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An Economic Hit Man Speaks Out: John Perkins on How Greece Has Fallen Victim to ''Economic Hit Men''
John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, discusses how Greece and other eurozone countries have become the new victims of "economic hit men."
This Is The World As It Is
This is the truth about the world today: not as it should be, or how it was taught to us in schools, but as it really is.
TiSA: The Scariest Trade Deal Nobody's Talking About Has Suffered a Big Leak
Wikileaks has blown the lid off another trade deal being negotiated 'on our behalf' by our governments, in secret without democratic scrutiny or debate, that threatens people and planet.
What Is Community Wealth Building?
Traditional economic development wastes billions of dollars of taxpayer money to subsidize the profit of corporations with no loyalty to the communities who foot the bill. But there's an alternative: community wealth building, which focuses on building collaborative...
TPP/TTIP/TiSA Grants Banks Terrifying Secret Powers
"In March 2014, the Bank of England let the cat out of the bag: money is just an IOU, and the banks are rolling in it. So wrote David Graeber in The Guardian the same month, referring to a BOE paper called "Money Creation in the Modern Economy." The paper stated outright that...
Stupidity and Intelligence: Science, GMOs and Our Food
How industrial-scale farming is actually becoming anti-science.
Socialism Means Abolishing the Distinction Between Bosses and Employees
Regulated private capitalism. State capitalism. Socialism. These three systems are entirely different from each other. We need to understand the differences between them to move beyond today's dysfunctional economies. With confidence waning in whether modern private...
Columbia University Becomes First To Divest From Prisons
Columbia University becomes the first major U.S. university to divest from the prison prison industry. It's all thanks to student activism.
TPP: The Dirtiest Trade Deal You've Never Heard Of
Find out more, speak up and spread the word:;; The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) could cost us our internet freedom, labor rights, access to affordable medicine, the safety of our food, and...
The Electoral Farce
The Afectados - Oil Spill in the Amazon
Short artist-documentary narrated by Hollywood icon Julie Christie exploring the devastating oil pollution committed by Chevron-Texaco in the Ecuadorian Amazon, and the 22 year quest for justice of the indigenous people impacted by it.
The Future of Big-Box Schooling
“I think the way western education has grown over the last few centuries, especially with the rise of industrialization, was basically not to create human beings fully equipped to deal with life and all its problems, independent citizens able to exercise their decisions and...
How to Steal from the Taxpayers While Blaming the Poor
It's a vicious circle of hypocrisy: Americans dependent on the safety net are urged to "get a job" by the same free-market system that pays them too little to avoid being dependent on the safety net.   Theft, Part 1: The Average U.S. Household Pays About $400 for Safety...
Capitalism and the TPP: A Kinder, Gentler Totalitarianism
Corporate propaganda has convinced the populace that government alone is to blame for our problems, rather than recognizing the complete fusion of corporate power and government decision-making.
The Most Important Thing You Need To Know About TTIP (also applies to TPP)
The most important thing you need to know about TTIP (Trans-Atlantic Trade & Investment Partnership); a heavily flawed trade deal proposal between the United States and Europe. And the same goes for TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership).
Sixteen Building Blocks of a Green, Entrepreneurial, Cooperative Economy
The transition from a capitalist to a cooperative economy could be one of the defining achievements of the 21st century.
No More False Solutions: Rising Call to Ban Corporate Polluters From UN Talks
Corporate polluters are driving global warming and must not be allowed to steer—or even participate in—the ongoing processes of the United Nations whose stated aim is to develop global solutions to the climate crisis, a coalition of civil society organizations declared Wednesday.
The TPP: What You're Not Being Told
There's a reason this is being hidden from the public.
An Introduction To Capitalism
At its root, capitalism is an economic system based on three things: wage labour (working for a wage), private ownership or control of the means of production (things like factories, machinery, farms, and offices), and production for exchange and profit. While some people...
Why Artists Are Saying No to TTIP
A group of artists including actors Ruth Wilson, Andrew Scott and Juliet Stevenson and designer Vivienne Westwood are fronting a campaign to raise public awareness of the trade deal TTIP (pronounced tee-tip) which is being secretly negotiated between the EU and the US. They...
Monsanto: The Poison Expert That Wants to Feed Us
Is the ‘old’ Monsanto, the one responsible for producing Agent Orange, PCB’s and DDT and a terrible record at covering up and denying the tragedies that have resulted from their use, the same as the ‘new’ Monsanto, the one at the forefront of research in plant gene...
