness.
4 min
In this episode of Days of Revolt, Chris Hedges interviews climate change activist Tim DeChristopher about the deadly failure of industrial world to confront the effects of climate change. The two discuss how climate change has, and continues to trigger social tension and...
28 min
A New Story For Humanity presents a beautifully and sensitively woven tapestry of the rich diversity that is the human family. Featuring interviews on the essential topics of our time: from cosmology to ecology, from ancient wisdom to current thinking, from leadership to...
3 min
People around the world are increasingly identifying as global citizens, according to a new BBC poll that shines a light on changing attitudes about immigration, inequality, and different economic realities.
Among all 18 countries where public opinion research firm
Nadia Prupis
Every drone flown by the U.S. military has inside a piece of the Democratic Republic of the Congo--a valuable mineral, of which the DRC has trillions of dollars worth buried underground.
27 min
There is widespread recognition among politicians and pundits that Americans are sharply divided by party on virtually all of the big questions facing our country.
Everyone knows this is just the way things are, and it’s why we have gridlock in Congress.
But here’s one...
Robert Weissman
Our system of modern capitalism is just one story; it is not the only one there is. It’s not inherent within us. It isn’t some inevitable expression of predefined Human Nature. It was invented by human beings and so human beings can change it. But in order to get there, we...
Alnoor Ladha and Martin Kirk
Of all the impacts of climate change, one stands out for its inexorable menace, writes Pete Dolack: rising oceans. And it's not just for distant future generations to deal with: new scientific studies show that people alive today may face 6-9 metres of sea level rise flooding...
Pete Dolack
Sharing tales of love is good for our souls, and allows us to be vulnerable with each other, writes Matt Hopwood. In his life changing journey of emotional exploration, he traveled over 1,500 miles in search of stories of the heart. He found them in abundance, along with...
Matt Hopwood
Sometimes I feel this sense of "oneness" in my body and it's hard to describe, but I say 'we're all one' as a verbal way to describe the feeling. At other times oneness is an intellectual idea that I know to be true but I don't feel it in my direct experience.
I have been filming in the Marshall Islands, which lie north of Australia, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Whenever I tell people where I have been, they ask, "Where is that?" If I offer a clue by referring to "Bikini", they say, "You mean the swimsuit."
John Pilger
What is this thing we call... nationalism, really?
6 min
Vestigial structures are evolution's leftovers — body parts that, through inheritance, have outlived the context in which they arose. Some of the most delightful reminders of the common ancestry we share with other animals, they show that the building blocks of the human body...
4 min
The world today is in crisis. Everybody knows that. But what is driving this crisis? It's a story, a story that is destroying the world. It's a story about our relationship to the world and to other humans, but we take this story for granted. We don't even see it as a story...
"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's there are few." So begins this most beloved of all American Zen books. Seldom has such a small handful of words provided a teaching as rich as has this famous opening line of Shunryu Suzuki's classic...
170 min
Al contrario de lo que se suele creer, Charles Darwin no introdujo la idea de evolución. A mediados del siglo XIX, la evolución era un hecho que ya se conocía desde hacía mucho tiempo, y la mayoría de los pensadores de la época se contentaba con eso. La ausencia de una teoría...
Daniel Quinn /
REVOLUTION LA is a political discussion group and revolutionary grassroots movement dedicated to building class-consciousness from the bottom-up through community education, outreach and empowerment.As the struggle of disadvantaged populations continues to widen through mass...
"Our planet, our society, and we ourselves are built of star stuff."—Carl Sagan, Cosmos
Peter Tyson
The Awakening of Humanity
Occasionally in the course of human events, a new worldview emerges that transforms society. It happened when Jesus’ disciples were inspired by his life to believe in radical transformation of the person and theworld through love. It occurred in the...
Barbara Marx Hubbard
“We do not live in an era of change, but in a change of eras” is the way Jan Rotmans from the University Rotterdam describes the structural changes impacting our societies. This is also the phrase Michel Bauwens chose to open his latest book yet to be published in English...
Commons Transition
Are the ancient stories of the Native Americans coming true?
John Black
Anticapitalism isn’t simply a moral stance against injustice — it’s about building an alternative.
Erik Olin Wright
Depression is a global epidemic. It is the main driver behind suicide, which now claims more than a million lives per year worldwide. One in four Americans will suffer from clinical depression within their lifetimes, and the rate is increasing with every generation.
Sara Burrows
How is women’s leadership differing from typical male models? What makes it a decisive gamechanger in today’s world? This video showcases extraordinary women who are reframing the role of women and the feminine; proposing different responses to confrontation; transforming the...
4 min
What do rising sea levels in Bangladesh, the break up of public utilities in Ghana and austerity in the UK have in common?
