121-180 of 1,212 results
This 36-minute documentary follows the lives of 5 young explorers on their journey through the 5-week Ecovillage Design Education program in Switzerland, which navigates today's challenges as opportunities to build a regenerative future for all.
36 min
This is a clip from The Evolution of Ecological Consciousness (2013). Watch the full documentary here.
11 min
For the last two centuries progress has been our reason for being; progress has provided us with better ways of living. But progress has also given us napalm, pesticides, nuclear waste and global warming. And progress significantly altered our planet for the long term. It can...
2 min
Artifishal is a film about people, rivers, and the fight for the future of wild fish and the environment that supports them. It explores wild salmon’s slide toward extinction, threats posed by fish hatcheries and fish farms, and our continued loss of faith in nature. Thanks...
80 min
The Swedish forestry model is promoted as a success story, promising both climate change mitigation and safeguarding of biodiversity, but is this really true?
60 min
Western views and the legal system tend to view nature as property, and as a resource from which wealth is extracted, a commodity whose only value is to provide for human needs. But for millennia indigenous communities have viewed themselves as part of nature.
53 min
Grist built this tiny model town to show what it would look like if we tried to transition to 100% clean energy. In the real world, it’s even more difficult. Staff reporter Shannon Osaka wrote about what it really means when cities say they’re going ‘100 percent renewable.’
6 min
Plastic recycling was a public relations scam invented to keep the plastics industry alive amid mounting political scrutiny. This shifted responsibility for their polluting, unsustainable products away from them and onto consumers while masking how broken the recycling...
20 min
Tamera is an ecovillage situated in the south of Portugal. It is a holistic peace research and education center exploring different ways of being and living on this planet. With two hundred people currently residing there, Tamera has become an iconic space of experimentation...
11 min
They've built a movement out of minimalism. Longtime friends Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus share how our lives can be better with less. Directed by Matt D'Avella.
2 min
How might your life be better with less? MINIMALISM takes the audience inside the lives of minimalists from all walks of life—families, entrepreneurs, architects, artists, journalists, scientists, and even a former Wall Street broker—all of whom are striving to live a...
78 min
A film made by Ayet Alers, documenting the creation of a small natural house, following the process from the start until completion.
48 min
"The consumer society - it's hyperindividualism - and hyperindividualism is a form of disempowerment, and they know it. So you get to express your personal identity, while you are being stripped of collective power. And the elites are not going to go without a fight. Look at...
9 min
Off-grid with their own food, animals, water, power and waste disposal, a Welsh eco-community try to come up with a plan to save their homes and their future.
29 min
From Executive Producer Mark Ruffalo comes the world’s first documentary film on the Rights of Nature Movement, a “Paradigm Shifting” story where the 'Rights of Nature' has become 'capitalism’s one true opponent.'
84 min
‘In Our Hands’ / ‘En Nuestras Manos’ is a documentary series about a movement to restore ecological farming around the world. Filmmaker Matt Anderson (‘Fall and Winter’, 2013) traveled to over 40 farms and gardens in 7 countries to document the profound impact the GROW...
30 min
VOX talked to physicist and engineer Saul Griffith, who takes us through his incredibly detailed road map for how the US could actually walk away from fossil fuels in the next 30 years.
12 min
Mining companies are destroying large parts of ancient forest. However on the island of Palawan in the Philippines a small group of women are standing up against these big companies and protecting the forests and the spirit that lives within them; Diwata.
8 min
Many of us are aware of the remarkable effects of large megafauna in an ecosystem. We now know that wolves change rivers, that whales alter the composition of the atmosphere and that the ponds that beavers create prevent terrible floods. Yet few are enlightened to the...
8 min
Can you see the absurdity of our world? Can you imagine another society?
5 min
A story of the denial of our common humanity, featuring George Monbiot.
6 min
Our soils support 95 percent of all food production, and by 2060, our soils will be asked to give us as much food as we have consumed in the last 500 years. They filter our water. They are one of our most cost-effective reservoirs for sequestering carbon. They are our...
61 min
A feature-length documentary about America’s system of public lands and the fight to protect them.
99 min
What will the future be like in the year 2050? A mere three decades away, most of us hope to still be around. So, what kind of future are we riding into? ENDGAME 2050 gives us a glimpse into that future, and it does not look good. Humanity has backed itself into an ecological...
93 min
The Circular Economy Action Plan, adopted by the European Commission in 2020, is one of the cornerstones of the European Green Deal. The plan includes a series of measures to ensure that the resources used in the EU are kept in use for as long as possible. The final goal is...
5 min
Brazil’s Pantanal is the world’s largest tropical wetland, covering an area nearly the size of Britain. Only today, it isn’t so wet. After a summer of drought, catastrophic fires are raging that have devastated 2.4 million hectares of land already this year. (That’s more...
Charles Eisenstein
Part 1: introductions are made, along with a treatment on the origins and nature of systemic racism in the USA.
120 min
Leaving behind their cosmopolitan life, a couple and their three young children travel the ends of the earth searching for a new perspective on life. In their five-year journey across six continents, they live with some of the oldest indigenous communities on the planet. From...
90 min
Award-winning director Damon Gameau (That Sugar Film) embarks on a journey to explore what the future could look like by the year 2040 if we simply embraced the best solutions already available to us to improve our planet and shifted them rapidly into the mainstream.
91 min
"Love of life is the guide and motivator of ecological healing on Earth. Next comes learning how to put that love into action. How do we do that for that most alive of all places, the Amazon?"
