121-180 of 1,025 results
Last year, five million children worldwide died of hunger, yet no government has declared a state of emergency or asked that we radically alter our way of life to save them. Nor do we see a comparable level of alarm and action around suicide or drug overdoses, the...
8 min
After COVID-19, we can return to stressful disconnected lives and climate catastrophe or we can slow down, scale down and rebuild our connections to each other and to the Earth. On June 21, we hosted an inspiring online festival of ideas and inspiration in celebration of...
115 min
After COVID-19, we can return to stressful disconnected lives and climate catastrophe or we can slow down, scale down and rebuild our connections to each other and to the Earth. On June 21, we hosted an inspiring online festival of ideas and inspiration in celebration of...
259 min
Can you see the absurdity of our world? Can you imagine another society?
5 min
Can indigenous thinking save the world? Tyson Yunkaporta's new book 'Sand Talk' explores this question and is making a big impact.
45 min
What will the future be like in the year 2050? A mere three decades away, most of us hope to still be around. So, what kind of future are we riding into? ENDGAME 2050 gives us a glimpse into that future, and it does not look good. Humanity has backed itself into an ecological...
93 min
Part 1: introductions are made, along with a treatment on the origins and nature of systemic racism in the USA.
120 min
The arc of history is long and tiresome, but the events of the past are never as far away as we would like to believe they are. To understand where we are going, we must reflect on where we’ve been. In doing so, we will find the troubles of the past are not yet laid behind us...
InterReflections is an experimental, mixed genre narrative feature film by Peter Joseph, adapted from his book The New Human Rights Movement. The ambitious, nearly 3 hour work challenges not only contemporary thinking about society, it challenges the very art of filmmaking...
165 min
If Julian Assange goes to prison for revealing government secrets, no journalist is safe—even the famous Washington Post reporter, Bob Woodward, who broke the “Watergate” story uncovering secret crimes of the Nixon administration. To illustrate this point I’ve logged dozens...
10 min
"It’s Okay to Panic" is a nostalgic portrait of 62-year-old Professor Szymon Malinowski, Director of the Institute of Geophysics at the University of Warsaw, who worries that climate change may cause human civilisation to collapse in the coming decades. A career educator...
59 min
It's Crazy Times. (*Explicit lyrics)
2 min
A Collection of Tweets That Fell on Deaf Ears
Award-winning director Damon Gameau (That Sugar Film) embarks on a journey to explore what the future could look like by the year 2040 if we simply embraced the best solutions already available to us to improve our planet and shifted them rapidly into the mainstream.
91 min
Transformation Diaries is a platform for the questions of our times. From love, sexuality and social organization, all the way to our relation to the biosphere and the metaphysical, we explore the underlying sets of beliefs and assumptions at the wellspring of culture —...
30 min
'Buoyed by our present solidarity, let us look to Ireland’s own historical fights to protect the environment and each other.'
Sinéad Mercier
In this round-up, you'll find the links to watch 19 documentaries we wanted to highlight this summer.
All humans on the planet are living under an illusionary paradigm that can be compared to what was presented in the 'Matrix'. A mental prison that exists within the minds of the collective. This prison exists as the societal paradigm we have chosen to accept. That is all...
51 min
“The truth is: the natural world is changing. And we are totally dependent on that world. It provides our food, water and air. It is the most precious thing we have and we need to defend it.” Sir David Attenborough
5 min
COMMUNITIES OF HOPE is a film born from a quest to discover a regenerative culture.
29 min
Slavery has occurred in many forms throughout the world, but the Atlantic slave trade -- which forcibly brought more than 10 million Africans to the Americas -- stands out for both its global scale and its lasting legacy. Anthony Hazard discusses the historical, economic and...
6 min
The pandemic is very quickly teaching us what’s important: health, love, food, a safe and comfortable home, creativity and learning, connectedness, and being able to get out into nature. Shouldn’t those things be the pillars around which our societies are organised? The virus...
Laura Basu
Joe Brewer is a complexity researcher and evangelist for the field of culture design. The spoken audio is from a Kosmos Live podcast, "on cultural design and midwifing a new era".
2 min
Progressive International Council member Carola Rackete and Dr. Claire Wordley explore the dimensions of Europe's biodiversity crisis — and how the Green New Deal can address it.
Carola Rackete and Dr. Claire Wordley
The danger of conspiracy theories is their ability to breed apathy and resignation, offering an easy narrative that makes people susceptible to influence and limits social change. There is another way.
Aragorn Eloff
The other day I was amused to read a critique of The Coronation in which the author was absolutely certain that I am a closet conspiracy theorist. He was so persuasive that I myself almost believed it.
Charles Eisenstein
“The real problem of humanity is the following: We have Paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions and godlike technology.” Edward O. Wilson
4 min
They say anxiety is us weaving conspiracy theories about ourselves.
But what if those feelings are already there, and we are actually telling stories to support them?
We weave stories to try to explain how something inhuman and awful could happen to us. We also need people...
