721-780 of 881 results
Peter Joseph of The Zeitgeist Movement speaking at Occupy LA (Occupy Wall ST) Oct 15 2011, offering some excellent perspective on the growing movement.
22 min
There are many things you can do to be part of this growing movement—and only some of them involve sleeping outside.
Sarah van Gelder
Forgive this brief editorial moment, but for a number of reasons I feel compelled to speak on the recent #OCCUPYWALLSTREET movement in regard to it's aim.
B. Dolan
October 15, 2011 customers at the Citibank branch at 555 La Guardia Place in New York were locked inside the bank and then 23 of them were subsequently arrested for trespassing after trying to close down their bank accounts. At least one of the people was not an Occupy...
2 min
#OCCUPYWALLSTREET started last Saturday, when 5,000 Americans descended on to the financial district of Lower Manhattan, held a people's assembly and set up an encampment in Zuccotti Park on Liberty Street, a stone's throw from Wall Street and a block from the Federal Reserve...
The Occupy Wall Street protest continues.The Occupiers are digging in for the long haul and showing the kind of civic action leadership Americans need to see. The protesters are gaining support. Here's one example from
Kevin Zeese
Help limit the influence of big corporate banks and strike a blow for the working man by moving your funds to a credit union.
DJ Pangburn
We is a fast-paced 64 minute documentary that covers the world politics of power, war, corporations, deception and exploitation.
It visualizes the words of Arundhati Roy, specifically her famous Come September speech, where she spoke on such things as the war on terror...
64 min
Americans’ right to access fresh, healthy foods of their choice is under attack. Farmageddon tells the story of small, family farms that were providing safe, healthy foods to their communities and were forced to stop, sometimes through violent action, by agents of misguided...
86 min
Amidst the Mark Foley scandal, Bill Maher comments on another very scary level of child predators at work in our culture.
3 min
What would you say to a family financial adviser who suggested your wisest investment would be to liquidate your own retirement account and empty out your kids' college fund to buy your wealthy cousin a new Bentley? Would you go ahead and gamble with your life savings in...
Carl Gibson
This documentary explains the nature of capitalist crisis, visits the protests against austerity measures, and recommends revolutionary paths for the future.
100 min
A new filing in the King Lincoln Bronzeville v. Blackwell case includes a copy of the Ohio Secretary of State election production system configuration that was in use in Ohio's 2004 presidential election when there was a sudden and unexpected shift in votes for George W...
Bob Fitrakis
What we should be talking about when we talk about the debt ceiling is the proper role and size of government. Instead, we are asking whether the government spends too much on programs that alleviate the pain that is the result of government policies in the first place...
Moshe Adler
If you had only paid a 6% tax rate over a 4-year period, accumulated $7 billion in offshore profits not subject to US taxes, had over 150 accounts in tax-haven countries like the Cayman Islands and Bermuda, and used the money from your tax dodging to
Carl Gibson
While the Rupert Murdoch scandal is justifiably front-page news, there is a much wider problem with the mainstream media.
Purchasing ReportersFamed Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein says the CIA has already
Washington's Blog
Chris Hedges’ new TruthDig column, Huffington’s Plunder, raises a topic that seems to provoke a lot of uneasiness in the liberal blogosphere. It points a spotlight on the business model pioneered by one of the country’s most prominent progressive voices, Arianna Huffington.
Such a powerful speech by one of our all-time heroes.
37 min
Thirteen years ago, in a documentary called "The Money Masters", we asked the question why is America going broke. It wasn't clear then that we were, but it is today. Now the question is how can we get out of this mess. Foreclosures are everywhere, unemployment is...
110 min
The Kingdom of Survival is an interdisciplanary documentary combining speculative travelogue and investigative journalism in order to trace possible links between survivalism, spirituality, art, radical politics, outlaw culture, alternative media and fringe philosophy...
12 min
Residents from 10 Bidayuh villagers this week set fire to five logging camps and thirteen heavy machines in a stark protest against logging activities on their land, in the Malaysian state of Sarawak.
Intercontinental Cry
Oscar-nominated Pete Postlethwaite plays an old man living in the devastated world of 2055 in this documentary-drama-animation hybrid from Director Franny Armstrong and Oscar-winning Producer John Battsek. Runaway climate change has ravaged the planet by 2055. Pete plays the...
90 min
2010 Oscar Winner for Best Documentary, 'Inside Job' provides a comprehensive analysis of the global financial crisis of 2008, which at a cost over $20 trillion, caused millions of people to lose their jobs and homes in the worst recession since the Great Depression, and...
108 min
People all around the world are becoming increasingly dependent on a small number of large multinational businesses. Monsanto controls 90% of the production of genetically modified seeds. Microsoft holds an 88.26% market share of the software industry, followed by apple...
66 min
This film explores the historical role of the Democratic Party as the "graveyard of social movements", the massive influence of corporate finance in elections, the absurd disparities of wealth in the United States, the continuity and escalation of neocon policies under Obama...
114 min
A team of journalists investigate how human trafficking and child labor in the Ivory Coast fuels the worldwide chocolate industry. The crew interview both proponents and opponents of these alleged practices, and use hidden camera techniques to delve into the gritty world of...
46 min
A heart-stopping new documentary, A RIVER OF WASTE exposes a huge health and environmental scandal in our modern industrial system of meat and poultry production. Some scientists have gone so far as to call the condemned current factory farm practices as mini Chernobyls.
92 min
"Solidarity! All for One and One for All!" With that slogan, the Industrial Workers of the World, aka the Wobblies, took to organizing unskilled workers into one big union and changing the course of history. Along the way to winning an eight-hour workday and fair wages in the...
