781-840 of 1,212 results
This is an excerpt from The Fifth Sacred Thing, an upcoming feature film based on the best selling novel by Starhawk, and is set in 2048, where an ecotopian San Francisco defends itself from invaders using nonviolence and healing.
4 min
This video consists of three mini-documentaries about permaculture:
1. (0:12) FOREST GARDENING with Robert Hart
Find out loads about what forest gardening is, and how to make your own!
2. (15:55) PLANTS FOR A FUTURE with Ken Fern
Second is an amazing case study...
48 min
In one vision of the distant future, after global warming has melted the ice caps and left the planet covered in water, Kevin Costner grows fish gills, lives on a trimaran, and battles pirates as he sails in search of the legend of “Dryland.”
Christopher Zumski Finke
What defines true sustainability? How can we begin to create sustainability in a world that has such vastly differing views on the subject? If we perceive our external world as "unsustainable" what does this suggest about our own internal landscape?
90 min
The triple bottom line for business is people, planet, profit. What is it for housing? A group of people in Leeds, England have built a cohousing project that sets a triple-benefit bar for housing projects by prioritizing three core tenets: the environment, affordability, and...
16 min
For over two weeks now, a coalition of people including local Mi'kmaq residents, and anglophone and Acadian settlers, have blockaded the road leading to an equipment compound leased to South Western Energy or SWN. SWN is a Texas based energy company, that has been...
3 min
About 60,000 African migrants have arrived in Israel since 2006, fleeing unrest in their home countries. But upon arrival in the ostensibly democratic country, the migrants have faced intense persecution and have been branded as "infiltrators" by right-wing politicians and...
10 min
Abby Martin speaks with Han Shan, spokesperson for Ecuadorian Victims of Chevron Contamination about the decades-long legal battle between oil giant, Chevron, and indigenous residents of Ecuador's rainforest who suffered from a massive oil contamination. LIKE Breaking the Set...
10 min
Kahsatstenhsera (gah-sad-sdanh-se-ra) is a Kanienkeha:ka (Mohawk) word that means Strength in Unity. This short documentary details contemporary Indigenous resistance to tar sands pipeline expansion, in particular the Line 9 and Energy East pipelines, which threaten the...
10 min
Designing Healthy Communities is a 4 part series and companion book that takes a comprehensive look at the impact America’s built environment has on public health, and at the people and communities working to turn things around through innovative solutions. Many of today’s...
7 min
Can a simple, 19th century technology change the world? For most North Americans, a bicycle ride or commute is a lifestyle choice. For countless others across the globe, each pedal stroke is progress out of poverty, toward an education, and over the mountains of social and...
45 min
On every continent, women are taking the lead to protect and restore the natural environment, and are empowering others to respect the earth. Arise presents the stories of a diverse group of 13 women in five countries who have initiated solution-oriented environmental...
2 min
The Koch brothers must be terrified this will catch on.
2 min
(Excerpted from the book, The Story of B)
With every audience and every individual, I have to begin by making them see that the cultural self-awareness we inherit from our parents and pass on to our children is squarely and solidly built on a Great Forgetting tha
Daniel Quinn
It would seem that there are certain strands of thought within many religions that are highly unsustainable, for the health of individuals as well society and the planet as a whole. See this trailer for Holy Wars, as an illustration:
The Story of Solutions explores how we can move our economy in a more sustainable and just direction, starting with orienting ourselves toward a new goal.
In the current 'Game of More', we're told to cheer a growing economy -- more roads, more malls, more Stuff! -- even...
9 min
Growing Cities is a film about two young men's journey across America to learn about urban agriculture and how it is revitalizing cities one animal, vegetable, and chicken at a time.
2 min
48% of all CO2 generated and energy consumed in the U.S. is from the construction and operation of buildings. Most climate scientists agree that CO2 emissions must be reduced 80% by 2050 to help stabilize the earth’s climate. Passive House is a new building standard for...
4 min
On September 21st, we will draw the line to protect our communities from climate change and show President Obama that there is no turning back -- to keep his climate promises, he has to stop Keystone XL and the tar sands.