Justice Bartlett
We have a story to tell you…and it's a new story. We are being called by children everywhere to begin seeing the world from their eyes and telling a new story about the better world our hearts know is possible. We, all of us, in the WorldSummit movement are already creating...
29 min
A bedtime story of how it started, and why hindsight’s 2020 🛌 🧸 by Probably Tomfoolery.
4 min
“We each carry within us an evolutionary blueprint for making a good society.” - Nicholas Christakis
4 min
There is worse ahead. In acceptance, hope is transformed into energy for the unimaginable.
Have you noticed the memes circulating about the end of normal?
Where Is a Really Big Picture View of Our Environmental Problems & Possible Solutions?
"The writing is on the wall: Powerdown is inevitable. If we want any hope of achieving it peacefully, we’ve got to start shifting — minds and physical infrastructure — today."
Joanne Poyourow
With regular life on pause, we have a chance to stop and question the path we are taking at the deepest level.
Jason Angell
"It’s time to design a global society that fits the biological and material constraints of earth and also fits the psychological, cultural, and developmental needs of diverse peoples worldwide."
Armando Davila
So you just watched Planet Of The Humans, and your spirits are feeling pretty crushed.
In the fall of 2009, I interviewed a Holocaust survivor from the Lodz ghetto. As a young girl, she had seen her whole family lined up and executed by a Nazi firing squad in a spray of machine gun fire, alongside hundreds of the people she had grown up with.
This pandemic health crisis exposes the injustices of the global economic order. It must be a turning point towards creating the systems, structures and policies that can always protect those who are marginalised and allow everyone to live with dignity.
This is a 'No Fresh Carbon Footprint' Docuseries.
179 min
I've struggled to make sense of what is going on. My suspicious mind wandered around restlessly, examining all theories and possible explanations, yet I must admit: I don’t know what is happening. I do know this is a crucial moment of choice for humanity. In this essay, I...
Charles Eisenstein is one of the most celebrated writers and speakers about the intersection of systems change and personal growth, in his books including Sacred Economics and The More Beautiful World our Hearts Know is Possible. In the wake of the pandemic crisis he wrote a...
60 min
Amid a horrific human tragedy of sickness and death, much of it taking place in hospitals staffed by brave but overworked and under-equipped doctors and nurses, we are all learning once again what it feels like when economic growth comes to a shuddering stop and the economy...
Richard Heinberg
We face not one but three simultaneous inter-connected crises: the COVID-19 Emergency, the Climate and Biodiversity Emergency, and the Crisis of Capitalism. We urgently need connected constructive responses.
Guy Dauncey
Aluna means "conscience." Enter the last theocratic chiefdom in America, hidden for centuries on a mountain in Colombia. The Kogi have made this amazing documentary to help us understand how to avoid the destruction of the world that they are trying to protect, and of ourselves.
89 min
The Kogi are the last surviving civilization from the days of the Inca and Aztec. They see themselves as the spiritual guardians of life on earth. For four centuries they lived in seclusion in the Sierra Nevada mountains, carefully guarding their isolation. When the tribal...
87 min
In the midst of fear and isolation, we are learning that profound, positive change is possible.
Rebecca Solnit
We wanted to put all our Coronavirus coverage in one place, as a resource to share with friends and loved ones. The quality of our response is only as strong as the quality of our knowledge.
Could all our problems be traced to not understanding how to utilize life’s hidden energy? Learn more:
7 min
“The last global crisis didn’t change the world. But this one could” - William Davies
It was always going to come to this. Whether it was a pandemic triggering a shutdown, a climate emergency bursting the carbon bubble, a populist backlash against inequality, wars over...
Paul Gilding
A devastating problem crops up.
Elizabeth Sawin
Coronavirus is a political crucible, melting down and reshaping current norms. Will the new era be a “Fortress Earth” or a harbinger of a transformed society based on a new set of values?
Jeremy Lent
I: The American Reality
America was founded on a dream. It was a dream that all people, from all the war-torn and disease-ridden corners of the earth, could come to this new-age Promised Land and build a common future side-by-side. It was half history, and half mythology...
“Covid-19 is like a rehab intervention that breaks the addictive hold of normality. To interrupt a habit is to make it visible; it is to turn it from a compulsion to a choice. When the crisis subsides, we might have occasion to ask whether we want to return to normal, or...
Charles Eisenstein
Opening with a powerful ‘deep time’ perspective, from the beginning of the Earth to our present moment, BAFTA-winning director Peter Armstrong's new film recognises the fundamental unsustainability of today’s society and dares to ask the big question: What will follow?
61 min
“May you live in interesting times." A curse once assigned Chinese origin, now thought to be apocryphal, is deceptively mild until you realize you have no resistance to a novel, viral load of interestingness. We feel like we can’t blink, yet our eyelids are getting very...
Stacco Troncoso
Many talk about climate change, but rare are those who dare to speak about its systemic, deeply-ingrained root cause.
11 min
Centered around an extensive interview with Jose “Pepe” Mujica, the former President of Uruguay who gained notoriety on the world stage as a rare politician: one that lives according to the ideas and principles he preaches, Delicate Balance is a contemplative essay on the...
3 min