421-480 of 1,024 results
By making sure that everyone can participate, everyone benefits.
3 min
First they came for the Muslims, and we said: “Not this time, motherfuckers!”
ROAR Collective
Full 70-minute interview with Noam Chomsky on Democracy Now! today talking about Donald Trump’s first 75 days in the White House and much more.
70 min
Populists claim to speak for the people, but, as Dinyar Godrej explains, they rarely do. So what are the options for a true politics of the people?
Dinyar Godrej
As the march towards Brexit rekindles arguments over British nationalism and the strength and merits of the union between England and Scotland, the mass of conflicted feelings over the British Empire is naturally bubbling to the surface again.
Ibtisam Ahmed
Boston public schools recently announced that they will shift to using world maps based on the Peters projection, reportedly the first time a US public school district has done so. Why? Because the Peters projection accurately shows different countries’ relative sizes...
Donald Houston, University of Portsmouth
40 people injured. 4 dead.
An attack likely inspired by ‘international terrorism’ and Islamist-motivated.
We k
Nafeez Ahmed
The US Government just released this tourism ad for Hawai'i and it's surprisingly honest and informative.
2 min
Hi, I’m Matt Orfalea and for 3 years I’ve been writing and making videos about the BIG idea of a Basic Income Guarantee (aka Universal Basic Income)
3 min
For the majority of the past century, a battle has been waged between two dominant ideologies – capitalism and communism. Both competing economic systems focus on how best to allocate goods and services to the population. Capitalism uses democracy and “free markets” to...
Chris Agnos
What makes people brave? Vanessa Baird takes a look at an under-examined quality that can change the world.
Vanessa Baird
An interview covering neoliberalism, migration, Brexit, Trump, community-building, climate change, democracy, power, globalization, and lots more.
2 min
Eurocentric modernism has unhinged us from our human nature, argues Rajani Kanth in his new book
Lynn Parramore
Earlier this year the Wall Street Journal’s editor-in-chief insisted that the Wall Street Journal wouldn’t label Trump’s false statements as “lies.” Lying, said the editor, requires a deliberate intention to mislead, which couldn’t be proven in Trump’s case.
2 min
Superclusters – regions of space that are densely packed with galaxies – are the biggest structures in the Universe. But scientists have struggled to define exactly where one supercluster ends and another begins. Now, a team based in Hawaii has come up with a new technique...
4 min
Sikh-American civil rights advocate Valarie Kaur's plea to her country in the times of Don
4 min
Free your mind, find your power, change the world
Nafeez Ahmed, with Andrew Markell and Gunther Sonnenfeld
To get someone’s support, you need more than just facts.
Colin Beavan
Everything we do in life serves as an example to someone, whether anyone involved is even consciously aware of it. Whatever these people (be it ourselves, co-workers, kids, family, even strangers) perceive as our mentality and motives becomes recorded and spread quite like a...
“A powerful, rigorous, and clear-eyed guide to building social justice movements.”
Jonathan Matthew Smucker
Over the past few weeks, Redneck Revolt has been communicating with a former member of a III% Patriot Militia based out of Ohio. Peter made contact with our organization after questioning the basis for an upcoming operation that his local militia group was asked to be...
6 min
In mid-November of 2016, I was a Water Protector at Standing Rock. At first my goal was to play investigative journalist; documenting then writing about every detail for my article readers and online followers. However, by the time I actually got there, all my goals had changed.
What economic system designs, out of all conceivable ones, might be among the best at helping us meet real needs?
John Boik, PhD
“Stories of Wolves” is about the recovery efforts for Mexican Gray Wolves, the most endangered land mammal in all of North America. Less than 100 wolves remain in the wild in Arizona and New Mexico.
1 min
Are You Truly Living Your Life?You live, but are you living the way you want to live, or the way others want you to live? You choose, but are your choices based on your own decisions or on the decisions imposed on you by society? You act, but are you acting out of your...
Sofo Archon
We live in a toxic society filled with toxic people. Even the ones with the best hearts- including ourselves- have been raised in ignorance, with disinformation. Our examples of happiness are fake, sponsored, and used to sell products. Typical relationship standards...
Excerpt from MLK Jr.'s last sermon, "Remaining Awake Through a Great Revolution". Delivered at The National Cathedral on March 31, 1968 (4 days prior to his assassination)
3 min
It’s alarming to see how polarized politics have become in the United States. The wider the gulf grows, the more people seem to be certain that the other side is wrong. Certainty can be a dangerous thing.
Two years ago, I met the social psychologist Arie Kruglanski while...
7 min
Let me show you the world, says Swedish academic Han Rosling as he demonstrates the dynamics of population growth, child mortality and carbon dioxide emissions. The challenge for the world is to get everyone out of extreme poverty and get the richest people to use less fossil...
3 min
A systemic crisis in the global Deep System has driven the violent radicalization of a Deep State faction
Nafeez Ahmed
Dr. Stephan Harding explains Gaia Theory and its Impact on his Life.
