421-480 of 877 results
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin, features exclusive on-the-ground coverage from Detroit, Michigan, beginning with a look at a tent city outside of downtown, where the crew witnessed a cop putting out the only source of warmth for the homeless population there...
27 min
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin, features part II of BTS' on-the-ground coverage from Detroit.
27 min
Ursula K. Le Guin accepts the National Book Foundation's Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters and challenges the assumption that capitalism seems inescapable. Transcript below via Parker Higgins.
6 min
Washington continues to reward wealthy donors and Wall St but what about everyday Americans? Author and historian Steve Fraser has answers.
25 min
Bill speaks with outspoken veteran journalist John R. MacArthur, president and publisher of Harper's Magazine, about the problems with the Obama-backed Trans-Pacific Partnership being negotiated in secret and Hillary Clinton's possible presidential campaign.
25 min
Legalize Democracy is a documentary film by Dennis Trainor, Jr. about a movement to amend the U.S. Constitution so that Corporations are not considered people, and money is not considered speech. For more information about Move To Amend, visit:
30 min
The largest immigration detention center in America profits from denying health care to prisoners. SUBSCRIBE WATCH MORE:
4 min
Neo-liberalism, like capitalism, is not usually a consciously accepted ideology it is a descriptive term. In fact neo-liberalism is best understood as the particular form and stage of capitalism that we are suffering under at this present time. Thomas G Clarke of 'Another...
NGOs are no longer seen as the blameless agents of benevolence. Dinyar Godrej inspects the charge-sheet against them.
Dinyar Godrej
This consumer madness is consuming us.
4 min
Parody ad for Tesco from the stage show 'Pete the Temp vs Climate Change'.
2 min
Neo-colonialism: what is it? The no messin' answer.
Neo-colonialism is the successor to colonialism or empire building. In the 18th and 19th centuries European countries were fairly advanced and powerful on a global scale. During that time they colonised most of the rest of...
Brave New Films exposes Wal-Mart's unscrupulous business practices through interviews with former employees, small business owners, and footage of Walmart executives.
98 min
There are so many to choose from. Every one of these selections is an act of corporate treachery that takes billions of dollars from the American people.
1. Selling Medication For Up To 100 Times More Than It's Worth
Pharmaceutical companies reap billions of dollars in...
Paul Buchheit
An average of 150 retail jobs at the county level are lost every time a Walmart store opens. This is an excerpt from the Brave New Films Documentary, "Walmart: The High Cost of Low Prices"
16 min
Russell Brand The Trews (E191). American aid worker Peter Kassig was deplorably the fifth western hostage to be killed by Islamic State militants but how much moral high ground does the US & UK have over ISIS?
13 min
"The threat of nuclear weapons and man's ability to destroy the environment are really alarming. And yet there are other almost imperceptible changes - I am thinking of the exhaustion of our natural resources, and especially of soil erosion - and these are perhaps more...
2 min
Public spaces in city centres are increasingly being turned into private estates, with their own security forces who get to decide who can be there and what they can do. Since their aim is primarily to create footfall for the retail outlets that provide a huge chunk of their...
12 min
While midterm coverage is largely focused on the parts of Congress that do very little, vital (and bizarre) midterm elections are going unexamined. State legislators pass a lot of bills, and some of that efficiency is thanks to a group called ALEC that writes legislation for...
18 min
Around the world a growing movement of people are using their creativity, design skills and purchasing power to demand fashion without pollution. United by a shared belief that the clothes we wear should carry a story we can be proud of, activists, bloggers, designers...
4 min
This video for the release of the book Pandaleaks: The Dark Side of the WWF gives a taster of some of the abuses the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is complicit in, including supporting corporations like BP and Cargil, the destruction of rainforests for soya and palm oil and the...
2 min
It’s a recurring theme lately that whenever one will point out suffering and generally bad stuff happening because of Capitalism, right-wing libertarian apologists will pop-up from the woodwork to point out that “This ain’t Capitalism”. They will claim that the gove
A Division by Zer0
Henry Rollins profiles Prison Profiteers - six powerful institutions benefiting from locking up too many people for too long.
2 min
The word “anarchist” is thrown around a lot these days. When discussing their mild disagreements over foreign policy, healthcare, tax rates, gun control, immigration, torture, or the war on drugs, it’s not uncommon for a Republican or Democrat to hurl the word at each other...
Jason Lee Byas
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella has been getting some pretty bad press after his rather strange comments on equal pay. Nadella remarked that women shouldn’t ask for a raise but should just wait for the system to reward them with ‘good karma’. Nadella has since backtracked but...
Amit Singh
This film asks "Who are the real vandals, the ones destroying a few windows or the ones destroying the fucking planet?"
3 min
As businesses increasingly embrace a not-for-profit culture, an end to overconsumption on a finite planet could finally be in sight. But given the huge lobbying power of vested interests, it will remain impossible to create a truly sustainable world until the illegitimate...
Rajesh Makwana
Reaction to Apple's unveiling of its Apple Watch smartwatch on Tuesday.
8 min
Dennis Trainor, Jr. of Acronym TV in conversation with Timeka Drew, a grassroots organizer with the Global Climate Convergence. In two weeks the Peoples Climate March in New York, organized by, is expected to draw as many as 200,000 people.