1 min
Frack! tells the story of the unconventional gas-drilling ("fracking") frenzy sweeping the Marcellus region, including the Catskills and Upper Delaware River watershed, threatening pristine areas which provide clean drinking water for over 15 million people. Without a...
David Morris
The political and economic policies that have shaped our world today systematically favor large, transnational corporations over small local businesses and farmers, ecological health and community well-being. In short, they favor economic growth and corporate profits over the...
International Society for Ecology and Culture
How much unspoiled nature should we preserve and what do we sacrifice for clean, renewable energy? Dreamland gradually turns into a disturbing picture of corporate power taking over small communities.
2 min
Is it too much to dream of an America where polluters are held accountable for their disasters? Is it too much to dream of an America where people aren’t burdened with the cost of pollution? Is it too much to dream of an America where citizens are in charge of our energy...
16 min
Journalist, educator and correspondent for Blueprint America Rick Karr spoke at the National Conference for Media Reform in Boston on April 10, 2011. Karr was introduced by Free Press Incoming President Craig Aaron.
10 min
In a privatized American Internet, is big business “Big Brother” or does the free market protect and serve the needs of the average citizen with its invisible hand? With the simple act of swapping files, barbershop quartet baritone Robb Topolski finds himself at ground zero...
2 min
Please note that the rapid increase in the national debt started in the 1980's, when we began allowing large corporations to contribute less than their share. With income levels for We the People stagnant — actually, after taxes, our income has decreased during this period —...
3 min
Money is corrupting our democracy. Our country's founders intended our government to be dependent upon the people alone—but today, lawmakers spend up to 70% of their time raising money for their reelection campaigns. In 2010, it cost an average of $8.5 million to win a Sena
23 min
Money Talks exposes the questionable tactics that big drug companies use to make record profits by playing with the safety of our family’s health care. Using misleading advertising, attractive “drug reps” who wine and dine doctors and other unethical practices, the drug...
50 min
Imagine that a storm blows across your garden - and that now, without your knowledge and without your consent, foreign and genetically-manipulated seeds are in your vegetable patch which you have nourished and maintained for many years. A few days later, representatives of a...
65 min
Mine, narrated by Joanna Lumley, tells the story of the remote Dongria Kondh tribe's struggle to protect Niyamgiri, the mountain they worship as a God. London-based mining company Vedanta Resources plans a vast open-pit bauxite mine in India's Niyamgiri hills, and the Dongria...
16 min
Morgan Spurlock explores the world of product placement, marketing and advertising in POM Wonderful Presents: The Greatest Movie Ever Sold, a film that was fully financed through product placement from various brands, all of which are integrated transparently into the film...
2 min
In every corner of the globe, we are polluting, diverting, pumping, and wasting our limited supply of fresh water at an expediential level as population and technology grows. The rampant overdevelopment of agriculture, housing and industry increase the demands for fresh water...
3 min
"Cowardice asks the question, 'Is it safe?' Expediency asks the question, 'Is it politic?' Vanity asks the question - is it popular? But conscience asks the question, 'Is it right?' And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor...
20 min
This chart puts the class war in simple, visual terms. On the left you have the “shared sacrifices” and “painful cuts” that the Republicans claim we must make to get our fiscal house in order. On the right, you can plainly see WHY these cuts are “necessary.” The reason?...
You may want to think twice the next time you share a link to your favorite video.
David Edwards
If we can make radical changes in how we think about our relationship to nature and economic growth, we will see restored, vibrant ecosystems and healthy, prosperous farmers, cows, consumers, employees, investors and future children. So says the iconic food entrepreneur Gary...
33 min
Thank you, Scott Walker! And you, too, Charles and David Koch! Thanks for being so ham-handed in pushing your self-serving, virulently anti-union agenda on the schoolteachers, health care workers, park rangers and other public employees of Wisconsin.
Jim Hightower
The crisis of corporate influence over American democracy is the latest subject of award-winning Internet filmmaker, Annie Leonard.
9 min
The Halliburton-developed drilling technology of “fracking” or hydraulic fracturing has unlocked a “Saudia Arabia of natural gas” just beneath us. But is fracking safe?
1 min
The Yes Men Fix the World is a screwball true story about two gonzo political activists who, posing as top executives of giant corporations, lie their way into big business conferences and pull off the world's most outrageous pranks.
86 min
IRAN (Is Not The Problem) is a feature length documentary film responding to the failure of the American mass media to provide the public with relevant and accurate information about the standoff between the US and Iran, as happened before with the lead up to the invasion of...
79 min
If you need to know the basics of what's going on in Wisconsin, read on. If you're already up to speed, you can follow the action on Twitter or jump straight to the latest updates from our reporter on the ground in Madison.
Andy Kroll
Dear Citizens of the United States of America,
From its early days with ties to slavery, to modern times with its political ties, "Big Sugar" explores the dark history and modern power of the world’s reigning sugar cartels.
90 min
Journalist Chris Hedges discusses his recent book Empire of Illusion: the End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle. In it, he charts the dramatic rise of a post-literate society that craves fantasy, ecstasy, and illusion. Hedges argues we now live in two societies...
83 min
Poison Fire, a documentary exposing oil and gas abuses in Nigeria and featuring Friends of the Earth Nigeria volunteers, was launched with a world premiere at the prestigious International Documentary Film Festival of Amsterdam (IDFA) Nov 20-30.
29 min
"Hello. I'm going to read a declaration of a state of war... Within the next 14 days we will attack a symbol or institution of American injustice." -- Bernardine Dohrn
Thirty years ago, with these words, a group of young American radicals called The Weathermen announced...
91 min