601-660 of 877 results
In December, 2000 at the request of Professor David Andrus of USC's School of International Relations, Michael C. Ruppert gave a lecture on economics that rocked the foundations of about 70 upper classmen. There is the economics that is taught in most college curricula and...
86 min
Academy Award-winning filmmaker Alex Gibney (Taxi to the Dark Side, Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room) presents his take on the gap between rich and poor Americans in Park Avenue: Money, Power and the American Dream. Gibney contends that America's richest citizens have...
59 min
In the mid 1980s, scientists unlocked the genetic keys to manipulating our world. Suddenly everything seemed possible! There would be no more hunger or malnutrition; diseases would be vanquished and poverty wiped out. But twenty years on the situation looks very different...
59 min
When we walk into a supermarket, we assume that we have the widest possible choice of healthy foods. But in fact, over the course of the 20th century, our food system was co-opted by corporate forces whose interests do not lie in providing the public with fresh, healthy...
72 min
America is in the grip of a societal economic panic. Lawmakers cry “We’re Broke!” as they slash budgets, lay off schoolteachers, police, and firefighters, crumbling our country’s social fabric and leaving many Americans scrambling to survive. Meanwhile, multibillion-dollar...
81 min
In your standard dictatorship, activists are brought out back and shot.
In the United States' crypto-dictatorship, activists are bullied by the state until they go bankrupt, are buried under a mountain of legal woes, are publicly discredited or humiliated, or as in the...
Tony Cartalucci
Are you and your family on the wrong side of a bet? When the US government ignored repeated warnings by its own scientists and allowed untested genetically modified (GM) crops into our environment and food supply, it was a gamble of unprecedented proportions.
2 min
David Diamond, Ph.D., of the University of South Florida College of Arts and Sciences shares his personal story about his battle with obesity.
64 min
The Federal Communications Commission is pushing a plan to gut its 30-year-old newspaper/broadcast cross-ownership ban. This proposal would allow one company to own a local paper, two TV stations and up to eight radio stations in a si
Free Press
Information has been leaked about the Trans Pacific Partnership, which is being negotiated in secret by US Trade Representative Ron Kirk. Six hundred corporate “advisors” are in on the know, but not Congress or the media. Ron Wyden, chairman of the Senate trade subcommittee...
Paul Craig Roberts
Dan Mathews reveals common misconception in how we deal with banks. Watch and laugh as Dan catches our politicians off guard with some simple questions. These questions are simple, but you'd be surprised who actually has trouble answering.
96 min
It was more sophisticated than we had imagined: new documents show that the violent crackdown on Occupy last fall – so mystifying at the time – was not just coordinated at the level of the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, and local police. The crackdown, which...
Naomi Wolf
The free flow of news and information, accessible to everyone, is vital to the success of democracy.
And today in America, that flow is in doubt.
Our newspapers, traditionally the most reliable source of civic information and investigative reporting, are laying off reporters...
Common Cause
Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt has defended his company's 'immoral' tax policies, saying of the internet giant's evasions to get out of paying billions of dollars: "It's called capitalism."
Craig Brown
CREW and Brave New Foundation have released Strategic Maneuvers, a new report and short film revealing the extent of the Pentagon's revolving door phenomenon, in which retired high-ranking generals and admirals cash in on their years of military experience by taking lucrative...
4 min
An investigation into BP's 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill. “The film’s scope is staggering, including its detailed outlining of BP’s origins and fingerprints across decades of unrest in Iran. By doing smart, covert reporting that shames our news media, by interviewing...
2 min
*Exxon hates your children. It's a serious accusation. And it deserves a serious explanation. Click here to learn more
1 min
On October seventeenth (O17), a group of about 10 occupiers gathered outside 15 Central Park West, the address of Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein’s multi-million dollar condo. Occupy Goldman Sachs was born. In the model of sleepful protests, they set up camp across from...
Representative-elect Alan Grayson (D-FL) said Monday that he will put mega-retailer Walmart squarely in his sights during the next Congress for the company’s liberal use of public assistance programs to supplement their workers’ wages.
