541-600 of 881
5 Corporations Profiting From Your Fear
Abby Martin draws attention to five corporations that are profiting from the constant fear mongering that keeps the US at war and has resulted in the slow erosion of Americans' civil liberties. 
The Internet Must Go
The Internet Must Go is a video mockumentary which follows the character John Wooley, a market researcher who tries to come up with a plan for how internet service providers can try to market what internet access would look like without network...
Death On A Factory Farm
Directors Tom Simon and Sarah Teale (HBOs Dealing Dogs) tell the story of an animal rights investigator who goes undercover at a hog farm in Ohio to explore a whistle blower's allegations. The evidence he gathers leads to a rare prosecution and trial for animal cruelty, and a...
Making the World Safe for Banksters: Syria in the Crosshairs
“The powers of financial capitalism had another far reaching aim, nothing less
The Brussels Business: Who Runs the European Union?
THE BRUSSELS BUSINESS is a docu-thriller that dives into the grey zone underneath European democracy. An expedition into the world of the 15,000 lobbyists in the EU-capital, of the PR-conglomerates, think tanks and their all embracing networks of power and their close ties to...
A Bunch Of Young Geniuses Just Made A Corrupt Corporation Freak Out Big Time. Time For Round Two.
When you've got giant energy companies this scared, you must be doing something right. At 3:38, I snorted. Just sayin'. And at 4:43, he explains brilliantly what's in it for you. - Adam Mordecai
Cynicism is Corporate America's Greatest Weapon: It's Time to Disarm It
September’s coming up fast, and we know what that means. Soon Congress will be back in session and we’ll be inundated with fresh evidence that our democracy is broken. That makes this a good time to reflect on the powerful forces arrayed against the public interest – and to...
Canada's Toxic Chemical Valley
The first thing you notice about Sarnia, Ontario, is the smell: a potent mix of gasoline, melting asphalt, and the occasional trace of rotten egg. Shortly after my arrival I already felt unpleasantly high and dizzy, like I wasn't getting enough air. Maybe this had something...
Way Beyond Greenwashing: Have Corporations Captured Big Conservation?
Imagine an international mega-deal. The global organic food industry agrees to support international agribusiness in clearing as much tropical rainforest as they want for farming. In return, agribusiness agrees to farm the now-deforested land using organic methods, and the...
Australia Has $16 Minimum Wage and is the Only Rich Country to Dodge the Global Recession
Australia has $16/hour minimum wage-more than twice the US-and its economy is growing faster and boasts far lower unemployment.
The Carlyle Connection
A revealing documentary about the international world of private equity banking. The Carlyle Group, one of the largest investment banks in the world, is based in Washington and has accumulated its capital mainly by investments in the defense industry. On their list...
'Eminent Domain for the People' Leaves Wall Street Furious
Housing justice advocates hopeful about innovative Richmond plan to use public seizure laws to save underwater homes from foreclosure Using the authority of state government to actually help people has Wall Street bankers in a panic, spurring threats of aggressive legal...
Torturing Animals At These Places Isn't Illegal, But It Is Illegal To Film It
If you've ever seen footage taken inside industrial farms, you know it isn't pretty. In fact, it's so ugly that it's against the law in some states to even look. - Silveira Carolyn Read more about this story here.
Where Are Workers Most Underpaid: Apple, Walmart or McDonald's?
A study determined that due to low wages and employee's reliance on government subsidies, a typical Walmart store costs taxpayers over $1.7 million per year, or about $5,815 per employee. Apple, Walmart and McDonald's are among the largest corporate employers...
Abolish Restaurants: A Worker's Critique of the Food Service Industry
"When one comes to think of it, it is strange that thousands of people in a great modern city should spend their waking hours swabbing dishes in hot dens underground. The question I am raising is why this life goes on--what purpose it serves, and who wants it to...
The Next Time You Consider Whether Your Server Is 'Worth' A Tip, Remember This Clip
There is so much going on behind the scenes for people who work at restaurants, no matter where you live. The reality for many of these workers can be unpleasant or even downright scary. Below the clip is a link to the book with stories like these, told in rich detail. Go...
Would You Lie To Save The Earth? These Guys Did,Thank Goodness.
We get so much misinformation from big business it's not even funny. For BP, AIG, Goldman Sachs and more, it's like they're all in on some private joke. Well, see who's laughing in this stunt pulled off a few years ago to benefit the serious matter of climate change. The...
TERRA BLIGHT (trailer)
Terra Blight is a 55-minute documentary about America's consumption of computers and the hazardous waste we create in pursuit of the latest technology.
