361-420 of 1,212
How to Create Democratic and Ecological Cities
For the past few months we have published a series of posts on New Compass introducing social ecology, discussing possible future environmental scenarios, studying the crisis of capitali
Meet The Protectors Who Built a Fortified Camp to Stop Oil Drilling
Oil companies estimate that 100 billion barrels of oil lie beneath the south of England. But a new breed of activists is opposing any drilling. Claire Marshall has been living with some of the protesters, who built a large wooden fort on a proposed drill site at Leith Hill in...
Girl Who Silenced the World (25 Yrs Later) - Youtube
Full speech transcript
This Trump Pipeline Prank Should Win an Activism Oscar
President Trump loves pipelines, and he says everyone else does too. So he shouldn't have a problem with one being built through one of his buildings, right?
New 'Instantly Rechargeable' Battery Deals a Fatal Blow to Fossil Fuels
Purdue researchers have developed a flow battery that would allow electric cars to be recharged instantly at stations like conventional cars are. The technology is clean, safe, and cheap.
Berlin Residents Pool Their Money to Buy City’s Electricity Grid
Returning power — and profit — to the people.
Surviving Earth
An epic, ominous and perhaps life saving radio interview occurs with director, Peter Charles Downey on a small-town country radio station about his new documentary movie, Surviving Earth. Where the trees whisper of humanity’s mass suicide in a valley of depleting resources...
Autogestió: Adventures Into the New Economies of Catalonia
Catalonia is at the forefront of new economic thinking. They are a region rich in social currencies and in projects and people creating functioning post-capitalist societies. In June 2015, while in the midst of arranging the launch of the Exeter Pound, a local currency for...
4 Key Elements to Organizing for the Long Haul
Plus 11 other key ideas to living well as an activist
The Australian Coal Mine That Could Wreck the Great Barrier Reef
Both sides of politics are burning political capital to approve a massive coal mine with a poor business case, run by a questionable company, in a dying industry. We've got one question - why?
Let's Support Farmers, Not Supermarkets - The Future of Food
In this film, organic market gardeners Frank and Josje discuss the issues with the supermarket system and how Community Supported Agriculture fits into a new story for food growing.
Wake Up to Find Out That You Are the Eyes of the World!
The ‘Santiago Theory of Cognition’ proposed by the Chilean biologists and neuroscientists Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela offers a scientific way of understanding the process by which living systems engage in ‘autopoiesis’ (self-creating or self-generating) through...
Just Fix It: Showing up
What does it take to create change in a world in desperate need of it? Mike Prather explains the story of the dust mitigation and ‘restoration’ of the Owens Dry Lake.
Community Repair: Pop-Up Alternatives to a Throwaway Society
A not-so-quiet repair revolution is taking place in communities across Britain. Consumers, fed up with having to throw away broken phones, toasters and other appliances, are instead meeting to learn how to repair them and to extend the lifetime of their products. These repair...
The Scottish Start-Up Making Roads with Waste Plastic
Engineer Toby McCartney explains how his Scottish start-up MacRebur is persuading councils to use local waste plastic to build roads. Two English councils have already started building roads this way.
The Bentley Effect
The extraordinary tale of a community who defied the gas juggernaut. Filmed over five years, The Bentley Effect documents the highs and lows of the battle to keep a unique part of Australia gasfield-free. This timely story of a community’s heroic stand shows how strategic...
The Regenerative Design (R)Evolution
A new generation of designers are applying ecologically inspired design to agriculture, architecture, community planning, cities, enterprises, economics and ecosystem regeneration. Join them to co-create diverse regenerative cultures in the transition towards a regenerative...
Nikola Tesla's Visions of the Future
The ONE secret that Nikola Tesla wrested from nature on that fateful day in a Budapest park was the design for his most famous and important invention: the Alternating Current Induction Motor. Before Tesla’s breakthrough, all electricity and motors used a direct current...
Following the Route of the Keystone XL Pipeline Through 3 States
After Trump's revival of the Keystone XL pipeline project, some communities along its route are getting ready to fight back. Others see a promise kept by the US president to 'make America great again'. The Guardian drove along the proposed route of the pipeline, through three...
Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature
Biomimicry, the practice of looking deeply into nature for solutions to engineering, design and other challenges, has inspired a film about it's ground-breaking vision for creating a long-term, sustainable world. This film covers how mimicking nature solves some of our most...
How to Boil a Frog
There's plenty of serious documentaries on the world's environmental problems. How to Boil a Frog takes a different approach, mixing fast-paced comedy with hard-hitting facts to help make complex subjects both understandable and more engaging. The accompanying study guide...
