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ONE PLANET Featuring Joel McKerrow
Let's just say, just purely hypothetically of course, I know it's completely ridiculous but what if we had, only ONE planet, just one. One planet to live on. One planet to breathe and eat from. One planet to make our day upon, make our way upon, make our cities upon, to sink...
Sweden Is Now Recycling 99 Percent Of Its Trash. Here's How They Do It
Everyone produces waste, and the Swedes are no different. It’s what they do with it that is unusual. Sweden recycles and sorts its waste so efficiently that less than 1 percent ends up in landfills. But perhaps even more interesting, and somewhat controversial (read why here...
Stunning Trailer for POC21 Shows "The World We Need" Is Possible Now
POC21 is an innovation camp for open-source sustainability taking place at Chateau de Millemont (Paris) in 2015. 100+ makers, designers, engineers, scientists, entrepreneurs and geeks join forces to prototype the collaborative, circular economy. Their ultimate goal: Overcome...
The Earth's Battery Is Running Low
We've drained our planet's stored energy, scientists say, with no rechargeable plug in sight.
How to Reduce Your Transport Footprint
If you live amongst society today it’s nearly a guarantee that you are causing some amount of environmental harm via your transportation.  How much is largely up to you.  There is no one size fits all solution to environmental destruction caused by getting yourself around so...
Why We Need a Guaranteed Income. Soon.
A thought for Labor Day: In the not-too-distant future we might wait around for a package delivery, hurry off to class, grab a taxi downtown, meet the family for dinner, and then take the train home. All without being served by a single human being. No delivery person, no...
Why We Must Find Beauty In The World: Richard Rodgers
It has been amazing for me to return the the White Crow Farm. Six years ago I moved to this land to reconnect with my roots, and to start to use my skills in media to tell the story of the important work happening on the land. That project would one day turn into Over Grow...
How to Stop Climate Change
This week we re-think our critique of the People's Climate March, then we go to Germany where trouble makers have been regularly shutting down Europe's largest source of CO2. Then on to Greece, to look at a growing resistance against a gold mine and finally to the longest...
Biocultural Rights: A New Paradigm for Protecting Natural and Cultural Resources of Indigenous Communities
This article proposes a new concept of “biocultural rights” that justly reflects a broader intellectual and policy trend to holistically address the protection of Indigenous natural and cultural resources. The concept of biocultural rights combines nature with culture; takes...
Greed Dies Hard in a Poisoned Land
When Arizona Sen. John McCain met with the Navajo Nation’s tribal government earlier this month at their capital in Window Rock, Arizona, after arriving in a big black SUV, he believed he would be spending the day observing the commemoration of Code Talkers Day. This was not...
Blasting The Arctic
This summer, seismic blasting in Arctic waters is being conducted on behalf of companies like Shell, looking for oil beneath the seabed. Blasts from 16 massive airguns are emitted every 10 seconds, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, these blasts are 8 times louder than a jumbo...
Forget Shorter Showers: Why Personal Change Does Not Equal Political Change
Would any sane person think dumpster diving would have stopped Hitler, or that composting would have ended slavery or brought about the eight-hour workday; or that chopping wood and carrying water would have gotten people out of Tsarist prisons; or that dancing around a fire...
Living With The Land: A 9-Part Permaculture Series
A rich and imersive nine part series looking at all aspects of living with the land. Produced by Permaculture magazine and Permaculture People the films explore successful permaculture projects across a range of topics, such as large-scale, regenerative agriculture, forest...
Five Eco Villages Around The World
Communities in Senegal, Colombia, Jamaica, Palestine and Egypt are experimenting with more sustainable ways of living
Can Standing up for What We Believe in Make Us All Feel a Little Less Powerless?
It’s all a bit overwhelming, isn’t it? Inequality is rising, and services are being cut to those who most need them. Our eco-system is teetering on the edge, and oil companies are controlling the climate agenda. Multinationals are booming off the labour of the poorest, racism...
How a Land High in the Western Himalayas Can Help Us Understand The Crisis of The Modern World
This is a clip from The Economics of Happiness. Watch it here (skip to the 10-minute mark to pick up where this clip ends)
Momenta is a film and movement founded to educate, raise awareness, and activate communities to stop all proposed coal exports in the Pacific Northwest. We are dedicated to rethinking fossil fuels, their impact on climate and environment, and accelerating the clean energy...