They’re all part of the same global story. The story of one global economy that connects various economic, political, environmental and societal crises...
3 min
The times are urgent; let us slow down. Bayo Akomolafe calls a virtual community to gather round the prospects of a deeper revolution, a different politics of shared cultivation, as a response to the troubling challenges of our time.
A stream-of-consciousness reflection on the state of school, civilization, capitalism and the way we live our lives.
I know, the “b” word is a drag, if not a complete mystery, for most of us. It’s a word few attempt to spell, let alone re-imagine. Yet aside from a number of outliers, most companies today continue to embrace a bureaucratic structure of operation. While it’s hard to dispute...
Given its huge success in describing the natural world for the past 150 years, the theory of evolution is remarkably misunderstood. In a recent episode of the Australian series of “I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here”, former cricket star Shane Warne questioned the theory –...
Paula Kover
Machines could take 50% of our jobs in the next 30 years, according to scientists. While we can’t predict the future, we can imagine a world without work – one where those who own the tech get rich from it and everyone else ekes out a living, propped up by an increasingly...
3 min
Why does our empathy seem to have limits? Why can't we extend our compassion to the whole world?
Mark Heley
A long, long time ago, an idea was born.
Bhutan is a living example that it is possible to develop in a different way, and is creating a caring economy based on the values of altruism, compassion and collaboration.
It is clear to the billions still living in poverty today that the globalized capitalist economy is...
3 min
We may have many answers...but do we ask the right questions? My name is Spencer Cathcart and this is the first short film I have released since "The Lie We Live" in 2015. In this video I question our relationship with life on this planet.
5 min
My friends, do not lose heart. We were made for these times. I have heard from so many recently who are deeply and properly bewildered. They are concerned about the state of affairs in our world now. Ours is a time of almost daily astonishment and often righteous rage over...
Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Human Family -
I note the obvious differences
in the human family.
Some of us are serious,
some thrive on comedy.
Some declare their lives are lived
as true profundity,
and others claim they really live
the real reality.
The variety of our skin tones
can confuse, bemuse...
2 min
A dystopian warning from the future
Welcome to the very first "A is for Anarchy" a monthly video series that breaks down anarchist concepts, theories and thoughts. On this episode we look at the concept of "Autonomy".
4 min
In a post-apocalyptic future, what might happen to life if humans left the scene? After all, humans are very likely to disappear long before the sun expands into a red giant and exterminates all living things from the Earth.
Luc Bussiere
The cosmos is One interconnected and indivisible Whole. You Are the Cosmos, and All That Is. Therefore, You Are Me!
4 min
Science now confirms what we have always known to be true - that we are literally all one. And this changes everything
Mark Ellison
Thích Nhat Hanh is a Vietnamese Buddhist monk, teacher, author, poet and peace activist. Here, he shares his wisdom on compassion and explains the concept of interbeing. To him, all emotions and experiences deserve the grounds of compassion and need to be treated equally.
3 min
OK, here’s the idea. We’re in a crisis so deep, so knotted, so unprecedented, and so urgent that, well, we have to change everything, pretty much. Or else.
John Foran
I often get asked by people about what they can do to change things, to change the world, when each of us is just one person, in the face of so much that we cannot even hope to control or influence.
What can we do? Why bother, given our powerlessness?
As we look back on...
Nafeez Ahmed
Do we want a society where everything is up for sale? Where do markets belong and where do they undermine values worth caring about?
5 min
The remarkable mind that brought you QI, Blackadder and Spitting Image asks one of the world’s simplest but most significant questions – what do we really need to know? What should we teach our children, and what important information should all adults have at their disposal?...
2 min
It's easy to see Isis as an irrational death cult, argues Charlie Winter - but its motives in the Paris attack were strategic. The group is trying to achieve polarisation in the west, spread fear, spark military action against it and improve its image.
2 min
Antoine Leiris lost his wife Helene in the Bataclan theatre in Paris. His Facebook tribute to his wife and challenge to her killers has since been shared thousands of times.
2 min
In Syria I learned that Islamic State longs to provoke retaliation. We should not fall into the trap
Nicolas Hénin
For people in the modern world, there may be nothing more difficult to comprehend than the group calling itself the Islamic State, or ISIS. The beheadings, rapes, and other acts of cruelty seem beyond understanding, as does the wanton destruction of priceless ancient...
Helena Norberg-Hodge
Whenever public protests ignite into violent behaviour, the mainstream media are often quick to refer to “anarchy” and to “anarchists”. Those who are referred to as anarchists are protesters who burn tyres or engage in battles with the police. In this narrative, anarchists...
Andreas Wittel