2 min
When our economy is based on, y'know, stuff ... and stuff is made out of, y'know, stuff we get from the Earth ... how exactly do we think this is going to end?
15 min
If you wanted to change an ancient culture in a generation, how would you do it? You would change the way it educates its children.
66 min
Australia could achieve nearly 100% renewable power within decades at the same cost as continuing to use fossil fuels, according to a new federal government study.
Modelling from the 
Canadian author Naomi Klein is so well known for her blade-sharp commentary that it’s easy to forget that she is, above all, a first-rate reporter. I got a glimpse into her priorities as I was working on this interview. Klein told me she was worried that some of the...
Jason Mark
When you've got giant energy companies this scared, you must be doing something right. At 3:38, I snorted. Just sayin'. And at 4:43, he explains brilliantly what's in it for you. - Adam Mordecai
6 min
Line In the Sand is an independent documentary about the ongoing resistance to the Keystone XL pipeline, which would carry tar sands oil through the U.S. with the risk of damaging land and health. We're drawing a line in the sand through film to say "no" to...
15 min
Throwing conventional environmental wisdom on its head, Ben Falk doesn't want to reduce his impact on the land. He wants to increase it as much as possible. We couldn't agree more.
9 min
Those pesky earthquakes that happen near fracking rigs? Just natural side effects, folks. Nothing to see here... Read about frackquakes at
1 min
There are some things in our society.. and some things in our world.. which I am proud to be maladjusted" -Martin Luther King Jr. Mankind's increasing capability is at great contrast with the global state of disparity. We've reached unprecedented levels of technological...
9 min
All over the world species are becoming extinct at an astonishing rate, from 1000 to 10,000 times faster than normal. The loss of biodiversity has become so severe that scientists are calling it a mass extinction event.
80 min
Filter-free news & resistance updates via the Stimulator.* This week:
15 min
The first thing you notice about Sarnia, Ontario, is the smell: a potent mix of gasoline, melting asphalt, and the occasional trace of rotten egg. Shortly after my arrival I already felt unpleasantly high and dizzy, like I wasn't getting enough air. Maybe this had something...
31 min
Neighbors in Conover Commons in Redmond, Washington, share an open field as their community gathering spot. This photo originally appeared in Jay Walljasper's book, How to Design Our World for Happiness.
Jay Walljasper
THE SPARK is a documentary about a genius technologist and a rebel educator, two pioneers from opposite spectrums with one goal in common: Build a sustainable community. Can two men driven by determination overcome global challenges to change the world?
5 min
The city of Detroit isn’t looking too pretty to date. On July 18th as many know, Detroit filed for bankruptcy after falling an estimated $20 billion in debt to over 100,000 creditors. Due to the inability for the city government to provide for goods and services it once...
Ezra Van Auken
The Third Carbon Age: Don’t for a Second Imagine We’re Heading for an Era of Renewable Energy
When it comes to energy and economics in the climate-change era, nothing is what it seems. Most of us believe (or want to believe) that the second carbon era, the Age of Oil...
Michael T. Klare
My first visit to Mondragon was in 1979. I had been searching the globe for years for a Relationship Age society which was also fully integrated into the modern world. My initial reaction to Mondragon was utter amazement. I had never expected to find such a mature and...
Terry Mollner
Happiness, or the lack thereof, lies at the root of what makes life meaningful. But figuring out what exactly constitutes happiness,especially in a culture like the Unites States that tends to conflate moneywith meaning, proves to be elusive. It's not enough, the new...
Bob Banner
Fracking company Cuadrilla have descended on the small West Sussex village of Balcombe, where 85% of the residents have said they are opposed to fracking and supportive of those taking action to stop it. Residents and their supporters have set up the Balcombe Community...
3 min
What the tropical nation of Costa Rica lacks in size, it more than makes up for in a wealth of biodiversity. Despite occupying just 0.03% of the planet’s surface, the region's lush forests are home to an incredible 500 thousand unique organisms -- representing over 4% of...
