This 36-minute documentary follows the lives of 5 young explorers on their journey through the 5-week Ecovillage Design Education program in Switzerland, which navigates today's challenges as opportunities to build a regenerative future for all.
The EDE (Ecovillage Design Education) at Schloss Glarisegg is a holistic educational program that encourages new ways of being and acting in the world, organically evolving as we enact fundamental changes. It is a 1-month practical community experience where people can find their peers and get the condensed wisdom of worldwide communities and pioneers in order to create a transformative culture in the world!
To discover more:
If you want to discover more stories and projects for a regenerative world, please visit The Great Relation's Facebook page. All of their films are free to watch, because their main goal is to make the vision of a regenerative culture accessible to a wider public. At the same time, our dream is to develop this project so it becomes our main occupation. If you feel resonance with our work, you can support this dream through a conscious donation. Thank you!