Wendell Berry: 17 Rules for a Sustainable Local Community
How can a sustainable local community (which is to say a sustainable local economy) function? I am going to suggest a set of rules that I think such a community would have to follow. I hasten to say that I do not understand these rules as predictions; I am not interested in...
Tomorrow: All Over the Globe, Solutions Already Exist
“Without question, this is absolutely the best and most creative film on the future of humanity and the environment”. — Paul HawkenWhat if telling a story that gives hope by pointing out solutions was the best way to solve the ecological, economical and social crises that...
You Can't Have Infinite Growth On A Finite Planet
"Our economy is based on a crazy idea - the crazy idea being that we're gonna have infinite growth on a finite planet." - Paul Guilding 
Inside Unilever's Sustainability Myth
Unilever is regarded as a champion of sustainability. According to CEO Paul Polman, what benefits the company also benefits the earth. But when US competitor Heinz Kraft tried to take over the company, Unilever changed its short-term strategy. Dutch Investigative journalism...
Jane Goodall - Mother Earth
“You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” Jane Goodall
60 Eco-Conscious Documentaries to Honor Mother Earth
Pachamama, our dear Mother Earth, is 4.5 billion years old. She is home to an estimated 8.7 million species of life! This wondrous web of relationships is truly a gift to be a part of, and we can thank our growing and evolving Mother Earth for the eyes and mind we have to...
Our Land: A 7 Part Series about Revolutionizing Our Relationship to Food & Land
We have created this series of films to celebrate and interpret intervention, undertaken by individuals and communities, to shift our food and farm economy.  These episodes each address a major systemic failure of the old food economy: toxicity, monoculture, monopoly...
Beyond Compost: 5 Ways to Get Your Soil Ready This Spring
The key to a great garden? Good dirt. Here’s how you can grow your own.
Watching The Birth of a Dugout Canoe is Meditative and Deeply Satisfying
This is a documentary movie uncovering the difficult and time consuming process of making traditional expanded dugout canoe using mostly traditional hand tools and techniques.
Break the Chain - Fortnight of Action Against Fracking Supply Chain Begins
Campaigners block access to quarry supplying material to fracking industry, calling on suppliers to 'break the chain' that enables fracking against the wishes of locals.
The Edible Bus Stop: Community Gardens From Neglected Sites
The Edible Bus Stop transforms neglected sites across London's bus network into valuable community growing spaces. Originating as a guerilla garden project adjacent to a bus stop in South London, we transform once-forgotten spaces into thriving neighbourhood hubs that are...
'Disaster': Trump Administration Signs off on Keystone XL Pipeline
'Donald Trump only cares about making his special interest pals richer even though our children will inherit a world ravaged by climate change'
Every Town Needs a Remakery
The Edinburgh Remakery is a social enterprise that teaches repair. The shop sells refurbished computers and furniture, and hosts workshops where people can come along and learn how to repair their own things. There’s a big vision behind it: “we want to generate a repair...
Tamera - Taste of a New Culture
Tamera is an extraordinary intentional community in Portugal. A model for regional autonomy in energy and food, it is focused on creating a truly peaceful society, working harmoniously with nature. This short film looks at the many projects that have transformed the arid...
Fukushima: Coming Home to a Nuclear Wasteland
Fukushima residents are grappling with a choice: return and rebuild their broken community, or stay away.
Belo Monte: After the Flood
Belo Monte: After the Flood is a new film directed by award-winning environmental documentarian Todd Southgate, and produced with International Rivers, Amazon Watch and Cultures of Resistance.
Moving the Giants - An Urgent Plan to Save the Planet
David Milarch is an arborist from central Michigan. In 1991, Milarch had a near death experience that inspired a personal quest – to archive the genetics of the world's largest trees before they're gone and to replant global forests to fight climate change. This is the story...
Video Shows Shell Knew About The Dangers of Climate Change 25 Years Ago
In 1991, Shell produced a public documentary on global warming called Climate of Concern. It warned that trends in global temperatures raised serious risks of famines, floods and climate refugees. But in the quarter century since, Shell has continued to invest heavily in...
Existing Is Resisting - How Farmers Are Resisting GM Crops
This animation illustrates the myriad practices of everyday resistance that have to be carried out by non-GM producers to try and avoid the spread of genetically modified (GM) maize and the burdens of GM contamination. It is based on the academic paper: Herrero, A....
The Venus Project Plans to Bring Humanity to the Next Stage of Social Evolution. Here's How.
The Venus Project is the culmination of Jacque Fresco’s life’s work to present a sustainable redesign of our culture. The project lays out a sustainable world civilization where technology and science are applied to redesigning our social system with the prime concern...
