661-720 of 1,212
Curacautin Bajo El agua
Curacautín Bajo el Agua (Curacautín Under Water) shows how Chile’s current energy policy is allowing for the construction of dam projects in areas with the highest potential for tourism. Local citizens are ra
Little Blue - A Broken Promise
A small community was promised a recreational dream. Instead they got a toxic nightmare. Watch their battle against coal ash, a toxic waste that is polluting hundreds of similar communities across America. You can take action and tell the EPA to regulate this waste by...
Mobilize to Stop Planet Fever: A 10-Point Action Plan for System Change Not Climate Change
When we, as human beings, get a fever, we immediately get worried and take action. After all, we know that if our body temperature rises to 1.5ºC, let alone 2ºC [3.6 ºF] above the normal average, there can be severe damage, while an increase of 4-6ºC [7.2-10.8 ºF] or more can...
Free Range Child: Raising Children Connected To The Earth & Their Food
"As a child, one has that magical capacity to move among the many eras of the earth; to see the land as an animal does; to experience the sky from the perspective of a flower or a bee; to feel the earth quiver and breathe beneath us; to know a hundred different smells of mud...
The Coming Climate Revolt: Chris Hedges
Chris Hedges made these remarks Saturday at a panel discussion in New York City titled “The Climate Crisis: Which Way Out?” The other panelists were Bill McKibben, Naomi Klein, Kshama Sawant and Sen. Bernie Sande
Commercialisation: The Antithesis of Sharing
The danger is not commercialisation per se but our constant identification with its inner and outer manifestation, in which humanity’s intelligence is led in the opposite direction from nature and spiritual evolution. What is evil, anyway, if not our identification with...
Uniting the People of the world
The time has come when we must demonstrate in our millions not against this or that, but rather for who we are * * * At this time of economic turmoil it can be difficult to perceive for oneself how the principle of sharing is a solution to world problems, and this is...
'The World Is Not Dying. It's Changing': Anthropologist Wade Davis Has Hope For The Future
Wade Davis has a lot of nerve being cheerful. Someone who can list as many threats to the world’s future as he does should be a tormented wreck. Humanity’s soaring population, eco-degradation, the rapid loss of the world’s languages — these are not exactly things that make...
Archbishop Desmond Tutu Calls For 'End Of Fossil Fuels Era'
Twenty-five years ago people could be excused for not knowing much, or doing much, about climate change. Today we have no excuse. No more can it be dismissed as science fiction; we are already feeling the effects.
100% Renewable Energy as Centerpiece of a Climate Action Plan
Climate Change is back on the political agenda. On 23rd of September, Heads of States are meeting in New York to pledge climate action. This is good news as it is about time. The rising economic, health-related, and environmental costs of burning fossil fuels, combined...
The Oldest Tree Huggers | Valhalla-India
It's something often done these days -- but have you ever wondered who were first to start this non-violent style of protest? Check out the blog for more info and photos:
Grow the Change You Want To See In The World
A short film fom Over Grow The System that showcases young farmers who are growing the change they want to see in the word.
Why End War - In 2 Minutes
Why we should end all war, explained in 2 minutes.
Introducing Petrolify® - The Power of Petroleum in One Little Pill
Imagine there was a pill you could take every day that would provide you with wealth, freedom, and luxuries beyond the imagination of even the wealthiest kings of yesteryear. Taking this pill would give you the equivalent of hundreds of slaves, working for you 24/7, to grow...
My Own Hands - For The Love Of Climbing Trees
Aboriculturist and climber, Ben Atkinson lives and works in the England's Lake District where he runs an ethical tree surgery business. He is keen to share his passion for exploring and climbing trees with others, and to pass on his knowledge of this unexplored organic...
David Suzuki: An Elder's Vision for Our Sustainable Future
At 74, and coming the end of his scientific and broadcasting career, David Suzuki mused on the notion: "If I had one last lecture to give, what would I say?" The result is a very special talk full of humour, warmth, insight and passion.
Paul Hawken: Regeneration
Paul Hawken is a visionary social entrepreneur, the award-winning author of multiple landmark books including Blessed Unrest, The Ecology of Commerce and Natural Capitalism (co-author), and the Co-Founder of OneSun, a radically innovative solar energy technology company.
Grow Heathrow: Residents Resisting Eviction Over 3rd Runway
On March 1st 2010 Transition Heathrow members swooped on an abandoned market garden site in Sipson; one of the villages to be completely tarmacked to make way for a third runway at Heathrow.
The Natural Teacher: 10 Ways You Can Add Vitamin "N" to the Classroom & Beyond
Not long ago I met some dedicated young women who were doing their student teaching at an impressive nature-based preschool. They made it clear that they’d love to pursue careers at similar schools. But they were discouraged about the prospects. Despite growing demand from...
