841-881 of 881
Economic Recovery for whom?
Who is benefiting from recent reports of an economic recovery? The Real News reports that productivity figures have risen by over 6%, while there have been no gains in employment or wages to show for it.
Sick for Profit: Greenwald Tears Into Insurance Company CEOs
UnitedHealthcare CEO Stephen Hemsley owns $744,232,068 in unexercised stock options. CIGNA’s Edward Hanway spends his holidays in a $13 million beach house in New Jersey. Meanwhile, regular Americans are routinely denied coverage for the care they need when they need it...
Capitalism: A Love Story (trailer)
Two years after his last critique of the nation’s governing bodies in 2007’s ‘Sicko,’ agitprop documentarian Michael Moore is back with a new movie — and this time, his target is the economy. In a just-released teaser clip for Capitalism: A Love Story, Moore puts on his...
Sick For Profit: Fight Back Against Health Insurance Lies
What does United Healthcare CEO Stephen Hemsley have to lose if Congress passes real healthcare reform this year? Well, for starters, his nearly three quarters of a billion dollars in unexercised stock options might lose a few pennies on the dollar. What does Isabella, a...
Bill Moyers Journal: Whistleblower Exposes Health Industry
Bill Moyers interviews Wendell Potter, the former head of Public Relations at Cigna Health Insurance. Potter worked for nearly 20 years within the health insurance industry with great success before his conscience got the better of him.
Dan Rather Explains the Problems with Network News
Former CBS Anchorman, Dan Rather, speaks to an audience about how corporate broadcasters have compromised journalistic integrity by satisfying stockholders, instead of public interests.
Bill Moyers: The Influence of Money on the Health Care Debate
Bill Moyers weighs in on the appointment of Regina Benjamin for Surgeon General and the influence of money on the health care debate.
What do Starbucks and Wal-Mart have in common?
Both corporate giants have long track records of harassing their workers when it comes to joining unions. Harassment and intimidation are illegal under Federal law, and we won't stand for it. Tell Howard Schultz, Starbucks' billionaire owner, to respect the people who work...
The New Rulers of the World
The New Rulers Of The World analyzes the new global economy and reveals that the divisions between the rich and poor have never been greater - two thirds of the world's children live in poverty - and the gulf is widening like never before. The film turns the spotlight on the...
The Crisis of Credit Visualized
The goal of giving form to a complex situation like the credit crisis is to quickly supply the essence of the situation to those unfamiliar and uninitiated. This project was completed as part of my thesis work in the Media Design Program, a graduate studio at the Art Center...
Who's Keeping Burger King Workers Below the Poverty Line?
What would you do with an extra $18,000 in your pocket? That's the amount of extra cash each and every Burger King employee in America would have received last year if Goldman Sachs (one of the fast-food chain's largest owners) had shared its bailout billions with...
Daylight Robbery: What Happened to the $23 Billion?
When the US goes to war, corporate America goes too. There are contracts for caterers, tanker drivers, security guards and even interrogators, many of them through companies with links to the White House. Jane Corbin investigates claims that as much as $23 billion may have...
Be a Good Consumer. This Film Will Show You How.
This instructional video will teach you all of the essential habits and thought-patterns needed to be a good consumer. Of course, after watching, you may choose to opt out. 
POPaganda: The Art and Subversion of Ron English
Ron English's billboards force the man on the street to look twice...or maybe three times.
Mobilizing Media Reform
Fed up with a media system that values corporate profits over the interests of the public, Americans are taking action. Mobilizing Media Reform provides an inside look into this growing movement for media reform in the U.S. This 14-minute video addresses the problems that...
Zeitgeist: Addendum
Zeitgeist: Addendum, a 2008 documentary film produced by Peter Joseph, is a continuation of the film Zeitgeist, the Movie. The film includes facts regarding the Federal Reserve System in the United States, the CIA, Corporate America and others, concluding the advocation of a...
Who Killed The Electric Car?
In 1996, electric cars began to appear on roads all over California. They were quiet and fast, produced no exhaust and ran without gasoline... Ten years later, these cars were destroyed. This film examines the politics, business interests, and technology that explains why.
Your New Job
Think your boss is bad? This CEO thinks hand sanitizer is healthcare coverage and soda is an employee benefit. We all know something's out of whack when CEOs rake in hundreds of times what their employees earn, and workers get the boot just for talking about unions. It could...
Big Agriculture's Exploitation of Migrant Workers
The big business of farming in the US is booming but undocumented migrants make up more than half of the farming workforce. They are ripe for exploitation and face low salaries, substandard housing, risk of injury, pesticides and heat stroke. Some literally work themselves to...
Media Concentration: It's kind of a bad thing
Media giant Rupert Murdoch's recent buy-out of the Wall-Street Journal is just one example in a long history of increasing media concentration in the United States, where just a handful of powerful media conglomerates control 90% of all of the information and news we read...