Charles Eisenstein
A small band of natural building enthusiasts and outlaws met in a field over 20 years ago at something they called a ‘colloquium’. The movement they created has grown uncontrollably ever since; reviving and innovating ancient building techniques and training thousands in the...
76 min
Are long, drawn-out consensus processes the only alternative to a rigid, hierarchical decision making model that reinforces unhealthy power dynamics? Trainer, facilitator and writer Miki Kashtan offers her powerful framework of Convergent Facilitation, which is a model of...
89 min
Manisha Krishnan travels to Poole's Land, an anarchist commune on the western edge of Canada to figure out what exactly is drawing young people to live on the periphery of society. She ventures into the rainforest and confronts a variety of her deepest fears, but ultimately...
31 min
COMMUNITIES OF HOPE is a film born from a quest to discover a regenerative culture.
29 min
A video essay by Second Thought.
8 min
Joe Brewer is a complexity researcher and evangelist for the field of culture design. The spoken audio is from a Kosmos Live podcast, "on cultural design and midwifing a new era".
2 min
Progressive International Council member Carola Rackete and Dr. Claire Wordley explore the dimensions of Europe's biodiversity crisis — and how the Green New Deal can address it.
Carola Rackete and Dr. Claire Wordley
“A goal without a plan is just a wish.”—Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Despite all the demands from climate activists, scientists, and even policy makers, hardly a single country is taking the shift to renewable energy seriously. Even countries and regions that claim to be...
Richard Heinberg
The coronavirus (covid-19) has caused upheaval across the world, deaths of the most vulnerable, closed borders, financial market crashes, curfews and controls on group gatherings, and many more devastating effects.
Degrowth Editorial Team
In this video essay, we look at how climate change is causing a decrease in biodiversity worldwide. Biodiversity is a measure of the variety and variability of life, and climate change is causing the decline of biodiversity in numerous ecosystems via extreme weather...
9 min
There is a special area of the Matrix reserved for people who think they have exited the Matrix. The answers to metaphysical questions—and indeed political questions, personal questions—are usually less important than the process that the question launches. Here we explore...
24 min
So, was the film “Planet of the Humans” a hit job on the environmental movement disguised by the filmmakers’ phony claim to care about Mother Earth? Or was it an honest, get real, exposé of its assertion that, “The takeover of the environmental movement by capitalism is now...
Craig Collins
We have a story to tell you…and it's a new story. We are being called by children everywhere to begin seeing the world from their eyes and telling a new story about the better world our hearts know is possible. We, all of us, in the WorldSummit movement are already creating...
29 min
If we stop to listen to the forests, what would they say? Perhaps they would tell us about community resilience, about cooperation, about finding strength in differences and about how to live in the present. Perhaps they would also remind us of all the things we have in...
4 min
The divide between the haves and the have nots has been highlighted by the impacts of the pandemic.[1] For those able to work online with a spacious and secure home base, and some financial resources to ride out the pandemic, life has mostly been tolerable. Consumption has...
David Holmgren
Permaculture designer Andrew Faust presents a clear outline for achieving energy independence with 100% renewable technologies in the New York bioregion.
8 min
Learn how to become more regionally resilient with bioregional economics and ecological city design.
35 min
Why Biogas and on-site fuels are inherently superior and appropriate for heating and domestic hot water and why electricity should be reserved for certain tasks that can be run by solar on-site.
4 min
"We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive.” - Albert Einstein
Tawai is a film about reconnection. It connects us to our ancestors and the type of life they may have lived. It connects us with our bodies and senses, inviting us to...
Bruce Parry
Click Part 2 to watch Rebel Bass' video about renewable energy.
13 min
This is the final in a series on Planet of the Humans. The other posts are here:
Ketan Joshi
For many homeowners, rooftop solar is a smart move. But what if you could get every home and business in your entire county to switch to renewables, all at once? This is essentially what’s happening in my state, California: a quiet revolution awkwardly named community choice...
Peter Kalmus
On the 50th Anniversary of the first-ever Earth Day, Jeff Gibbs and Michael Moore released a documentary film free on You Tube. The film is called Planet of the Humans, and it proved quite popular. This week Just Have a Think reviews the movie and considers its implications...
30 min
Instead of lambasting yesteryear’s renewable energy, the movie could have taken up current, more relevant questions.
Kate Aronoff
When was I diving on Glover's Reef Atoll recently, off the Belize mainland, I could not help but notice the large amount of plastics washed up on the shoreline.…
4 min
"In disputes upon moral or scientific points, let your aim be to come at truth, not to conquer your opponent. So you never shall be at a loss in losing the argument, and gaining a new discovery.” - Arthur Martine
Building a lifeboat culture is about taking action and preparing communities to be sustainable and functional in the face of a global, national or regional economic and environmental collapse.
Unless we rapidly move through the stages of climate grief, from paralysis to...
Andrew Willner
Four-part video series on Paul Fenn, pioneer of the Community Choice Energy movement in the United States. Produced by Stuart Farmer. Directed by Yoni Goldstein. Written by Charles Schultz. Production Assistant is Sebastian Alvarez. Filmed on location at Local Power in...
28 min
Inspired by HRH The Prince of Wales, HARMONY captures on film in a way we’ve never seen before, an authentic leader on critical global issues. For the better part of three decades, The Prince of Wales has worked side by side with a surprising and dynamic array of...
3 min