The Venus Project by Jacque Fresco
For more information visit the official web site: thevenusproject.comFacebook:
It's Not Climate Change  -  It's Everything Change
Oil! Our secret god, our secret sharer, our magic wand, fulfiller of our every desire, our co-conspirator, the sine qua non in all we do! Can’t live with it, can’t — right at this moment — live without it. But it’s on everyone’s mind.
ʻĀINA: That Which Feeds Us
ʻĀINA (pronounced "eye-nah") means "That Which Feeds Us" in the Hawaiian language. The film highlights a way to address some of the most pressing environmental and health crises facing the island of Kauai - and of island Earth. That may sound like an outstanding claim, but...
Cries of Betrayal, Calls to Organize as Obama Approves Arctic Drilling
'With this decision, President Obama has given Shell an open invitation to turn the Chukchi Sea into an energy sacrifice zone,' said Marissa Knodel of Friends of the Earth
Alihuen: An Agrarian Conservation Story
Alihuen means Big Tree in the language of the indigenous Mapuche peoples of Chile. When Jeroen decided to settle in the rural Chepu province of Chiloe with his wife Grecia, this name was not taken lightly, for the farmland which it would represent has undertaken massive...
Biosphere Collapse: The Biggest Economic Bubble Ever
“Horrendous inequity whereby a few hundred people possess half of Earth’s wealth as more than one billion live on less than $1.50/day is evil incarnate and will kill us all… The human family will only avert biosphere collapse if we choose to live more simply, share more with...
Horizon-1: A New Horizon For Humanity
For two weeks in March 2015, a film crew was given exclusive access to the Horizon-1 high-tech experimental community, which has been in development since 2006 via an undisclosed location in Western Europe. This film captures the opinions and perspectives of several project...
Can Meat Actually Be eco-friendly?
Should we eat meat? That’s the big question, which — for this series — I’m asking three different ways: in terms of environmental sustainability, morality, and practicality.
'Hobbit House' Family Succeed in Quest to save Home from Bulldozers
A young family has won its epic battle to live in a real-life “hobbit house” after defeating an attempt by planners to bulldoze it.
All You Need To Understand About Climate Change In Under A Minute
This is a special edition of the Fishbones climate change animation, dedicated to the occassion of the International Climate Top in Paris 2015 -- otherwise known as COP21. Fishbones is an animated short explaining the most fundamental thing you need to know about what climate...
Good News for the Anthropocene
The best news for a good Anthropocene is that the human brain is a master at learning and relearning and that “rewiring” takes place all the time. Until old age, learning processes can cancel out old habits. Addictive and behavioral pitfalls can be replaced with new ways of...
These Are The 3 Climate Tipping Points That Keep Scientists Awake At Night
This knowledge isn't supposed to make us afraid - it's meant to stir our hearts into action - to give us the fire that we can use to save everything we love.
Give Up Hope: It's The Best Chance We Have to Save Everything We Love
The most common words I hear spoken by any environmentalists anywhere are, We’re fucked. Most of these environmentalists are fighting desperately, using whatever tools they have — or rather whatever legal tools they have, which means whatever tools those in power grant them...
Redesigning Cities Could Solve Our Biggest Problems. But We're Hardly Talking About Them.
Cities are the biggest thing we create. But when we talk about sustainability, there is still surprisingly little discussion about how our cities are designed as a whole.
On Brink of 'Sixth Great Extinction,' Humanity Must Conserve or Die
It's official: the planet is entering a "sixth great extinction" that even the most conservative estimates show is killing off species at rates far higher than the previous five mass die-offs—and humanity is both at fault...and at risk. A joint study by scientists from...
If Everyone Lived in an 'Ecovillage', the Earth Would Still Be in Trouble
We are used to hearing that if everyone lived in the same way as North Americans or Australians, we would need four or five planet Earths to sustain us.
This Is What Happens When Our Politicians Say Yes to Dirty Energy
Between Tues 23rd and Fri 26th June Lancashire County Council is scheduled to be considering applications for 2 new fracking test sites on the Fylde Peninsular near Blackpool. We have been here before with the last attempt in January ending in far
Buen Vivir: A New Era of Great Social Change
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― R. Buckminster Fuller Our current Western worldview is based on never-ending development, an emphasis on the rights of the...
Of Mindfulness, Meditation and Other Aliases
“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” ~Jiddu Krishnamurti
What Does Coal Have to Do with hunger?
Coal pollution is the single biggest driver of climate change on the planet. It's causing more and more extreme weather and pushing the world's poorest people into poverty and hunger.  If we keep burning fossil fuels at the rate we are now, climate change could push 50...