Marx Was Right
Karl Marx exposed the peculiar dynamics of capitalism, or what he called “the bourgeois mode of production.” He foresaw that capitalism had built within it the seeds of its own destruction. He knew that reigning ideologies—think neoliberalism—were created to serve the...
Julian Assange Exclusive Interview with Democracy Now!
In a Democracy Now! exclusive Amy Goodman talks to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who has spent nearly three years inside Ecuador’s Embassy in London, where he has political asylum. Assange faces investigations in both Sweden and the United States. In the U.S., a secret...
A song of Oil, Ice and Fire - Shell's Plans to Drill The Arctic
Right now, Shell is preparing to drill in the Arctic for the first time. If we don’t stop them, it could be the beginning of the end for everything we hold dear - because if we’re willing to let them risk the destruction of this beautiful, vital, pristine landscape at the top...
Can We Do It Ourselves?
Within modern life exists a paradox: we celebrate democracy as a political system, but not as an economic system, even though our workplaces have a far greater impact on our day to day lives. It's fair to say that most workplaces under capitalist management are organized in...
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Chickens
John Oliver explains how chicken farming can be unfair, punishing, and inhumane. And not just for the chickens! 
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Paid Family Leave
Many American companies do not offer paid leave after the birth of a child, which means they probably shouldn't run sappy Mother's Day ads.
This Hedge Fund Billionaire Takes from the Poor to Give to the Rich
Paul Tudor Jones THINKS he's Robin Hood -but he is the opposite!
Food Chains
In this exposé, an intrepid group of Florida farmworkers battle to defeat the $4 trillion global supermarket industry through their ingenious Fair Food program, which partners with growers and retailers to improve working conditions for farm laborers in the U
My Home, My Land - An Illustrated Overview of Land Grabbing
My Home, My Land is a graphic representation of much of the Oakland Institute's work on land grabs. Illustrated by the Institute's Intern Scholar, Abner Hauge, this publication dismantles the many myths promoted by so-called donor countries, development agencies, and...
The Asshole Factory
What are modern workplaces doing to people? Umair Haque suggests they are turning them into assholes.
How Companies Make Us Forget We Need to Consume Less to Stop Climate Change
We will have to consume less, not more, if we are serious about tackling climate change. So how do businesses like Coca-Cola lure us into forgetting that inconvenient truth?
Neoliberalism Is Not an Institution, But Rather a Paranormal Activity (Completely Normalized and Legally Ratified)
Believe you me, neoliberalism is not an institution, but rather a paranormal activity (completely normalized and legally ratified) which operates both in and outside ourselves. This is how it directs our behaviors, those we impose upon ourselves and those we project onto...
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Fashion
Trendy clothes are cheaper than ever. That sounds great for the people who buy them, but it's horrible for the people who make them. 
GMO OMG director and concerned father Jeremy Seifert is in search of answers. How do GMOs affect our children, the health of our planet, and our freedom of choice? And perhaps the ultimate question, which Seifert tests himself: is it even possible to reject the food system...
Monsanto: Profile of a Psychopath
It is said that if a modern, successful corporation were a type of person, it would be a psychopath.  With this in mind, Jason Louv assesses ‘Patient Monsanto’ An Evaluation o
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Patents
For inventors, patents are an essential protection against theft. But when patent trolls abuse the system by stockpiling patents and threatening lawsuits, businesses are forced to shell out tons of money. 
Nestle CEO Makes Case Against Capitalism Clear
Nestle is one of the world's largest and most profitable corporations... but at what cost? Here the Chairman (formally CEO) Peter Brabeck clearly states the beliefs which drive his business and underlie global capitalism. He calls the idea that water should be a human right...
10 Powerful Images Explain Why We Should Be Worried About TTIP/CETA
The EU is negotiating two far-reaching trade agreements: one with the USA (TTIP = Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) and one with Canada (CETA = Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement). The official line is that this will create jobs and increase economic...
If Politics Is Dead, Is The Election Its Funeral?
In this episode, I look at the recent collapses within the political parties in the US and UK and work out is this the death of politics? 
The 3 Biggest Myths Blinding Us to Economic Truth
Robert Reich breaks down the 3 biggest economic myths.