1 min
“What has to be explained is not the fact that the man who is hungry steals or the man who is exploited strikes, but why the majority of those who are hungry don't steal and why the majority of those who are exploited don't strike.” - Wilhelm Reich "The Mass Psychology of...
5 min
Donald Trump’s regime is rapidly reconfiguring the United States into an authoritarian state. All forms of dissent will soon be criminalized. Civil liberties will no longer exist. Corporate exploitation, through the abolition of regulations and laws, will be unimpeded. Global...
Chris Hedges
This is a story of power, but perhaps not the traditional kind. The kinds of power we are interested in are the deep currents.... the cultural forces that shape all of our lives at the deepest levels.
Martin Kirk, Jason Hickel and Joe Brewer
Poet Kate Tempest's extraordinary song 'Europe Is Lost' is set to images of everything from the US election to Isis, the KKK to Trump, beauty pageants to apocalyptic film scenes, all artfully cut together by Manuel Braun.
4 min
The notion of privilege exists because most people do not live in the spiritual dimension of life. We live in a culture that is based on a matrix of separation.
A 2-minute introduction to the global-to-local argument.
2 min
Travelling the length of the country and back again with a pair of horses and gypsy caravan, Live Before You Die is the ultimate horse-drawn road movie, following a band of Travellers with handcarts, goats, donkeys and ponies along green lanes to the fairs and festivals of...
6 min
Your feelings of pain and uncertainty are real. The world is now in a time of darkness. Shadows are all around us. It can be very confusing and painful. But it may reassure you to know that feeling pain and confusion is a sign that you are awake.
Humanity is now in the...
Joe Brewer
Though it looks like the world is set in its ways, it is in fact eminently open to change by those who dare to swim into the stream of history.
5 min
This is exactly what we all need right now. Here is a great secret of life that you can use to change the hearts and minds of everyone in your world.
Speech by Garret John LoPorto
4 min
Our media feeds are echo chambers. And those echo chambers don’t just reflect our political beliefs; they reflect our feelings about human progress. Bad news can be a bubble too
Angus Hervey
The End of History is just the beginning
Nafeez Ahmed
Peel back the layers of information about “fake news” and a deeper truth begins to take shape. We start to see outlines of hidden media worlds that give birth to very different communities of truth. The deep truth about “fake news” is that no one has direct access to reality.
Joe Brewer
In 3.75 billion years, Earth's Milky Way Galaxy will collide with the Andromeda Galaxy. Over the next several billion years, the two galaxies will rip each other apart, eventually creating one elliptical galaxy.
2 min
Taking a lesson from Standing Rock, we must be careful with language while working toward progress in the Trump years.
Arun Gupta
It is getting harder to keep a secret these days. The collective shadow of our society, once safely relegated to the dark basement of the unmentionable, is now exposed to daylight, forcing us to face our contradictions. I’ll offer three examples: Donald Trump’s leaked...
Charles Eisenstein
“Only by restoring the broken connections can we be healed.”
— Wendell Berry
Helena Norberg-Hodge
Compassionate activism is activism that is rooted in an underlying compassion for all beings. It is an activism that resists the strong urge we all face to dehumanize our opponents, as they often do to us, and we often do to them. This collection of articles and videos...
We face (at least) 13 major crises, some of which are immediate. It’s time for some hard thinking about how we confront them.
George Monbiot
In this feature-length documentary, Marilyn Waring demystifies the language of economics by defining it as a value system in which all goods and activities are related only to their monetary value. As a result, unpaid work (usually performed by women) is unrecognized while...
90 min
When you find yourself in a suddenly darkened room, what do you do? Some rush blindly to where they think the door might be. Others stand still, let their eyes get adjusted to the different environment, re-orient themselves, then cautiously and sensitively, move...
Bill Quigley
This is why we are here. And this is what we need to remember.
1 min
Both Trump and Brexit can be explained by the failure of mainstream political elites to address the pain inflicted on ordinary citizens in the neoliberal era. But the real solutions lie not in hatred, but relocalisation.
Helena Norberg-Hodge and Rupert Read
Psychologist Jonathan Haidt studies the five moral values that form the basis of our political choices, whether we're left, right or center. In this eye-opening talk, he pinpoints the moral values that liberals and conservatives tend to honor most.
18 min
In the wake of the election of Donald Trump, many peeps are freaking the fuck out. Well, step back, take a break and watch our analysis.
23 min
How a ruthless network of super-rich ideologues killed choice and destroyed people’s faith in politics
George Monbiot
Now is the time to hold strong to our humanity. The world is changing quickly and much is at stake. It is even possible that our entire global civilization will collapse in our lifetime. This is a very difficult concept to sit with — yet sit with it we must, for now is a...
Joe Brewer
There is no one right way to be an activist.
There is no one right way to change the world.
There is no one right philosophy of leftist politics.
There is no one right solution to the massive problems we're facing.