Stephen C. Webster
The American Anti-Corruption Act was just unveiled. It's a gamechanging law that gets money out of politics, for good. In order to pass it, we need a million people to add their names as "Citizen Co-Sponsors." Will you add your name now to help put the pressure on Congress?
Represent Us
A cigarette-smoking 2-year old, who became a global YouTube sensation in the summer of 2010, has unwittingly become the poster child and symptom of a Big Tobacco-sponsored battle being waged in developing markets.
48 min
The corporate CEOs who have made a high-profile foray into deficit negotiations have themselves been substantially responsible for the size of the deficit they now want closed.
Christina Wilkie, Ryan Grim
In a massive blow to multinational agribiz corporations such as Monsanto, Bayer, and Dow, Peru has officially passed a law banning genetically modified ingredients anywhere within the country for a full decade before coming up for another review. Peru’s Plen
Occupy Monsanto
You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. Do you know what I am talking about? The Matrix. The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us.
3 min
Canadas big and dirty oil projects destroying nature and leaving behind a mess that will never go away.The small town of Fort Chipewyan in northern Alberta is facing the consequences of being the first to witness the impact of the Tar Sands project, which may be the tipping...
49 min
Dying to entertain: The untold story and behind the scenes of the cruel multi-million dollar business of the captive whale and dolphin industry.
121 min
Birth: it's a miracle. A rite of passage. A natural part of life. But more than anything, birth is a business. Compelled to find answers after a disappointing birth experience with her first child, actress Ricki Lake recruits filmmaker Abby Epstein to explore the maternity...
2 min
Out of Balance shows the influence that the largest company in the world has on governments, the media and citizens and what can be done about global warming. While the Earth’s climate is pushed further out of balance by increasing use of fossil fuels, ExxonMobil continues to...
66 min
Seeds of Freedom charts the story of seed from its roots at the heart of traditional, diversity rich farming systems across the world, to being transformed into a powerful commodity, used to monopolise the global food system.
30 min
The Yes Men is a comic, biting and revelatory documentary which follows a small group of prankster-activists as they gain worldwide notoriety for impersonating the World Trade Organization on television and at business conferences around the world.
82 min
It was a dreary late- September morning in the East Texas woods outside of Winnsboro, chill and drizzly. Everything was wet or damp except for the spirits of four young people sitting in a tree stand. They were perched 30 feet above the path of the Keystone XL pipeline...
Peter Gorman
The American Ruling Classis one of the most unusual films to be made in America in recent years -- both in terms of form and content. The form is a "dramatic-documentary-musical" and the content is our country's most taboo topic: class, power and privilege in our nominally...
89 min
In January 2012, two controversial pieces of legislation were making their way through the US Congress. SOPA, the Stop Online Piracy Act, and PIPA, the Protect Intellectual Property Act, were meant to crack down on the illegal sharing of digital media. The bills were drafted...
24 min
This is a video compiled of footage and images from various sources of Martin Luther Kings Last speech known as 'At the mountain top'. It is supplemented with a selection of thought provoking music.
20 min
Meet Don Regan, former Merrill Lynch CEO, White House Chief of Staff and advocate of Reaganomics.
1 min
Community, faith and labor organizations mobilized this afternoon for a rally and civil disobedience action in support of thirty-eight workers on strike at a Walmart warehouse in Elwood, Illinois. They marched down to this distribution center, and, at least thirteen clergy...
Kevin Gosztola
You have read Valve’s survival manual for new employees. You have read Michael Abrash’s wonderful account of working at Valve. Now read my political economy analysis of Valve’s management model; one in which there are no
Yanis Varoufakis
It’s a long drive from Florida to Denver, but Leonel Perez and his colleagues at theCoalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) don’t mind. In fact, they arrived in the Mile High City three weeks early for Cultivate, a food, beer, and music festival sponsored by Chipotle Mexican Grill.
Reboxetine is a drug I have prescribed. Other drugs had done nothing for my patient, so we wanted to try something new. I'd read the trial data before I wrote the prescription, and found only well-designed, fair tests, with overwhelmingly positive results. Reboxetine was...