The Lie We Live
Spencer Cathcart raises all the right questions, exposes collective lies and stories we tell ourselves all the while retaining a sense of hope for humanity. This video will challenge your views, values and beliefs in a very direct and unforgiving manner, but it will also...
Confronting Industrialism: If You Can't Clean It Up, Don't Make it!
Modern industrial capitalism is based on a simple premise, writes Derrick Jensen: our mother Earth is a great store of raw materials for us to pillage, and a vast trashcan for our endless volumes of waste, no matter how long-lived and deadly. How can this be changed? First we...
Democrats & Republicans Uniting to Oppose Corporate Rule?!
There is a huge political divide between the Democrat Party’s leadership and its local voters. There is an equally huge political divide between the Republican Party’s leadership and its local voters. In a nutshell, the divide can be summed up like this. Voters from across...
Why I Have Resigned from the Telegraph
The coverage of HSBC in Britain's Telegraph is a fraud on its readers. If major newspapers allow corporations to influence their content for fear of losing advertising revenue, democracy itself is in peril.
Deep in the Amazon, a Tiny Tribe Is Beating Big Oil
Patricia Gualinga stands serenely as chaos swirls about her. I find this petite woman with striking black and red face paint at the head of the People’s Climate March in New York City on September 21, 2014. She is adorned with earrings made of brilliant bird feathers and...
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Tobacco
Thanks to tobacco industry regulations and marketing restrictions in the US, smoking rates have dropped dramatically. John Oliver explains how tobacco companies are keeping their business strong overseas. 
What Does It Take to Start a Worker Co-Op? A Practical Video Guide to Democratizing Our Economy
Would it be easier to practice workplace democracy if our media gave us as many visions of collaboration as they do of competition?
Life at a Walmart Sweatshop
In China, factory workers live in dorms owned by Walmart - workers pay rent and utilities.  If they move out of the dorms to live in a place not connected to Walmart, they still have to pay rent for the dorms.   Workers work in factories with poor ventilation.  They are told...
Iraq For Sale: The War Profiteers
This is the story of what happens to everyday Americans when corporations go to war.  
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Marketing to Doctors
Pharmaceutical companies spend billions of dollars marketing drugs to doctors. We have a few issues with that.
How the Rich Keep Us Poor
Ever wondered how they do it? Guinea, and many other African countries, will never rise out of poverty if this continues to happen...    
An Anti-Capitalist Woman Invented Monopoly and a Man Got All the Credit
The surprising origins of a beloved board game In March of 1903, a single woman in her late thirties walked into the U.S. Patent Office to secure her claim to a board game she had been diligently designing in the hours she stole from her day job as a stenographer. Lizzie...
Capitalism Is Just a Story - Rise Up and Create a New One
How many of us have a sneaking suspicion that something pretty fundamental is going wrong in the world? We keep hearing about the potentially devastating consequences of climate change but we are pumping more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every single year. We are forced...
Filmmakers Behind "The Corporation" Launch Campaign to Donate Film to 1,000 Schools
Get up off the couch! The filmmakers of "The Corporation" are raising money to launch a shorter, downloadable and affordable version of the film with a license for unlimited school and community screenings. If they make their goal of $50,000, they will gift the film to 1,000...
The Great Invisible
On April 20, 2010, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico. It killed 11 workers and caused the worst oil spill in American history. The explosion still haunts the lives of those most intimately affected, though the story has long ago faded from the...
The Worst Trade Deal You've Never Heard Of
The Trans-Pacific Partnership, now headed to Congress, is a product of big corporations and Wall Street, seeking to circumvent regulations protecting workers, consumers, and the environment. Watch this video, and say "no" to fast-tracking this bad deal for the vast majority...
Koch Brothers EXPOSED
Billionaires David and Charles Koch have been handed the ability to buy our democracy in the form of giant checks to the House, Senate, and soon, possibly even the Presidency. 
Argentina: The Country That Monsanto Poisoned
American biotechnology has turned Argentina into the world’s third-largest soybean producer, but the chemicals powering the boom aren’t confined to soy and cotton and corn fields. They routinely contaminate homes and classrooms and drinking water. A growing chorus of doctors...
Inside The Private Prison Industry: An Interview With Christopher Petrella
Majority Report producer Michael Brooks interviews journalist Christopher Petrella, covering the power of the private prison industry, why private prisons are working to be reclassified as real estate holding companies, who the biggest players in the private prison business...