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18 minutes could save New York. PINK LINKS: Selected Compiled Research The Sky Is Pink- Annotated industry documents featured in the film:
Sen. Sanders: Consumers should know if food is genetically modified
Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Barbara Boxer (D-CA) on Thursday introduced an amendment to the farm bill that would give states the power to label genetically modified food.
What is Real Journalism? John Pilger Reviews His 50 Year Career
John Pilger says journalism is meant to be about truth. In this video he reviews his career over more than 50 years as a campaigning journalist, filmmaker and author. Journalism, he says, has a part to play on behalf of humanity. But too many journalists and journalistic...
The Big Fix: Documentary Exposes BP, U.S. Gov't on Gulf Disaster
One of the world's biggest environmental crimes has been more or less forgotten. This is part of our collective guilt as the world's ecosystem continues its accelerated collapse. But the new documentary film The Big Fix takes a detailed, daring look at what happened in the...
97% Owned
97% owned present serious research and verifiable evidence on our economic and financial system. This is the first documentary to tackle this issue from a UK-perspective and explains the inner workings of Central Banks and the Money creation process. When money drives...
GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth
How do we become a sustainable civilization? GrowthBusters explores our society's worship of growth everlasting: Economic Growth, Population Growth, Increasing Consumption, and Urban Growth. I puts a spotlight on the powerful forces that keep us in pursuit of growth even...
Institutional Corruption and How we Can Fix It
Lawrence Lessig explains how institutional corruption has affected every aspect of our government. 
Major ISPs to turn into copyright police by July, says RIAA
File-sharers, beware: By July 12, major US Internet service providers (ISPs) will voluntarily begin serving as copyright police for the entertainment industry, according to Cary Sherman, chief executive of the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). The so-called...
How Do We, As a Society, Want to Be Remembered?
How do we, as a society, want to be remembered? I would rather it not be this way.
Massive Leak Reveals Criminality, Paranoia Among Corporate Titans
Dow pays "strategic intelligence" firm to spy on Yes Men and grassroots activists. Takeaway: movement is on the right track!
WikiLeaks releases first 200 of 5 Million Stratfor emails
WikiLeaks has released the first 200 of a cache of 5m emails obtained from the servers of Stratfor, a US-based intelligence firm.
Pink Ribbons, Inc.
Billions of dollars have been raised through the tireless efforts of women and men devoted to putting an end to breast cancer. Yet, breast cancer rates in North America have risen to 1 in 8. "What's going on?" asks Barbara Brenner in Pink Ribbons, Inc. a new film coming in 2012.
Rise Like Lions: OWS and the Seeds of Revolution
Scott Noble pulls together a combination of internet and original footage to create the first feature-length documentary on Occupy Wall St, telling the story and motivation behind the movement in its own words. It is a treatise to the beautiful awakening of human heart and...
I Am Fishead
Renaissance 2.0
Renaissance 2.0 assumes you have a basic understanding of the monetary system and the problem of exponential growth. Lesson 1
The Benefit Corporation: Can Business Be About More Than Profit?
New laws took effect in Vermont and Virginia [July 11, 2011], giving ethical business a boost. If Vermont's law had been around 11 years ago, Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield might not have had to sell their ice cream company.
The Last Mountain
The fight for the last great mountain in America's Appalachian heartland pits the mining giant that wants to explode it to extract the coal within, against the community fighting to preserve the mountain and build a wind farm on its ridges instead. THE LAST MOUNTAIN...
Thom Hartmann: The story of the 5 Kings who rule America
America does not belong to Kings - she belongs to the people. It's time for Congress and our President to step up and put the Supreme Court back on equal footing with the rest of our branches of government. They need to pass a law ending Judicial Review - take that power away...
The Coca-Cola Case
Just exactly how corporations treat people, especially those in the third world. In this feature length documentary, directors German Gutierrez and Carmen Garcia present a searing indictment of the Coca-Cola empire and its alleged kidnapping, torture and murder of union...
Addiction Incorporated (trailer)
ADDICTION INCORPORATED tells the explosive story of Victor DeNoble. In the 1980s, DeNoble was a research scientist at a major tobacco company, where he was tasked with finding a substitute for nicotine that would not cause heart attacks. He succeeded, but in the process...
AT&T T-Mobile Deal Dropped After Fierce Government Backlash
 AT&T Inc. is hanging up on its $39 billion bid to buy smaller wireless provider T-Mobile USA, nearly four months after the U.S. government raised concerns that the deal would raise prices, reduce innovation and give customers fewer choices.