McDonald's Accidentally Served Up a Minimum Wage "McManifesto"
Marie Antoinette, meet Ronald McDonald. A lot
Citizen Koch (2014) (trailer)
"America -- they're coming for you next." That’s the warning from a Wisconsin state employee after her union rights were destroyed by a Republican governor funded by corporate and billionaire donors whose ultimate goal is to break the unions nationwide -- and cripple the...
America's 33 Dollar Mercenaries
America's 33 Dollar Mercenaries looks into the case of men sent to Iraq from poor countries by private US security companies as security guards who were forced to fight like a soldier without the training and a fraction of the money.
Bangladesh Factory Safety Accord: The 14 North American Retailers Who Refuse to Sign
Ignoring the memory of the over 1,100 factory workers that passed away at the Rana Plaza Factory collapse in Savar, Bangladesh last month, at least 14 maj
Free The Press, Buy The Tribune Company
Infamous right-wing billionaires Rupert Murdoch and the Koch Brothers are threatening to buy the Tribune Company, which publishes the Los Angeles Times and the Chicago Tribune. Enough - let's buy the Tribune Company ourselves, and free the press.
Bill Oddie's BankWatch
Parodying the BBC's SpringWatch, wildlife presenter Bill Oddie investigates the banker species, venturing into the den of banking giant HSBC to expose the £100 million it provides in loans and services to some of the most destructive logging companies in the world, often in...
Is Our Addiction to Fast Fashion Just Another Form of Terrorism?
As the death toll in the Rana Plaza building collapse outside the Bangladesh capital of Dhaka climbs past 400, the kinship between our purchasing decisions and the loss of life is becoming harder to ignore. This has been the deadliest industrial disaster to hit the...
The Cost
Through the use of found footage and audio, The Cost creates a conceptual narrative that tells 3 different stories that remind us how even our most simple acts of consumption connect us to much more devastating financial threads thousands of milles away.
May 25 ‘March Against Monsanto’ Planned for Over 30 countries
SEATTLE, Wash. - March Against Monsanto has announced that on May 25, tens of thousands of activists around the world will “March Against Monsanto.” Currently, marches are being planned on six continents, in 36 countries, totaling events in over 250 cities, and in the US...
When Your Boss Steals Your Wages: The Invisible Trend That's Sweeping America
Wage theft is fast becoming a top trend of the 21st-century labor market.
Everything Is Rigged: The Biggest Price-Fixing Scandal Ever
The Illuminati were amateurs. The second huge financial scandal of the year reveals the real international conspiracy: There's no price the big banks can't fix
Factory Collapse in Bangladesh Shows Cracks in the System
There are few ways to make a decent living in Bangladesh, but there are many ways to die trying. The cruel weight of that reality bore down on a Dhaka factory complex on Wednesday as it crashed to the ground and instantly extinguished hundreds of lives and livelihoods. As...
The Real Terrorists are the Corporate Execs Who've Bought the Regulators
Two acts of terror last week, only one terrorism investigation The way I see it, we had two acts of terrorism in the US last week. The first took place at the end of the historic Boston Marathon, when two bombs went off near the finish line, killing three and seriously...
How Corporate Capitalism Is Dismembering America
Too many Americans are unaware of the extreme disparities that have been caused by the unregulated profit incentive of capitalism. Our winner-take-all system is flailing away at once-healthy parts of society, leaving them like withered limbs on a trembling body, even as the...
How Your pension is Being Used in a $6 Trillion Climate Gamble
Suppose you weren’t worried that we humans are destroying our water supply and eroding our ability to feed ourselves by burning coal and gas and oil and hence changing climate. Suppose you thought that was all liberal hooey. What might worry you about fossil fuels...
9 Strategies to End Corporate Rule
Corporate power is behind the politics of climate denial, Wall Street bailouts, union busting, and media consolidation, to name just a few. And policies advocated by the 1 percent are bankrupting the middle class. But real people have power, too. Here are some of their most...
The Pipe
What do people do when the law prevents them from protecting themselves? This is a documentary film on the small Irish village that stood up to Big Oil.
The Tax Free Tour
"Where do multinationals pay taxes and how much?" Gaining insight from international tax experts, Backlight director Marije Meerman ('Quants' & 'Money & Speed'), takes a look at tax havens, the people who live there and the routes along which tax is avoided globally.  Those...
Together: How Cooperatives Show Resilience to the Crisis
It’s a fact. In Europe, 1.5 million workers co-own their enterprises. They are called worker cooperatives, social cooperatives or participative enterprises. The documentary TOGETHER reveals, through extensive research and exclusive interviews, why those enterprises show a...
How Worker-Owned Companies Work
At a time when many are disillusioned with big banks and big business, the economic crisis and growing inequality in our country, employee ownership offers a real solution for workers and communities. Shift Change: Putting Democracy to Work is a new documentary (released in...