Ben Goldacre
Why Does America Have the Worst Public Transit in the Industrialized World, and the Most Freeways? Taken for a Ride reveals the tragic and little known story of an auto and oil industry campaign, led by General Motors, to buy and dismantle streetcar lines.
56 min
Spraying sewage sludge on farmland pollutes the air, land, and the water. People are getting sick and wells are being contaminated. There are alternatives to spreading sludge on farmland.
17 min
Three years in the making, this cinéma-vérité feature from acclaimed filmmaker Joe Berlinger (Brother’s Keeper, Paradise Lost, Metallica: Some Kind of Monster) is the epic story of one of the largest and most controversial environmental lawsuits on the planet. The inside...
2 min has compiled an incredible historic resource that documents the rise and escalation of the climate denial industry over the last 15 years. Without editorializing the content, these articles summarize 178 headlines (often with multiple news article sources...
I was talking recently with a new friend who I’m just getting to know. She tends to be somewhat conservative, while I lean more toward the progressive side.
Nurse Pam
As seen on Fox Seuss, the conservative Lorax schools a naive boy on the virtues of free-market capitalism.
3 min
Pig Business investigates the rise of factory pig farming, a system which abuses animals, pollutes the environment, threatens human health through dangerous overuse of antibiotics, and wrecks rural communities. The film shows how this system which was developed in the USA is...
57 min
The history of America is the one story every kid knows.
It's a story of fierce individualism and heroic personal sacrifice in the service of a dream. A story of early settlers, hungry and cold, carving a home out of the wilderness. Of visionary leaders fighting for...
Kalle Lasn
The focus of the piece is on a small village just east of St. Louis known as Sauget. Years ago this tiny area was incorporated as Monsanto.
For those who remain unaware Monsanto Company was one of the leading chemical producers of the twentieth century and has been...
46 min
Burning the Future: Coal in America examines the explosive conflict between the coal industry and residents of West Virginia. Confronted by emerging "clean coal" energy policies, local activists watch a world blind to the devastation caused by coal's extraction. Faced with...
89 min
This investigative documentary reveals how American corporations orchestrated the dismantling of middle-class prosperity through rampant deregulation, the outsourcing of jobs, and tax policies favoring businesses and the wealthy. HEIST exposes the roots of the American...
2 min
By Agence France-PresseWednesday, August 15, 2012 17:38 EDT WASHINGTON - Two US lawmakers probing bribery allegations against Walmart in Mexico say they have documents suggesting the US retail giant may also have engaged in tax evasion and money laundering.
Agence France-Presse
There are forgotten corners of this country where Americans are trapped in endless cycles of poverty, powerlessness, and despair as a direct result of capitalistic greed. Journalist Chris Hedges calls these places "sacrifice zones," and joins Bill this week on Moyers &...
56 min
Update 8/6, a clarification. The below article's quotes were taken a bit out of context:
Hosting film screenings can be used as a powerful method to accopmlish many goals. They can be used to launch solutions-oriented campaigns (either designed by your group or to assist already on-going campaigns). They can create a common foundation of understaning among a...
Tim Hjersted
Fraternities, sororities and football, along with other outsized athletic programs, have decimated most major American universities. Scholarship, inquiry, self-criticism, moral autonomy and a search for artistic and esoteric forms of expression—in short, the world of ethics...
Chris Hedges
The story of how multi-national corporations like Exxon, Google and Apple make record profits, yet dodge billions of dollars in income tax, and how seven fed-up citizens take their frustration to the streets…and vow to make the corporations pay their fair share.
2 min
Three simple numbers that add up to global catastrophe - and that make clear who the real enemy is
If the pictures of those towering wildfires in Colorado haven't convinced you, or the size of your AC bill this summer, here are some hard numbers about climate change: June...
Bill McKibben
Take a look at this info-graphic. The disparity is absurd, and the 99% does need a raise. But while we're fighting for 15, we need to look beyond raising the minimum wage, as it doesn't get us anywhere close to solving the root problem.
Studying inequality in America reveals some facts that are truly hard to believe. Amidst all the absurdity a few stand out. A homeless person sits under blankets at a Wall Street subway station in New York City. (Credit: AP/Mark Lennihan)
Paul Buchheit