DAPL Opponents Vow to 'Rise' From Ashes of Oceti Sakowin and Keep Fighting
'They cannot extinguish the fire that Standing Rock started,' Dallas Goldtooth declared
Meet the Earthship
Outside of Taos, New Mexico, you'll find a community of people living in off-grid homes made of garbage. The homes are called Earthships and were invented by Michael Reynolds. We went to Taos to check them out.
Pricey Bargains: How Economics Hides The True Cost of Consumerism
Climate change, species extinction, pollution and poverty: The world seems to be going down the drain! There are many reasons for these problems. One reason of particular importance is rooted deep in our economic system. This video explains it. What's your opinion about that?...
Brace for the Financial Crash of 2018
80% of the world’s oil has already peaked, and the resulting oil crunch will flatten the economy
99 Reasons Why 2016 Was a Good Year
Our media feeds are echo chambers. And those echo chambers don’t just reflect our political beliefs; they reflect our feelings about human progress. Bad news can be a bubble too
The Future of Cities
Oscar Boyson travelled to cities all over the world to learn about some of ways cities are changing, building and adapting for sustainability and livability. In places he couldn't visit he crowdsourced footage from residents. This film is made in collaboration with The...
Where Do You Draw the Line?
Why is the Ecuadorian government proposing to extract oil in an area frequently classified by ecologists as one of the most bio-diverse rainforest regions left intact on earth? Featuring music and narration from Daddy G of Massive Attack this documentary film tells the story...
We Save Land - Short Animation
A heartwarming story of a young child whose adventures in the rolling open spaces of their home come to an abrupt halt, due to over-development and urban sprawl. With this eye-catching and thought-provoking short animated film, Summit Land Conservancy and LoveLove Films hope...
UK's Largest Anti-Fracking Gathering Held in Manchester
An estimated two thousand people marched through the center of Manchester in what was probably the largest ever anti-fracking gathering ever seen in the United Kingdom. Activist converged on the city from Lancashire, Yorkshire, London, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland...
Dreaming Beyond Capitalism: a Culture Without Fear
In the 1990s an unusual encounter took place in the Ecuadorian Amazon. In plant rituals, shamans of the Achuar, a tribe living in pristine forest that had never been in touch with Western civilization, received the warning that the “white man” would try to invade their lands...
What If We Turned Every Window Into a Power Source?
Transparent solar cell tech could transform our buildings - and make the world more sustainable. 
Tomorrow's Food: Cultured Meat
A short film covering the innovative research area of Cultured Meat and Cellular Agriculture. This film explores current developments in the field, as well as pondering what is next for this new science and the public perception of this interesting field of research.
10 Ways You Can Help the Standing Rock Sioux Fight the Dakota Access Pipeline
Cannon Ball, ND – While many Americans passively support the Standing Rock Sioux’s fight to stop the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, aside from showing up in Cannon Ball, North Dakota (which many simply can’t do) – to actively participate in the protests – most...
Ash and Oil: Tar Sands and The Costliest Natural Disaster in Canadian History
Fort McMurray residents were forced to flee a huge wildfire that destroyed much of their city in Canada's Alberta province in May 2016. About 88,000 residents were evacuated from the oil-rich region during the fire, the costliest natural disaster in Canada's history.
The Anthropocene Is Here: Humanity Has Pushed Earth Into a New Epoch
The epoch is thought to have begun in the 1950s, when human activity set global systems on a different trajectory
Mesmerising Video of Tiled Roof Hut Built Entirely from Materials Found in the Forest
I built this tiled roof hut in the bush using only primitive tools and materials. The tools I used have been made in my previous videos. It should be pointed out that I do not live in the wild and that this is just a hobby. It should be obvious to most that this is not a...
This Off Grid Handmade Island is One of the Most Amazing Homes in the World
Floating off the coast of Vancouver Island, a 45-minute boat ride to the nearest town, is a sustainable island fortress complete with a dance floor, art gallery and garden. For artists Catherine King and Wayne Adams, this is home: a labor of love 24 years in the making.
How Gardening Helps Students Grow
Jaureguiberry's elementary school is giving kids in Uruguay a first-hand look at environmental sustainability. The school was built with recycled materials, and students grow indoor and outdoor edible gardens.
Sustainable Living Series with Rob Greenfield
The series documents Rob Greenfield's off the grid bike ride across America on a bamboo bicycle where he practiced sustainable living to the extreme. In 4,700 miles of cycling he used just 160 gallons of water, burned less than one gallon of gas, never turned on a light...