New Study Shows How Wal-Mart Devastates Small Businesses
Walmart cuts more than just prices -- it cuts small businesses and jobs, according to a new study released by Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer. Weighing in on the debate about whether Walmart should enter New York City, the study found that between 30 and 41 small...
Response to Kansan editorial disparaging Occupy movement
My response to this editorial, not published by the University Daily Kansan:   "For someone who emphasizes the importance of education, Billy McCroy seriously needs to do his homework.  In portraying the Occupy Movement p
Why Do Banks Make So Much Money?
Banks make so much money because they can create money, effectively out of nothing, by lending. Every single pound in your bank account was created by a bank, not by your government. Visit, find out more and SUPPORT THE CAMPAIGN. ...and spread the word! 
The Top 10 Films That Explain Why the Occupy Movement Exists
One of the most entertaining yet unsurprising aspects of Occupy Wall St has been the response from traditional media. Whether intentionally playing dumb or genuinely clueless, the mainstream media has failed to inform the public and substantially address the key issues. But...
Los Angeles becomes the first major US city to vote against corporate personhood
Hundreds of Citizens Pack Council Chambers, Council Votes Unanimously to Support the “Move to Amend” LOS ANGELES, CA – After forty-five minutes of public testimony urging a yes vote, the Los Angeles City Council voted unanimously to support a resolution calling on Congress...
Capitalism: A Love Story
Michael Moore’s Capitalism: A Love Story comes home to the issue he’s been examining throughout his career: the disastrous impact of corporate dominance on the everyday lives of Americans (and by default, the rest of the world).
Golden Rule: The Investment Theory of Politics
The definitive documentary explaining the influence of money on politics by Jonathan Shockley. If you like it, consider buying the high quality DVD or donating a few $ at
Occupy: The Movie - Short Film Series Compilation
Can the 99% prevail? Occupy The Movie will interweave viral vignettes - documenting each event that shapes the movement - with candid interviews of leading figures around the movement - academics, politicians, philosophers, economists - to answer this historical...
PIPA / SOPA Breaks The Internet
Tell Congress not to censor the internet NOW! - PROTECT-IP is a bill that has been introduced in the Senate and the House and is moving quickly through Congress. It gives the government and corporations the ability to censor the net, in the name...
Wall Street Revolt
Dateline gets to the heart of the Occupy Wall Street protest in New York and questions whether the financial world can ignore such a huge demonstration in its midst. "This isn't just a game, this is the future of this country. It's actually the future of the world", insists...
A Victory in the Fight Against Keystone XL
Let this video electrify you, and let it electrify your friends. We didn't just win against a pipeline--we won back the deep sense that when we rise up together, we can change the future. Against impossible odds. Against the biggest most profitable polluters on the planet. We...
Legalize Local Investing
I personally support the spirit of Occupy Wall Street, especially the spotlight it has cast on the shocking level of inequality in our country. But the movement oddly conveys a very mainstream message that Wall Street can and should be fixed. Just clean up our existing...
Don't Occupy Wall Street, Ditch It!
I personally support the spirit of Occupy Wall Street, especially the spotlight it has cast on the shocking level of inequality in our country. But the movement oddly conveys a very mainstream message that Wall Street can and should be fixed. Just clean up our existing...
Wall Street Occupation (7 Part Video Series)
Wall Street Occupation, was a video of the 8Th day of the occupation of Wall Street, in New York City, which took place on Sept 25, 2011. 99% of the people are going to take back our Media, Military, Courts, and our Government, which have been taken over by the wealthy 1%...
David Graeber, the Anti-Leader of Occupy Wall Street
Meet the anthropologist, activist, and anarchist who helped transform a hapless rally into a global protest movement
Occupy Squads: How to respond everywhere
The occupy movement continues to grow city-by-city, town by town right across Turtle Island (North America) and right across the planet. People are occupying parks and squares, banks, and businesses, now we must truly embrace the slogan ‘occupy everywhere.’
Rap News 9: The Economy w. Ron Paul & Peter Joseph
RAP NEWS episode 9. 2011 hits harder than a pre-apocalyptic hangover as "the economy" threatens to annihilate our stock-piles of imaginary, inflated wealth, spawning a battle of epic proportions as insurgent grassroots forces move in to #OccupywallStreet and coalitions of...
Open to the Public?
This documentary takes a critical look at the history and future of public space–from the Agora to shopping malls to NYC’s community gardens. The film unrolls the complicated relationship between public and private control over space. Featuring scholars, activists and...
An Open Message to the 99% (Occupy Wall St)
Revolutions are dangerous and unpredictable beasts, and for a population to enter into one without fully understanding what is at stake is much like handing a loaded 45 automatic to a toddler. Following is advice to the Occupy Wall St movement, stressing the single point of...