30 min
A Dangerous Game is the jaw-dropping sequel to You've Been Trumped (winner of a dozen major awards). Fearless director Anthony Baxter follows American billionaire Donald Trump and a cast of other greedy and outlandish characters who want to turn some of the Earth’s most...
90 min
From Nimbin to New York the legendary Benny Zable has personified the greed and evil of corporations pillaging the environment. In this short doco, Benny speaks candidly about his art and philosophy, and the reasons his character's darkness is a crucial componant of...
23 min
John Oliver explores America's wage gap between men and women and proposes a possible solution. Note: Solution proposed is 100% sarcastic.
7 min
In an article that will no doubt make “progressive” hearts go pitty-pat (“The 1% May Be Richer Than You Think, Research Shows,” Bloomberg, August 7), Jeanna Smialek suggests that top 1%’s wealth is far greater even than official statistics indicate – and that because so much...
Kevin Carson
Wolfgang Gartner - Illmerica from Ultra Music. Can you guess the common theme?
6 min
Zephyr Teachout describes two possible futures for New York in her race for governor in the Democratic primary against Andrew Cuomo.
3 min
Payday loans put a staggering amount of Americans in debt. They prey on the elderly and military service members. They're awful, and nearly impossible to regulate. We've recruited Sarah Silverman to help spread the word about how to avoid falling into their clutches.
17 min
The video for Naomi Klein's new book captures the truth that must be told: "Our economic model is waging a war against all life on Earth."
For more information, tour dates, or to buy the book:
Forget everything you think you know about...
2 min
Corporations are complete fictions. We just need to let people know...This is a clip from "UnVeiled & Lifted," which was released online for free by the film-makers in 2013. Watch the full film here.
4 min
The line between editorial content and advertising in news media is blurrier and blurrier. That's not bullshit. It's repurposed bovine waste.
11 min
America's prisons are broken. Just ask John Oliver and several puppets.
18 min
The Corporation es un documental dirigido por Mark Achbar y Jennifer Abbott que se interna en el mundo empresarial psicopático. Está basado en el libro con el título 'La Corporación, la persecución patológica del beneficio y el poder', de Joel Bakan.
165 min
The Supreme Court decision in the Hobby Lobby case might not have been surprising, but there's at least one aspect of the media coverage of the company that fails in a big way: Few outlets note that the company was providing the very type of health coverage it finds...
Peter Hart
The arts and crafts retailer Hobby Lobby proudly touts itself as a Christian company that puts people over profits. However, some staunch Christians say there's a gaping hole in that claim -- namely, China.
Kim Bhasin
The Fall of Mosul has made the parallels between Vietnam and Iraq impossible to ignore. This video looks at the connections between the two wars, and discusses one of their many lessons...
4 min
Today the agency I work for announced to project team leads they’re ending a relationship with a major client whom they’ve worked with for the last 17 months. In addition to my management duties on this project, I am directly responsible for a team of nine working on content...
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the US and EU would grant corporations the power to sue governments for making laws that 'damage' their profits. These might be laws that protect workers or the enviroment. They might be laws that return...
2 min
This week on "It's the end of the World as We know it and I feel fine" we bring you a round up of news from the muthafrackin resistance. Starting with the shooting of three cops from the Canadian Mounted po-po and a look at its colonial history. Followed up by the FIFA world...
16 min
These Tuesday evenings begin with brief updates and analyses of major economic events over the last month. June's meeting will focus on: The super rich and major capitalists mobilize to offset capitalism's "side-effects" (poverty, inequality, environmental...
109 min
Fight for our Future has launched a "Reset The Net Campaign" for June 5th, 2014.
4 min
Back in in the day, an activist colleague of mine liked to wisecrack that whenever corporations talked about environmental solutions everyone could live with, what they meant were "solutions" only a politically acceptable number of people would die from. That is so 1980s...
Annie Leonard
Pay 2 Play shows how our elections encourage extortion, and how to stop it. Coming August 2014.
In part 2, Lawrence Lessig outlines a strategy for taking action. Vist for more.
2 min
Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn., sits on the Senate Judiciary Committee that will hold hearings on the proposed merger by Comcast and Time Warner Cable. Franken discusses the problems with the proposed merger and online privacy.
5 min
Candidate Obama said the Internet would remain open and free, but that's before he appointed a former cable and wireless top gun to run the FCC.
4 min
Abby Martin calls out an NYPD Twitter campaign that massively backfired when twitter users got police brutality pictures trending instead of the nice police photos the department was hoping for. LIKE Breaking the Set @ FOLLOW Abby Martin @...
4 min
Abby Martin speaks with hacker and notorious internet troll Andrew 'Weev' Auernheimer, discussing the overturning of his prison sentence after being charged with conspiracy under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.
9 min
Abby Martin talks about a new 'breakthrough' technology discovered by the US Navy, that converts sea water to fuel, yet is only being considered for military use.
27 min
Abby Martin features an exclusive interview with Hip Hop Legend and Public Enemy front-man, Chuck D, discussing the corporatization of Hip Hop, his views on internationalism and the upcoming United We Stand Festival on May 10th, where both Abby and Chuck are featured guests.
13 min
Temp labor is one of the fastest growing industries in the US. Increasingly, temp workers are part of a business strategy to keep costs down and profits high. From mega-retailers to mom-and-pop shops, temps are hired to do some of the hardest and most dangerous jobs. While...
33 min