301-360 of 1,213
The Dark Side of Tulum
An independent documentary exploring both the beauty and betrayal of Tulum, Mexico - and what can be done to change it. *Available with Spanish subtitles - simply click the CC button on the video player.
Food, Earth, Happiness
A majestic journey through Japan, Korea, and the United States that turns our perceptions of food (and life) upside down in a simple and poetic way. Solutions for our most pressing social and ecological issues come from unexpected places in a bite-sized film that New York...
A Prayer for 2019
Or Whatever Number You Choose
Wasted Waste
3,6 million kg of food is wasted every day. 870 million people could be fed only with the world’s wasted food (FAO). 800 million people are starving around the world. 1/3 of the food ends up in the trash while 198 000 hectares are used to produce food that is never consumed.
Fossil-Free Costa Rica: How One Country Is Pursuing Decarbonization Despite Global Inaction
As world leaders struggle to agree on a plan to curb global emissions at the U.N. climate talks in Katowice, Poland, Democracy Now! looks at Costa Rica’s plan to go fossil-free beginning next year. It will be the first country in the world to decarbonize its economy.
An Ecosocialist Path to Limiting Global Temperature Rise to 1.5°C
An emergency plan to meet the climate emergency
If You Want to Save the World, Veganism Isn’t the Only Answer
Veganism has rocketed in the UK over the past couple of years – from an estimated half a million people in 2016 to more than 3.5 million – 5% of our population – today. Influential documentaries such as 
Who Cares?
“Just who is changing the world?”
Esteem: The Power of Vulnerability
Australian filmmaker Peter Charles Downey takes us on a personal and cathartic journey of empowerment, redemption, and healing.
Ecovillage Pioneers: A Journey Towards Low-Impact Living
Tony Wrench of Wales had a natural building that radically challenged and altered the government’s policy on low impact housing. This paved the way for Lammas - the UK’s first planned ecovillage, on brilliant display in this film.
Voices of Transition
This inspirational film presents innovative and very concrete solutions to the food security challenges of our crisis-ridden age. Its powerful images showcase community-led agriculture in Cuba, ingenious woodland farming methods in France and the influential Transition...
Our Current Leadership Is Unsustainable
Environmentally, socially and psychologically our society is unsustainable. If consumption continues to increase at current rates, by 2050 we will need 3 Earths to sustain us (United Nations, 2015). Socially, income inequality is at the highest level in 50 years in OECD...
Our Un-Soulful Economy
Soul is often defined as the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal.  This definition is not without its critics, as it arbitrarily stops at animals. What about plants and trees?  Do they have souls?  Indeed, it could be argued that plants and trees have some...
Engines of Domination: Political Power & The Human Emergency - Director's Cut
Political power—armed central authority, with states and war—is it part of human nature? Is it necessary for human community? Or is it a tool that ruling elites use to live at the community's expense? A tool that does violence to human nature and the world? Engines of...
1968: a Missed Chance for Socialism
Precisely 50 years ago, the international anti-imperialistic students’ movement culminated in the uprisings in France. At that time, Dieter Duhm, a psychoanalyst and sociologist, was a spokesman of the “new left” in the German students’ movement and coined the slogan...
Green Growth Explained
Green Growth is the big plan to deal with environmental damage while still growing the global economy. Can we trust it? DIY Fact Check >> #PostGrowth
We Have a Choice to Make. Growth or Life?
Every day, we are told that global economic growth will save us. But think about it: How is it possible to have infinite growth on a finite planet? #GrowthOrLife
Politics Decentralized: A New Paradigm of Governance (Jordan Greenhall)
Jordan Greenhall seems to have the gift of second sight. And for Greenhall, the election of Donald Trump is merely a bi-product of profound changes in the nature of how we understand the world and how we relate to each other. The underlying mediating structures of society...
Steven Pinker's Ideas Are Fatally Flawed. These Eight Graphs Show Why.
It’s time to reclaim the mantle of “Progress” for progressives. By falsely tethering the concept of progress to free market economics and centrist values, Steven Pinker has tried to appropriate a great idea for which he has no rightful claim.