Occupy What? A Short Guide to Real Change
What should happen to bring an an end to the corrupt and unjust economic system we have today.
No More Bubble Gum (Occupy Wall St)
Who could have envisioned Occupy Wall Street and its sudden wildflower-like profusion in cities large and small?John Carpenter could have, and did. Almost a quarter of a century ago (1988), the master of date-night terror (Halloween, The Thing), wrote and directed They Live...
The Future of #OCCUPY: What's next for the movement?
The initial phase of the #OCCUPY movement was marked by several weeks of viral growth that peaked on October 15 with a global day of action. In the next phase, there will be a turn towards addressing the deep philosophical and strategic questions of how to escalate this...
Oakland Police Fracture Skull of Iraq Veteran at Peaceful Occupy Protest
Scott Olsen, an Iraq veteran who served two tours of duty, has been critically injured in the confrontation between Occupy Oakland protesters and police on Tuesday night in downtown Oakland. Olsen, a systems administrator living in Daly City who is originally from Wisconsin...
DC Douglas' "Why #OccupyWallStreet? 4 Reasons."
This powerful clip explains some of the reasons the Occupy Wall Street movement is so needed. Featuring Elizabeth Warren and others, with excellent music and production quality.
Semper Fi: Occupy Marines Bringing Reinforcements To Occupy The Nation
What began as the gathering of just a few US Marines has now become a major organized movement to get Marines and military personnell of all branches to Occupy America nationwide. You can thank Marine Sgt. Shamar Thomas for that. His actions last week have inspired service...
Dear Occupiers: A Letter from Anarchists
Starting with the occupation of a park next to Wall Street on September 17, a new movement is spreading across the country in which people gather in public spaces in protest against social inequalities. We’ll present
Occupy Wall Street: Washington Still Doesn't Get It
I'll have more coming out about this in a few days, but there have been two disgusting developments in the realm of plutocratic intervention on behalf of Wall Street that everyone protesting should take note of.
The Data Behind Occupy Wall Street
Data and charts show a dramatic shift in wealth inequality (towards the top 1%).In the presentation, charts indicate that policy changes changed the distribution of wealth towards a plutocratic society. Beginning in the 1980's, the tax for highest earners began to decrease...
Understanding Occupy Wall Street -- It's Not What They're for, But What They're Against
Critics of the growing Occupy Wall Street movement complain that the protesters don’t have a policy agenda and, therefore, don’t stand for anything. They're wrong. The key isn’t what protesters are for but rather what they’re against -- the gaping inequality that has poisoned...
The Banker (#RobinHoodTax)
Campaign video by Richard Curtis and Bill Nighy, about the Robin Hood Tax, a tiny tax on bank transactions that could raise hundreds of billions for public services and to tackle poverty and climate change at home and around the world.
Demand a 1% #RobinHood Tax on the Rich
Alright you redeemers, rebels and radicals out there,
The Awakening in America
A radical situation is a collective awakening. . . . In such situations people become much more open to new perspectives, readier to question previous assumptions, quicker to see through the usual cons. . . . People learn more about society in a week than in years of...
Occupy World St.: From NYC to Everywhere
All over the globe people are rising up and demanding their rights in a worldwide rally of discontent as over 1,500 protests inspired by the Occupy Wall Street movement spread around the world on Saturday, October 15th.
Right Here All Over  (Occupy Wall St.)
A new angle on Occupy Wall Street reveals the strong micro community that has formed there.
Panache! Why We Must Fight
My three-year-old son’s favorite book is Out of the Blue. It has large color photographs of sea animals, from plankton to clownfish to orcas. I often find my son, dressed in his pajamas, on the floor of his bedroom in the morning carefully turning the pages of the book. And...
Peter Joseph Speaks @ Occupy LA (Occupy Wall St)
Peter Joseph of The Zeitgeist Movement speaking at Occupy LA (Occupy Wall ST) Oct 15 2011, offering some excellent perspective on the growing movement. 
10 Ways to Support the Occupy Movement
There are many things you can do to be part of this growing movement—and only some of them involve sleeping outside.
A Proposed List of Demands
Forgive this brief editorial moment, but for a number of reasons I feel compelled to speak on the recent #OCCUPYWALLSTREET movement in regard to it's aim.
NYC Citibank Occupation Arrests
October 15, 2011 customers at the Citibank branch at 555 La Guardia Place in New York were locked inside the bank and then 23 of them were subsequently arrested for trespassing after trying to close down their bank accounts. At least one of the people was not an Occupy...