Can a Tipi Stop a Pipeline? - Oyate Wahacanka
Can a Tipi Stop a Pipeline? Keystone Tar Sands / XL Pipeline. Nearly everyone is familiar with these words and most have at least some opinion about what they represent. Those who are willing to sacrifice the very things which make life possible on this planet for personal...
Big Men
A good movie gives you a ticket to a secret world and Big Men delivers again and again, taking you into rooms you have no business entering. You’ll eavesdrop on meetings about oil deals worth billions of dollars and watch heavily armed militants preparing to strike. It’s a...
Sizing up the Tiny House Movement
A growing number of people are choosing to shun the conventional option of a foundation, mortgage and spare room in favour of a house the size of the average suburban garage. So what exactly is a tiny house, why is it so appealing, and what is it like to actually live in one?
Joanna Macy: From The Great Unraveling to The Great Turning
Prayer for the Great Turning May the turning of the Earth save us.
Farmher in the Dell: Women in Agriculture
Itʼs a cool spring day in Merville, BC as Moss Dance, sole proprietor of Ripple Farm, unfurls irrigation lines along tightly spaced rows of lettuces. Itʼs early in the season, but there are already fresh greens, radishes and onions ready to harvest for the weekly farmersʼ market.
Buddhist Economics: How to Stop Prioritizing Consumption Over People and Creativity
“Work and leisure are complementary parts of the same living process and cannot be separated without destroying the joy of work and the bliss of leisure.”
The Ecocity: The Only Way to Organise Massive Populations?
Richard Register invites permaculturists to scale up their ideas on a bigger level to cater for our increasingly large world population.
The Story That's Destroying the World
Let me start by saying something that sounds controversial but actually isn't:
Towards a New Co-Existence: On Reframing Our Ecological Crises
How we think about and talk about ecological crises and our role in them form the structures of our responses.  This is why thought forms, concepts, frames as George Lakoff calls them, are all central, form the crux, of attempts to protect species and the planet’s systems...
In This Epic Moment of Eco-Social Disruption, The World Is Seeing a Revolutionary Transformation
In this epic moment of radical environmental and social disruption, the world is experiencing the dawn of a revolutionary transformation to becoming an ecologically literate and socially just civilization.
How Transformational Festival Culture Is Modelling Sustainability
Transformational festival culture strives to create and become the more beautiful world it imagines. Traveling to several of these festivals across the world, this short film looks at the ways these festival communities are putting sustainability into practice. Certainly...
The Greening of the Self: the Most Important Development of Modern Times
Something important is happening in our world that you are not going to read about in the newspapers. I consider it the most fascinating and hopeful development of our time, and it is one of the reasons I am so glad to be alive today. It has to do with what is occurring to...
How to Create World Peace In 1000 Years Or Less
Ever wondered what it might take to rid the world of conflict and live in happiness forever? Well, the journey to world peace begins here, and ends with 1000 episodes of the SRSLY WRONG podcast.
This Changes Everything: Capitalism Vs the Climate
The video for Naomi Klein's new book captures the truth that must be told: "Our economic model is waging a war against all life on Earth." For more information, tour dates, or to buy the book: Forget everything you think you know about...
Singapore Takes the Lead In Green Building in Asia
By encouraging the adoption of energy-saving technologies and innovative architectural design, Singapore has emerged as a model of green building in Asia — an important development in a region that is urbanizing more rapidly than any other in the world. At street level...
Among Giants
Risking injury and incarceration, an environmental activist disrupts the clear-cutting of an ancient redwood grove by sitting on a tiny platform a hundred feet up in the tree canopy. Already three years into the tree-sit when filming begins, AMONG GIANTS blends vérité...
Earth Whisperers - Papatuanuku
This absorbing documentary focuses on 10 visionary New Zealanders out to prove that a shift in consciousness can heal our environment. You'll be inspired, and never look at stinging nettle in your garden in quite the same way again. 
Transition Towns and Beyond: The Ecological Land Co-operative
The Transition movement is a loose network of thousands of communities (ranging from favelas in Brazil to Japanese towns; from rural villages in England to Transition Los Angeles) unified in their drive to devise and implement positive solutions that build local resilience...
Petroleo: Un Crudo Despertar (2006) - A Crude Awakening: The Oil Crash
Un documental imprescindible en el que se nos advierte magistral y desesperadamente del gran error de la sociedad actual: ignorar que los combustibles fósiles no podrán seguir abasteciendo a ritmos crecientes las economías, tampoco las de los pocos países ricos, y creer...