PowerTrip: Fracking in the UK
Watch the entire movie on #powertripfilm Power Trip: Fracking in the UK (63mins) takes you onto the frontlines of UK resistance in the battle to stop the controversial energy extraction process known as Fracking. We show what happens beyond the few seconds...
The Climate “Doomsday” Is Already Here
We have already altered the planet — and many have already been harmed by it.
A Future of Abundance
While the world is in crisis, there is a man who thinks the future is as bright as it can be. Peter Diamandis, author of the book Abundance and co-founder of Singularity University, sees how technology can soon provide all basic needs such as energy, clean drinking water and...
Into Unity: A Journey into Ecovillage Living
"Together with others, I know I can get much further."
Manifesto for Wholesome Cooperation: a Sociocratic Perspective
Humans organize themselves in groups to reach common objectives
An Atlas of Real Utopias?
Atlas of Utopias is part of the Transformative Cities initiative, sharing 32 stories of radical transformation that demonstrate that another world is possible, and already exists.
Pilgrimage Open to All: Bring Your Own Beliefs
The Sustainable Food Trust’s Future of UK Farming conference at Fir Farm this April will feature a pilgrimage from the source of the River Dickler to Hill Barn, hosted by Guy Hayward and Will Parsons of the British Pilgrimage Trust (BPT). Ahead of the conference I decided to
Sacrifice Zone: The Story of a Real Australian Gas Crisis
The backyard of New South Wales is facing its biggest threat yet – invasive gasfields. Betrayal by governments has meant protectors are fighting to save the things they love. The Pilliga, Great Artesian Basin, Liverpool Plains – all are at risk.
As the Trump Administration Retreats on Climate Change, US Cities Are Moving Forward
Despite almost universal scientific consensus that climate change poses a growing threat, President Donald Trump’s recent infrastructure plan makes no mention of the need to build resilience to rising global temperatures. Instead, it actually seeks to weaken environmental...
The Third Industrial Revolution: A Radical New Sharing Economy
The global economy is in crisis. The exponential exhaustion of natural resources, declining productivity, slow growth, rising unemployment, and steep inequality, forces us to rethink our economic models. Where do we go from here? In this feature-length documentary, social and...
Nilüfer Uses Neighbourhood Committees to Increase Civic Action
Nilüfer (Turkey) is the winner of the 2017 Transformative Action Award.
Beyond the Obsession with Numbers: Charles Eisenstein
Has the time come to move beyond our obsession with measurement? Charles Eisenstein, author of several books on human culture and identity, compares science to religion, and makes the case for moving beyond the belief that only the measurable is real.
Defend the Sacred
Capturing the heart of a movement that is constantly evolving is difficult. How do you capture Spirit?
Living the Change: Inspiring Stories for a Sustainable Future
Living the Change explores solutions to the global crises we face today – solutions any one of us can be part of – through the inspiring stories of people pioneering change in their own lives and in their communities in order to live in a sustainable and regenerative...
Greenland Melting from Below
Turns out, Greenland isn't just melting from above—it's also melting from below. Eventually, it could raise sea levels by 24 feet. How long until we're all underwater? NASA's OMG mission is trying to find out.
Averting the Apocalypse: Lessons From Costa Rica
Chasing economic growth gains us nothing but global warming. We should follow the lead of tiny Costa Rica, where life expectancy is soaring
Energy Internet
Is this an answer to climate change that we're missing? This is a taster for a one-hour documentary coming soon that explores the work of Nick Dunlop and the Climate Parliament.
Films for Action's Vision for the Future
Films For Action is a learning library for people who want to change the world. 
What Will It Really Take to Avoid Collapse?
Fifteen thousand scientists have issued a dire warning to humanity about impending collapse but virtually no-one takes notice. Ultimately, our global systems, which are designed for perpetual growth, need to be fundamentally restructured to avoid the worst-case outcome.
Keystone XL: This Isn't Over
There’s a lot of uncertainty around TransCanada’s next move – they’re still expected to make a final decision this month whether to move forward with this pipeline – but one thing is for sure. We’re the biggest obstacle this project will face and no matter what TransCanada...
'WASTELANDERS' - Eco-poem for kids (and bigger people!)
My name's Kevin Latham, and this poem belongs to my 'Developing Minds' range aimed at older kids (as well as really big ones, like myself!). It's my hope that these offerings will inspire creativity and constructive thought amongst young people, whilst encouraging them to...
