61-120 of 1,212
Living in the Time of Dying
Living in The Time of Dying is an unflinching look at what it means to be living in the midst of climate catastrophe and finding purpose and meaning within it. Recognising the magnitude of the climate crisis we are facing, independent filmmaker Michael Shaw, sells his house...
Advertising & The End of The World
Advertising & the End of the World features an illustrated presentation by Sut Jhally of the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Growing Pains: the Ecological Cost of an Insatiable Economy
'Growing Pains'  is the title for a short edit (47min) of the award-winning documentary 'System Error'. A look at the global and political obsession with economic growth and the ecological and humanitarian consequences.
Bring a Farm Back to Life
Help us to get our sixth site – Maesgwyn Isaf -  up and running. With your support we can make this farm ready to welcome new entrant farmers to work this land in an agroecological way, building on the legacy of Jenn and Stuart Carter who gifted this farm to us. Maesgwyn...
Why the Suburbs Are Terrible for Us (and the Planet)
In this video essay, I look at why the suburbs are so terrible for people and the planet. Specifically, I look at the racist history of the suburbs in the United States in order to understand how the suburbs came about. The suburbs have a dark history of white supremacy and...
The Scariest Climate Science Paper I've Ever Read?
This month a paper came out that honestly chilled me. It was about tipping points in climate - a well-known concept that the climate can change abruptly if certain conditions are met in certain elements of the climate system, such as excess melting of the Greenland ice sheet...
When Trees Meet Buildings
Architects, engineers and developers are creating increasingly greener structures - and doing it in a more literal way than ever before.
Anthropogenic Man: A Documentary on the Human Predicament
In this program, the filmmakers share insights from some leading voices on our human predicament, that being the conflict between our current economic paradigm which demands infinite growth to avoid collapsing and the living biosphere, which is going to collapse if we don't...
Bright Green Lies
From the award-winning director of Sea of Life, Bright Green Lies investigates the change in focus of the mainstream environmental movement, from its original concern with protecting nature, to its current obsession with powering an unsustainable way of life. The film exposes...
Magical 28-Year-Old Permaculture Food Forest
In this documentary we revisit an incredible food forest growing on 2 acres of land in the very south of Aotearoa New Zealand. The forest, previously an abandoned section filled with rubbish and burnt house remains, was the subject of our 2016 film An Invitation for Wildness...
Reflection: A Walk with Water
The conditions that make life possible are rapidly changing. Reckoning with this reality on the cusp of a record-setting dry season, filmmaker Emmett Brennan embarks on a powerful journey to find stories of hope and healing. Brennan sets out to walk 200 miles next to the...
The Ground Between Us
Since 2017, public lands throughout America have faced unprecedented threats. Bears Ears National Monument was shrunk by 85%, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge was opened to oil exploration, and the Elliott State Forest in Oregon was nearly privatized. 
Biophilic Design: The Architecture of Life
Biophilic Design is an innovative way of designing the places where we live, work, and learn. We need nature in a deep and fundamental fashion, but we have often designed our cities and suburbs in ways that both degrade the environment and alienate us from nature.
The Modern Eco Village | BedZED
The BedZED eco-village is a sustainable housing development based in London, UK. Going Green went to the eco-village to see both the green building design and the sustainable community.
Our Consumer Society
This documentary explores our consumer society, looking at the history, philosophy, psychology, and sociology of what consumerism really means.
Redefining Prosperity
The story of how a mining town recovered from its legacy of pollution and prospered by building community around the battle to save their beautiful river. Born in the California Gold Rush, Nevada City was once the scene of some of the most destructive environmental...
5 Most Epic Earth Healing Projects!
Permaculture instructor Andrew Millison reveals his picks for the 5 most epic Earth healing projects in the world.
Plastic Island: The Terrible Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea
The Mediterranean Sea is the most polluted sea in the world - this is the observation made by many scientists. At the heart of this pollution, plastics hold an important place. In 2019, the media announced that off Corsica there would be a veritable island of adrift plastic...
MILKED: White Lies In Dairy Land
MILKED follows a young activist who goes deep into dairy land where he takes on the giants of New Zealand’s most powerful industry, and reveals how the sacred cash-cow industry has been milked dry. His journey exposes not only the sustainability crisis and the dangerous...
The Art of Slowing Down Time
Emma Ringqvist leaves the stress of modern life behind and spends 164 days alone on the Atlantic Ocean in a small sail boat. This film includes poetry from Stephen Jenkinson, recorded and arranged by Gregory Hoskins. It also features artwork from Daniel Beerstecher's Land...