This Illustrated Storybook Tale about Climate Change and Societal Collapse Will Give You Chills
A poem about apocalyptic climate change and how it will affect us all - even the wealthy, whose money will be of no value if society collapses.
Global Economic Sharing: The Most Important Debate of Our Time?
Almost everywhere we look, there is an emerging debate on the i
Dryden - The Small Town that Changed the Fracking Game
Watch the true story of a town who discovered strength in unity and turned the tables on the powerful oil & gas industry. Help us share this inspiring video with everyone you know! Visit to learn more.
Singapore: Biophilic City
A whirlwind week in Singapore exploring the amazing story of how Singapore came to be one of the most 'biophilic' cities of the world, on the cutting edge of ecocity design and innovation. Did you have any idea? There has been unprecedented priority given in recent years to...
Another World
"Another World" is a film about the grassroots initiatives in Greece that form another world right here and now, away from the crisis and beyond capitalism (Greek narration, English subtitles in captions).
The Accelerated Crash Course
This 'Accelerated' Crash Course video condenses over 4.5 hours' worth of detailed material on the trends most likely to shape your future into an easy-to-follow exploration that takes less than an hour to view. 
Grasp The Nettle
Grasp The Nettle follows the exploits of a ragtag band of land rights activists in London as they struggle against corporations, government, police - and themselves - in their efforts to create alternative communities outside the framework of consumer society.
The Life of a Plastic Bag
Boomerang Bags presents the Bag Monster in an initative to promote the use of reusable bags, reducing plastics and fostering sustainable behaviour among local communities. For more information about the initiative, and to get involved visit or find us at...
The Nature of Cities
THE NATURE OF CITIES follows the journey of Professor Timothy Beatley as he explores urban projects around the world, representing the new green movement that hopes to move our urban environments beyond sustainability to a regenerative way of living.
The Singapore Vertical-Farms That Herald An Agricultural Revolution
In Singapore, the challenge of feeding a growing population is pushing the concept of urban farming to new heights. A super-efficient vertical farming system is producing greens for 5 million residents. "Can we supply enoug
Christie Walk: A Piece Of Ecocity
A Piece of Ecocity is an inspiring 2-part film about one of the only inner-city eco-housing projects in the world. It is a great example of what could be possible everywhere. 
Gasland Part II
Gasland Part II follows on three years later, to continue documenting how the stakes have been raised on all sides in one of the most devastating environmental issues rapidly spreading the globe. This sequel further enriches the argument that the gas industry’s portrayal of...
The Evolution of Ecological Consciousness | Andrew Faust
Permaculture designer Andrew Faust gives us an inspiring and heady narrative about the evolution of all life and human consciousness on Mother Earth. 
The Ethics of Fracking
This film explores the ethics of fracking though different professional, scientific, medical, spiritual and religious backgrounds. It also takes a look at the deceiving advertising the gas industry heavily relies on.
Last Call: The Untold Reasons for the Global Crisis (trailer)
Last Call provides a high-level examination of one of the most fundamental environmental questions of our time - are there limits to growth? In 1972, the publication of the book The Limits to Growth stimulated worldwide interest and debate, selling 30 million copies in 30...
Taking The Future Into Account
Why do humans have such a hard time taking the future into account? Answering this question with insightful analysis, the film offers strategies for policymakers and individuals who are interested in ways that we can overcome our conditioned habits. In contrast to many films...
Fresh: New Thinking about What We're Eating
FRESH celebrates the farmers, thinkers and business people across America who are re-inventing our food system. Each has witnessed the rapid transformation of our agriculture into an industrial model, and confronted the consequences: food contamination, environmental...
Freedom Ahead: Democracy Does Not Offer Freedom, Nature Does
Never before in history have so many people relied on so few for the basic essentials of life.
Earth Pilgrim
A spiritual journey into the ethereal landscape of Dartmoor with Satish Kumar, the world-renowned ecologist & creator of Resurgence magazine. Through changing seasons, Satish walks the moor and explores ancient woods and rivers, home to a wealth of wildlife including red...
The Anthropocene: It's Not All About Us
We need to recognize we share the planet with millions of other life forms   Time to celebrate! Woo-hoo! It’s official: we humans have started a new geological epoch – the Anthropocene. Who’d have thought that just one species among millions might be capable of such an...
The Pursuit of Happiness: A New Development Paradigm
During the 15 years, I lived and worked in Asia as a development professional from 1978 to 1992, I witness a troubling paradox. GDP was growing, incomes were rising, there was an expanding middle class, and a few people were getting fabulously rich. Development seemed to be...
No, Humans Are Not at The Top of The Food Chain
Despite what many of those who advocate meat-eating would like to believe, humans do not sit at the top of the food chain. In any event, it’s a food web rather than a chain, due to the many complex interactions involved.