'SLICK' - Eco-poem for kids (and bigger people!)
My name is Kevin Latham, and this poem belongs to my 'Developing Minds' range aimed at older kids (as well as really big ones, like myself!). It's my hope that these offerings will inspire creativity and constructive thought amongst young people, whilst encouraging them to...
Joe Rogan Interviews Paul Stamets
Paul Stamets is a mycologist, author and advocate of bioremediation and medicinal fungi. Check out
Environmental Crisis and Inner Crisis Are Two Sides of the Same Coin
Reflections on Global Grace Day 2017
Why Natural Disasters Aren’t All That Natural
Disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes result from a combination of natural hazards and social and human vulnerability. Calling them 'natural disasters' artificially naturalises the harms they cause.
You Pay More Taxes Than Exxon Mobil
Want a simple way to tell if humanity is taking the threat of global warming seriously? Ask yourself this question: Does Exxon Mobil pay more taxes than at least one U.S. citizen? That’s right. Just one. Right now, the answer is a clear and resounding “No!” because Exxon...
Beautiful Powerful Direct Action for a Clean Energy Future
Taking direct action against the dirty fossil fuel industry and for a clean energy future, Ende Gelände is a mass action movement focused around Germany's massive lignite mines and associated infrastructure. This video is from the second day of four days of direct action...
This Stunning Home, Built of Mud, Connects the Inside with the Outside
'Kids play with mud. They build sandcastles. It's like building your own little fortress. It's not rocket science.' Ross and Kathryn decided that they were not going to get into debt buying a big house. Instead, they spent a year building it themselves. They made use of...
This Cool Desert House Made from Plastic Bottles Tackles Two Problems in One
An engineer in Algeria has developed an ingenious new house building technique on a desert refugee camp. He wanted to build a home for his grandmother that would beat the heat and sandstorms, and plastic bottles were readily available. Filled with sand and straw and encased...
Stokes Croft: The Saga of One British Neighbourhood Reveals the Perverse Injustices of Gentrification
Nowhere is the sharp injustice of gentrification so grossly demonstrated as in Stokes Croft. With its world renowned street art and buzzing local scene, this area is the main fount of culture and creativity, which has propelled the city of Bristol to international fame. For...
Food Cooperatives and Garlic
Cooperatives are businesses owned by the people who use their services. Many communities look to their local food co-ops as a way to maintain greater control over their food. Garlic is isolated as just one of many foods that can communicate the importance of retail food...
Earth Overshoot Day Explained
This video explains our Ecological Footprint and Earth Overshoot Day with a particular focus on the #movethedate campaign to move back the day of ecological overshoot.
Island Earth
A rich tale of a young indigenous scientist's struggle for truth between science and tradition as he enters an industry that many feel is threatening his homeland. His complex journey through the inner workings of GMO chemical companies and traditional Hawaiian elders reveals...
Are We Doomed? Let’s Have a Talk.
We're not all ready to have the same conversation, but perhaps that's a good place to start
Month of Rolling Resistance Reclaims Power From Dirty Frackers
Lancashire County Council and local residents said NO to fracking. The government overturned that decision and allowed fracking firm Cuadrilla to drill at a site on Preston New Road near Blackpool. Now local residents, councillors and concerned citizens are taking direct...
Neoliberalism Has Conned Us Into Fighting Climate Change as Individuals
Would you advise someone to flap towels in a burning house? To bring a flyswatter to a gunfight? Yet the counsel we hear on climate change could scarcely be more out of sync with the nature of the crisis.
The Urbal Fix: Creating Truly Sustainable Cities
A solution-oriented film about creating sustainable and democratic cities. 
Are You Ready to Consider That Capitalism Is the Real Problem?
Before you say no, take a moment to really ask yourself whether it’s the system that’s best suited to build our future society.
Councilors Take Direct Action Against Fracking, "You've Left Us No Choice"
Lancashire residents and councilors took part in a 13-person lock-on at fracking company Cuadrilla's flagship fracking site at Preston New Road. The action is part of the Rolling Resistance, a month of taking creative action against Cuadrilla and the fracking supply chain...