Shadows of Liberty: The Truth Behind the News Media
Shadows of Liberty reveals the extraordinary truth behind the news media: censorship, cover-ups and corporate control.
Discovered: A Cure for Political Corruption
Elections have become auctions, and nearly every issue is paralyzed by the overwhelming influence of money. But you knew that. The real challenge is how to fix what has become one of our nation's most pressing political challenges.
Who Rules America?
Who Rules America? takes a comprehensive look into the governing system of the United States of America and reveals the behind-the-scene powers that rule the nation.
Greedy Lying Bastards (2013) (trailer)
"Greedy Lying Bastards" investigates the reason behind stalled efforts to tackle climate change despite consensus in the scientific community that it is not only a reality but also a growing problem that is placing us on the brink of disaster. The film details the people...
Alternatives to Capitalism
The worsening social pains of government austerity programs now intensify the vast social suffering caused by the crisis since 2007. Beyond this especially severe business cycle, longer-term trends show capitalist mega-corporations moving blue and white collar work to lower...
This is a film based on the book "Death of the Liberal Class" by journalist and Pulitzer prize winner, Chris Hedges.
TPB AFK: The Pirate Bay Away From Keyboard
The documentary about the founders of the Pirate Bay. Share it with the world! Support the filmmakers of this free film here A film by Simon Klose
Exxon, You Can't Silence Us: A Public Letter
In a brewing scandal that should shock and trouble all of us, Exxon silenced us this week.
Shift Change: True Stories of Dignified Jobs in Democratic Workplaces
At a time when many are disillusioned with big banks and big business, and growing inequity in our country, employee ownership offers a real solution for workers and communities. SHIFT CHANGE visits thriving cooperative businesses in the U.S. and Spain, sharing on-the-ground...
Unequal Contracts, Unequal Power
As of January 26, it’s illegal to unlock your cell phone and switch to a different service plan without the permission of your current provider. This comes as the result not of a new law, but of the opinion of the Librarian of Congress (who apparently has authority to...
Is Scott Noble’s Film, “Human Resources,” a Masterpiece?
Seeing gurneys of babies trundled through the chiaroscuro of old black-and-white footage at the start of Scott Noble’s Human Resources, the gurneys in the tunnels of God only knows what kind of institution, the viewer does well to brace herself for the coming onslaught. 
Do You Need ContagionEx?
Does the ailing world economy get you down? ContagionEx might be for you! Take a look at economic austerity and saving the world in a whole new light. A Mark Fiore political animation.
The Internet is Closing Down
"We live in the feudalism era of the digital age"
The Acadian Forest, The Story So Far
The short film looks at how the forest industry, with government help, through lack of protection of the indigenous Acadian Forests of Eastern North America, slowly turns a thriving habitat into a pulp and paper tree plantation, while also shedding light on the myth that...
Seeds of Deception
Think about it: None of us called for genetic manipulation of seeds. Not one of us said, yes, this new technology will benefit me, my family, and my community. Yet today most of us are eating them, while kept completely in the dark as to the hazards we may be facing - for...
Causes, Deep Causes, and Solutions to the Economic and Environmental Crisis of Our Time
I. The Real Cause of the Present Crisis
Richard Wolff on the Economic Meltdown
With breathtaking clarity, renowned University of Massachusetts Economics Professor Richard Wolff breaks down the root causes of today's economic crisis, showing how it was decades in the making and in fact reflects seismic failures within the structures of American-style...
The Worker Self-Directed Enterprise: A "Cure" for Capitalism?
Dr. Richard Wolff is no shy flower when it comes to provoking thought; more "Thorny Rose" than "Sweet William."
Embracing Markets, Opposing "Capitalism"
Being a libertarian means opposing the use of force to restrain peaceful, voluntary exchange. That doesn’t mean it should be understood as involving support for capitalism.
Why the Wage Labor System Is Inherently Exploitative
“A fair day’s wage for a fair day’s work” has been the motto of the mainstream labor movement since at least the beginning of the 20th century. On the face of it, this general demand for workers sounds like a good thing. We have to work for a living, and so long as that’s the...
The Conflation Trap: How the Left & the Right Are Fooled Into Supporting the Same Elite Interests
Left-libertarians differ from the (current) libertarian mainstream both in terms of what outcomes they regard as desirable, and in terms of what outcomes they think a freed market is likely to produce.
Stealing Africa: How Much Profit Is Fair?
Rüschlikon is a village in Switzerland with a very low tax rate and very wealthy residents. But it receives more tax revenue than it can use. This is largely thanks to one resident - Ivan Glasenberg, CEO of Glencore.