How Devils Heal Forests | Rob Brewster
Foxes and cats have devastated the trophic cascade balance in the Australian ecosystem. The reintroduction of Tasmanian Devils is being utilized to protect bandicoots, bettongs, and potaroos. These small animals are essential for maintaining a healthy ecosystem. The trophic...
Fast Fashion: The Shady World of Cheap Clothing
Fast fashion has radically transformed the textile industry. These days, 56 million tons of clothing are sold every year. But cheap garments come at a high price: A precarious existence for workers and a catastrophic environmental impact. The clothing industry is currently...
LOCAL: A Story Of Hope
LOCAL: A Story Of Hope, examines the root causes of our social and environmental crises - the global economy - and proposes a call to action: “re-regulate the big and global – rebuild the small and local”. The controversial message is delivered by three strong voices - Helena...
The Story of Plastic
Learn how the mass production of single-use plastic has put us in the biggest environmental crisis in history.
The Tipping Point that will DESTROY the World | George Monbiot
“I doubt that 1% of people really understand what we’re facing: the prospect of systematic environmental collapse” - George Monbiot
Forest Condominium is Ecosystem of 150 Trees, 60+ Apartments
With 150 trees sprouting across 5 floors of terraces, balconies, and roof gardens, apartment complex "25 Verde" in Italy rises like a giant treehouse, a forest-building ecosystem combining geothermal energy, water reuse, and natural cooling.
The Wisdom To Survive
Climate change is here. Will we have the wisdom to survive? The film features thought leaders and activists in the realms of science, economics, and spirituality. The focus: how we can live creatively and even joyfully in the face of this catastrophe, and how can we act to...
Going Circular
Imagine a future where we mimic the genius of nature—to re-calibrate the way humankind lives, breathes, builds—respecting the limits of our resources and transforming the modern world. Going Circular unlocks the secrets to circularity, an innovative concept that could save...
230 People LIVING COMMUNALLY: Tour of Ithaca EcoVillage
The EcoVillage at Ithaca was established in 1991 and has become a mature communal village with three neighborhoods developed on 10% of the land with 90% of the land devoted to farmland and natural areas. Given that we're interested in communally living at Flock, we took quite...
First We Eat
What happens when an ordinary family, living just south of the Arctic Circle, bans all grocery store food from their house for one year? Add three skeptical teenagers, one reluctant husband, no salt, no caffeine, no sugar and -40 temperatures.
Can Indigenous Knowledge Save the World?
Indigenous peoples are among the worst affected by rainforest deforestation. What can art do in the face of this destruction? We show solutions from Cameroon, plus how artists in Brazil are fighting to save the Amazon. The rainforest is on fire. Profiteering and greed are...
Honest Government Ad | Net Zero by 2050 (feat. Greta)
The Government™ has made an ad about Net Zero by 2050 and it’s surprisingly honest and informative.
Films for Patrons: Donate $5/Mo and Gain Access to These Great Documentaries
Films For Action hosts the largest collection of free films related to social change online. Started by a few friends in 2006, we're a home-grown media library dedicated to empowering citizens with the knowledge essential to creating a more loving, just, sustainable, and...
The Two Futures Of Automation: Capitalism VS Socialism
With jobs being automated and handed off to machines at an ever-increasing pace, it's only natural to consider what our future will look like. Will humans have more free time to spend with loved ones? More time to pursue hobbies and fulfilling activities? Or will the status...
"Human Potential and the Path Back to Indigeneity" with Bill Pfeiffer
Join Bill Pfeiffer as he discusses his journey to embracing an indigenous world view and how this approach can help save our planet. This video is a production of Lake Erie Institute and is made possible by the generous support of Cuyahoga Arts & Culture.
How to Start a Regenerative Farm from Scratch
Have you ever wanted to start a regenerative farm from scratch? In this video, the Heifer USA team traveled to North Carolina to visit Grass Grazed Farm, a regenerative farm where founders Derrick and Paige Jackson have established and grown a successful business in just two...
Rundown Apartments Reborn as Food-Forest Coliving Agritopia
In 2007, Ole and Maitri Ersson bought the rundown Cabana apartment complex in the city and immediately began to de-pave parking spaces to make space for what today is a huge permaculture coliving space and urban food forest. Today, the Kailash Ecovillage has 55 residents who...
Why This Gives Me Hope for the Future
Why Solarpunk gives me hope for the future.
From Columbus to Enbridge: Colonial Exploitation Continues
It's somehow fitting irony as Indigenous Day approaches on Oct. 11 — once known by another name — that a new Columbus is about to pump oil through Line 3, the last tar sands pipeline. That is the colonial-like corporation Enbridge. Maybe President Joe Biden will think about...