Stephen Messenger
A film by brother/sister duo, Sam and Kate Fulbright to take a closer look at what climate change really means in the United States, and dive beyond the daunting numbers and graphs to meet the people and communities effected by the problem of climate change.
56 min
The piece is excerpted from the new book Snake Oil: How Fracking’s False Promise of Plenty Imperils Our Future.
Richard Heinberg
Due to Sweden’s innovative waste-to-energy program and highly efficient recycling habits, the Scandinavian nation faces an interesting dilemma.
Alan Pierce
Bhutan, a small country enshrined in the Himalaya's leads the way in the pursuit of holistic, inclusive and truly environmentally sustainable development. This commitment emanates from the visionary statement in the early 1970s, of His Majesty, the Fourth King of Bhutan...
12 min
Like most people, Bill (environmentalist and co-founder of, is not an activist by nature. There’s really not that many people whose greatest desire it to go out and fight the system. His theory of change was that he’ll write his book, people will read it and they’ll...
40 min
Many people do not realize that permaculture is much more than about growing fruit and vegetables, it is a whole view incorporating the environment, energy, resources, housing, technology, education, healthcare, the arts, spirituality, psychology, philosophy and agriculture...
77 min
What would it mean for us to reclaim July 4th not as a celebration of militarism, but as a celebration of our interdependence?
Michael Lerner
“People are realizing that we can’t rely on the industrial food system much longer. The awakening that’s happening is our greatest opportunity,” says New Mexican farmer and activist Miguel Santistevan. This awakening has sparked the revival of local, sustainable food systems.
Tory Field and Beverly Bell
Humanity's ascent is often measured by the speed of progress. But what if progress is actually spiraling us downwards, towards collapse? Ronald Wright, whose best-seller, A Short History Of Progress inspired Surviving Progress, shows how past civilizations were destroyed by...
82 min
It's time we end cannabis/hemp/marijuana prohibition ONCE and FOR ALL. Its time we repeal & nullify cannabis prohibition.
Please sign the petition and visit our website for more information. Thanks!
Americans For Cannabis
A modern Indigenous warrior. A Goliath industry. A new way forward. -- Filmmakers Fiona Rayher and Damien Gillis document the journey of Caleb Behn to protect the health of his land and people from the ravages of Big Oil and Gas.
3 min
Frances Coppola explores how increasing automation is fundamentally shifting the nature of work away from 'making stuff' towards personal services.
One of the most interesting issues to arise in the course of the "comment-athon" on my post "The Golden Calf" was the...
Frances Coppola
College senior, Tim DeChristopher, Bidder #70, monkey-wrenched the out-going Bush administration's contentious oil and gas auction. He bid $1.8 million to save 22,000 acres of Utah's red rock wilderness with no intention to pay or drill. Now he's paying for it with his future.
3 min
What is it about transition that is so cool? Well partially it's the attitude. As Isabela Menezes of Transition Granja Viana says in the video, "It's spreading with such speed primarily because it's a positive movement. A movement which brings sadness and suffering isn't...
5 min
A century ago, industrialists like Andrew Carnegie believed that Darwin’s theories justified an economy of vicious competition and inequality. They left us with an ideological legacy that says the corporate economy, in which wealth concentrates in the hands of a few, produces...
Eric Michael Johnson
EVERYONE should watch and share this short video to educate and humble themselves, and destroy ignorance worldwide--through understanding the consequences of what goes into our daily routines, and the hidden horrors behind the privileges we take for granted. Please take just...
5 min
Money & Life is a passionate and inspirational essay-style documentary that asks a provocative question: can we see the economic crisis not as a disaster, but as a tremendous opportunity?
86 min
Mora County, N.M., has a message for the oil and gas industry: “You’re not welcome here.”
John Upton
When a subsidiary of Mark Zuckerberg’s new political group started airing ads for expanded oil drilling and the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, CREDO Action decided to post an ad of their own calling Zuckerbe
Aviva Shen
DAMOCRACY: A documentary that debunks the myth of large-scale dams as clean energy and a solution to climate change. It records the priceless cultural and natural heritage the world would lose in the Amazon and Mesopotamia if two planned large-scale dams are built - Belo...
34 min