The Corporation
The Corporation is today's dominant institution, creating great wealth but also great harm. This 26 award-winning documentary examines the nature, evolution, impacts and future of the modern business corporation and the increasing role it plays in society and our everyday lives.
In Debt We Trust
This hard-hitting documentary from Emmy Award-winning producer Danny Schechter explores why so many Americans, young people in particular, are being strangled by consumer debt. Burrowing deep into the politics and economics of American debt culture, Schechter argues that the...
Who Voted for FISA? And How Much $$$ Have They Received From Telecom Companies?
Congress considered final passage of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) this week. American News Project follows the money trail to find out how telecom dollars influence Congressmen to say what they say and vote the way they do.
Whistle Blowers Try to Expose Health Concerns & Get Fired
A perfect example of both, why you can't trust big news organizations to tell you the truth, and why you should stick to organic food whenever possible. This clip is taken from the film "The Corporation". An excellent piece showing the systematic problems with corporations in...
The World According to Monsanto
A documentary that Americans won't ever see. The gigantic biotech corporation Monsanto is threatening to destroy the agricultural biodiversity which has served mankind for thousands of years.
Stop the Big Media Takeover
Almost all private Canadian and American television stations are owned by national media conglomerates and, because of increasing cross-ownership, most of the daily newspapers we read are owned by the same corporations that own television and radio stations. We must also be...
The words "health care" and "comedy" aren't usually found in the same sentence, but in Academy Award winning filmmaker Michael Moore's new movie 'SiCKO,' they go together hand in (rubber) glove.
Bill Maher on Big Pharma and Healthcare
Bill Maher talks about the need for preventative medicine, Big Pharma influencing government healthcare plans, the abundance of drugs that cure problems we don't even know we have, and more - all packaged in a dose of ironic comedy.
What Barry Says - It's War Corporatism
Written by Barry McNamara and brilliantly animated by Simon Robson aka. Knife Party, it's an animated look at the War Corporatism unleashed upon the world by Bush and the people behind the Project for a New American Century as stated in their September 2000 report. Winner...
Backwards Hamburger
Our FAST FOOD NATION exposed. Before you take another bite, you must see this movie. Take action at then get the full story on the big screen with Fast Food Nation, the movie. Of course, for the fullest, "completest" story on the subject, see the...
The Meatrix
Take the red pill and watch the critically-acclaimed, award-winning first episode of The Meatrix Trilogy. Join Meo as he goes on a journey into the "real world" to see the horrific truth of what’s really going on with the food we eat today. Topics covered are industrial...
Bush Coins
Highly entertaining satire about the "success" of the Bush Administration immortalized in fictional coins.
Big Brother, Big Business
The advance of technology allows companies to monitor our every move and record our most private personal information. It is big business that collects most of the data about us. But increasingly, it is the government that's using it. A disturbing look at how "data-mining"...
Enron - The Smartest Guys In The Room
The documentary "Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room,'' features Jeff Skilling in a skit mocking company accounting methods that were used to hide debt off the books. "We're going to move from mark-to-market accounting to something I call HFV, or hypothetical future value...
Sweet Misery - A Poisoned World
Excellent documentary showing how dangerous Aspartame - an artificial sweetener in most diet products - is to human health. From its history, to its effects this video is enough to shock anyone into really looking at their food labels next time they shop. Aspartame is a toxic...
George Carlin on Corporate America
George Carlin talks about how corporations and business interests have Americans "by the balls." Carlin says the people that run this country want nothing more than "obedient workers" and now they want our social security money and retirement. "It's a big club and you and I...
Maxed Out (trailer)
Maxed Out takes us on a journey deep inside the American debt-cycle, where everything seems okay as long as the minimum monthly payment arrives on time. Sure, most of us may have that sinking feeling that something isn't quite right, but we're told not to worry. After all...
PBS FRONTLINE: The Merchants of Cool
They spend their days sifting through reams of market research data. They conduct endless surveys and focus groups. They comb the streets, the schools, and the malls, hot on the trail of the "next big thing" that will snare the attention of their prey--a market segment worth...
Turning Defense into Offense: Challenging Corporations & Creating Self-Governance | Thomas Linzey
Thomas Linzey provides some excellent ideas for activists looking for strategies that will cut right to the root of so many problems local communities are dealing with.
Big Bucks, Big Pharma: Marketing Disease and Pushing Drugs
Big Bucks, Big Pharma pulls back the curtain on the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry to expose the insidious ways that illness is used, manipulated, and in some instances created, for capital gain. Focusing on the industry's marketing practices, media scholars and...
Michael Moore slams CNN for False Criticism of SICKO
Moore speaks truth to power, arguing that CNN has such a lousy track record of reporting the truth about the war in Iraq and asking tough questions, that Americans should be skeptical of their reporting on health care. But that's putting it lightly. In simpler terms, Wolf...