An Urgent Message for Humanity
Climate disruption is human-caused and, while that's hard to acknowledge for some, we take a hopeful approach: if we caused it, we can do something about it.
Beyond Trauma Informed, with Darcia Narvaez and Mary Tarsha
It could be argued that humans have never been so destructive, so violent against a living earth. How did we arrive here? We forgot the wellness-informed pathway to human wellbeing, a holistic wellbeing that leads to peacefulness. We describe the wellness-informed pathway and...
Small Scale Agroecological Approaches for the COVID 19 Response and Beyond
From the closure of markets to the interruption of agricultural supply chains, the COVID-19 pandemic threatens to disrupt food systems around the world. Many families, especially those in already fragile contexts, may soon struggle to access healthy, nutritious diets. Meeting...
Breaking the Cycle - Reclaiming Our Humanity with Our Evolved Nest
Kindred World is proud to launch The Evolved Nest’s educational short film, Breaking the Cycle. The moving and inspirational six-minute film illustrates our capacity for breaking our current Cycle of Competitive Detachment and returning to the pattern of 95% of our human...
Principles for Reversing Globalization and Creating a Future Designed for People, Not Corporations
"We live in the time of the ballyhooed Great Reset, a time following when great destruction has cleared the way to build something different – or to lock in the gains of big corporations, central governments, and the super-wealthy. What vision of human development might we...
A challenge instigated by a group of friends with different diets and eating habits takes the viewers of Sustenance on a global journey in search of the dimensions of sustainability. Sustenance is a feature-length documentary about food's journey around the world and its...
River of Renewal: United by Water, Divided by People
River of Renewal chronicles the long conflict over the 10 million acre Klamath River Basin, which spans the Oregon-California border. Competing demands for water, food, and energy have pitted farmers, American Indians, and commercial fishermen against each other for decades.
The Market Gardener's Toolkit
An educational film in which small-scale organic farmer, educator and author Jean-Martin Fortier shares the tools and techniques used on his highly productive 1.5-acre farm. From soil preparation to strategies on dealing with insect pests, discover how this micro-farm manages...
The Permaculture Orchard: Beyond Organic
The Permaculture Orchard : Beyond Organic is a feature-length educational film that will teach you how to set up your own permaculture orchard at any scale. Recognizing the limitations of the organic model as a substitute to conventional fruit growing, this film proposes a...
Earth's Greatest Enemy
A new documentary by Abby Martin exposing the world's biggest polluter: the US military.
Planned Obsolescence Sucks. Here's Why It Still Exists.
Why (and how) Planned Obsolescence and Capitalism make terrible products.
How We End Consumerism: The Degrowth Movement Shows a Way
How we end consumerism, explained.
Is Recycling Worth It Anymore? The Truth Is Complicated.
America produces more waste per capita than any other country in the world. And recycling, which was once considered the solution to that problem, isn’t really working anymore. Recycling works, but it’s not magic. As America continues to lead the world in per capita waste...
Strengthening Local Economies Worldwide - Helena Norberg-Hodge
Helena Norberg-Hodge, speaking live from Beyond The Great Reset: The Systems Change Summit, May 2021
To The Ends of the Earth
"Wonderfully in touch with this historical moment". - Mark Achbar, The Corporation  "To the Ends of the Earth" follows concerned citizens living at the frontiers of extreme oil and gas extraction, bearing witness to a global crossroads. They call for human ingenuity to...
From Abandoned Farm To Permaculture Laboratory
On the grounds of the permaculture laboratory Peintnerhof in the middle of Carinthia (Austria), pigs dig through the earth and prepare the formerly compacted soil piece by piece for a new, more diverse planting. For example, classic fruit trees are allowed to flourish next to...
Turning Eco-Anxiety into Eco-Action | Our Broken Planet
At times it can be overwhelming to contemplate the challenges we face in the Anthropocene, from the climate crisis to biodiversity loss. The hurdles in the way of a sustainable future can sometimes feel insurmountable - but each of us is capable of making a difference.
Sir David Attenborough Presents: Breaking Boundaries: The Science of Our Planet | Doc Preview
Breaking Boundaries tells the story of the most important scientific discovery of our time - that humanity has pushed Earth beyond the boundaries that have kept Earth stable for 10,000 years, since the dawn of civilization. The 75-minute film takes the audience on a journey...
Seaspiracy examines the global fishing industry, challenging notions of sustainable fishing and showing how human actions cause widespread environmental destruction.
The Truth About Food Insecurity
We live in a world with a rapidly growing population. Some people would have you believe that food insecurity is caused by overpopulation, or that we've reached the earth's carrying capacity. Is that really the case? In this episode, Second Thought takes a brief look at the...