Thirsty planet
Remember, it’s not the planet that needs saving, it’s us. #savethehumans
The Food Waste Fiasco: You Have to See It to Believe it
You may have already heard a few appalling facts about food waste but just in case you haven’t, here are a few tidbits of information to catch you up on the issue.
If You Learn Anything From This Street Artist Works It's The Vital Importance Of Bees
When street artist Louis Masai Michel went on a trip to South Africa to paint endangered animals, he came back a man on a mission.
Why Sacred Places Matter
Film series tells the stories of eight embattled indigenous communities around the world
Sixteen Building Blocks of a Green, Entrepreneurial, Cooperative Economy
The transition from a capitalist to a cooperative economy could be one of the defining achievements of the 21st century.
My Generation Does Give a Damn about Climate Change, Says 14-year-old activist
Xiuhtezcatl Roske-Martinez has been campaigning since he was six. He explains why young people are not afraid to take on the fossil fuel industry
Let's Make Earth Day about Earth, Not us
Earth Day is one of the most confused and misguided celebratory days of the year. The UN refers to this day as the ”International Mother Earth Day,” but what is it we’re supposed to celebrate?
Forget Desert Solar Farms: We Can Get More Than Enough Solar Energy From Cities
Using California's rooftops, parking lots, and other developed land, the state could power itself up to five times over.
A Psychologist Explains Why People Don't Give a Shit About Climate Change
"We [should] tell new stories of the dream, not the nightmares. We must describe where we want to go, such as happier lives, and better cities."
The Top 100 Documentaries We Can Use to Change the World
A more beautiful, egalitarian and regenerative world is possible. Take this library and use it to inspire global change!
A Real Solution to Environmental Sustainability
Only a sweeping Constitutional amendment can save us from a global environmental disaster beyond our imagination.
Our Addiction to Control Is Enslaving Us
Is there a belief about the Universe or about ourselves that causes all of the conflict in the world?
The Green Energy Revolution Is Exciting - but Don't Forget the Pollution!
Boading, dubbed China's 'greenest city', is the world's biggest maker of solar panels and wind turbines, write Caleb Goods & Carla Lipsig-Mumme. But it's also has the country's worst pollution. Green energy, electric cars and the batteries that power them are great, but with...
10 Shocking Facts About Society That We Absurdly Accept As Normal
When you take a moment and look around at the world, things can appear pretty messed up. Take 5 or 10 minutes and watch the 6 o’clock news. Chances are, the entire time, all you are going to see is war, conflict, death, illness, etc. Sure, this is part of the mainstream...
Towards a Future Worth Choosing - Ending the Era of Ecocide
I’m looking out across a valley, very fertile and green. Different cultures share their space with young and old alike. A society that cares for the soil beneath our feet, the water that nourishes us and the air that fills our lungs. The health and well-being of all beings...
Validation Is the Missing Ingredient to a More Sustainable World
I went through a recent awakening where I realized that something very important has been missing throughout my entire life.
Earthships  -  The Ultimate Green Homes
Earthship is a concept of over 40 years and yet the first one ever built in Europe was in 2000. The idea is a trademark of Michael Reynolds — a US architect. In the 70s, Reynolds envisioned a home which would have three exciting traits — self sustainability, construction...
The US-Saudi War with OPEC to Prolong Oil's Dying Empire
Whoever controls the price of oil can play god with the global economy - that’s why the US and Saudi Arabia are leading the way to smash OPEC and re-create a new global oil cartel “No one can set the price of oil,” said Saudi oil minister Ali
Ecocide: The Psychology of Environmental Destruction
Recent scientific reports about climate change make grim reading. A paper published in The Economic Journal by the respected UK economist Lord Stern states that the models previously used to calculate the economic effects of climate change have been ‘woefully inadequate.’...
How Values Work
Following decades of research and hundreds of cross-cultural studies, psychologists have identified a number of consistently-occurring human values.
The Future of Energy: Lateral Power to the People
The Future of Energy is a powerful documentary that captures the movement across the United States to transition to renewable energy and what everyday people are doing to help foster that shift. It's a positive film about the renewable energy revolution, and a love story...
The Bloom Episode 3: New Ways of the Sacred
Part III of The Bloom “New Ways of The Sacred” looks at how Transformational Festivals are venues for an active engagement with ancient, universal themes of MYTHOS, RITUAL and THE SACRED, exploring ways which both honor the traditional, while reflecting our unprecedented...