481-540 of 877 results
Abby Martin explores the public distrust of the US financial system, discussing the controversies surrounding 'High-Frequency Trading', a practice that involves advanced computer algorithms that gives buyers and sellers on Wall Street an advantage over the general public.
4 min
In the series “The Secret Life of a Food Stamp,” Marketplace reporter Krissy Clark traces how big-box stores make billions from the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, aka food stamps. What’s more, the wages of many workers at these stores are so low that the...
2 min
Abby Martin covers what Dick Cheney has been up to since leaving office and features an interview with comedian and host of the Moment of Clarity web series, Lee Camp, discussing a few of the more ridiculous stories in the news, including Bush's exhibit of paintings, low...
8 min
Critics cite irony of annual report filing: 'This is a company that everywhere it goes it creates poverty'
Lauren McCauley
Exclusive: Pando Daily Senior Editor Mark Ames describes how his team uncovered secret internal memos between dozens of tech companies to fix wages for more than a million employees
10 min
Dr.Cornel West has become critical of president obama.
8 min
Abby Martin speaks with host and founder of The Young Turks, Cenk Uygur, discussing why he left his job at MSNBC, the corporate media's superficial coverage of news events and the recipe for success in alternative media. LIKE Breaking the Set @
13 min
This week: 1. Warming up police intelligence 2. A hungry man is an angry man 3. Farm land not airports 4. Vintage riot porn: The battle for Narita 5. Bosnia burns 6. Bilbao welcomes the IMF 7. African migrants bum rush fortress Europe 8. Brujeria: La Migra 7.
18 min
Ever since we started writing and speaking about our current book project, How on Earth: Flourishing in a Not-for-Profit World by 2050, we have been amazed by one phenomenon in particular. When we have a chance to explain to people what not-for-profit (NFP) enterprise...
Jen Hinton and Donnie Maclurcan
Sherron Watkins called out corporate corruption before whistle-blowing was cool. So why do decent folks sometimes get awkward around her?
2 min
It is time for us to reconsider who is dependent on welfare. Poverty is not only the lack of income and wealth but also the poverty of power. A key part of the poverty of power is to be defined as dependent: dependent on charity, handouts, welfare. Yet, it is the wealthy, not...
13 min
The comical geniuses over at College Humor recently released a new short video that is capturing the attention of many across the internet due to its comedy, but even more so due to its factual backing. The 4 minute video takes us through the history of the engagement ring, a...
4 min
The deadly collapse of a garment factory in Bangladesh has sparked calls for better worker treatment. The revelation that Apple manages to
Hamilton Nolan
A note of clarification: The "left" in left libertarian in the title exists to distinguish the solutions this article presents from the right-learning associations most people have of American libertarianism. If you're only used to reading
Kevin Carson
The Olympics are as much about money as they are about sports. Between broadcasting rights, merchandising, sponsorships and construction of the Olympic venues themselves, there's a lot of money to be made.
17 min
A philosophical treatise against the practice of forced labor for income. An abridged reading of 'The Abolition of Work' by Bob Black.
10 min
“Do what you love. Love what you do.”
Miya Tokumitsu
There's a lot of talk of Karl Marx in the air these days – from Rush Limbaugh accusing Pope Francis of promoting "pure Marxism" to a Washington Times writer
Sean McElwee
Not Business As Usual is a provocative look at capitalism and its unintended price of success. The film tracks the changing landscape of business with the rising tide of conscious capitalism through the stories of local entrepreneurs who have found innovative ways to bring...
61 min
PBS FRONTLINE's four-part series on the history and consequences of the the 2008 financial crisis. This in-depth investigation tells the story of how the creation of an unregulated financial market led to a collapsing investment bank crisis and an eventual government...
227 min
Who rules the web, in whose interests and with what consequences? How free are we really to access content? Or to have privacy? What human rights are compromised when the inherent democratic structure of the Internet is under attack? And who guarantees every citizen's right...
4 min
Donny Rico here to deliver a message to all you long-haired hippie activist types complaining about the environment and human rights. Be warned: things have changed in America and you need to keep your mouths shut. Corporations are the top of the food chain and you need to...
3 min
Thousands came together in Washington, DC on October 26, 2013 to protest the NSA's mass surveillance programs.
3 min
Paul Jay from The Real News Network sits down with Ralph Nader for a fantastic interview. This December, 2013 interview is in three segments and covers a range of topics.
25 min
Tax-avoiding, consumer-exploiting big business leaders are largely responsible for these abuses. Congress just lets it happen. Corporate heads and members of Congress seem incapable of relating to the people that are being victimized, and the mainstream media seems to have...
Paul Buchheit
We were always told, "If you work hard, things will get better." But many hard-working Canadians have only seen things get worse. Corporate profits soared, but only the rich got richer. The recession took away more jobs and piled up more debt, leaving more people poor or...
53 min
For more information go to: Plans to re-regulate banks (like the Volker Rule in the US) will not prevent money-makers in the financial sector from fuelling the next land-led boom/bust. Professor Margrit Kennedy explains why a holistic...
8 min
This Thursday, December 5, workers at fast-food restaurants around the country will be striking for higher pay and better working conditions. Their primary demand is an increase in their base hourly wages to $15 an hour.
Richard Eskow
By now you’ve probably heard horror stories about how the Affordable Care Act (ACA), otherwise known as Obamacare, has forced so many people to lose their insurance policies. You’ve heard that affordable health insurance policies are being canceled and replaced with...
Randa Morris
While advertising is the visible component of the corporate system, perhaps even more important and pervasive is its invisible partner, the public relations industry. This video illuminates this hidden sphere of our culture and examines the way in which the management of "the...
5 min
Confused about the NSA revelations? Do you wonder how this affects you? Why spies have been monitoring Facebook, Gmail and Skype? And even if we are being watched online, how does that affect what we do online?
3 min
The WWF is the largest environmental protection organisation in the world. Trust in its green projects is almost limitless. Founded in 1961, it is the most influential lobby group for the environment in the world, thanks largely to its...
50 min
One million voices for the law of ecocide
The destruction of our environment is a crime. A crime for which those responsible should be held accountable. This crime has a name: Ecocide. Eco-cide derives from the Greek oikos meaning house or home and the Latin caedere meaning strike down, demolish, kill. It literally...
2 min
Help us to reach 1 Million signatures at
3 min
“Reformism” is one of those words that’s hard to pin down sometimes. It’s usually taken to mean advocating for “reform within the system” — in other words, the bad kind of reform.
Kevin Carson
It’s been the thing lately, among certain establishment liberals, to dismiss libertarians as “Koch-funded shills.” We’ve heard a lot of it from Mark Ames and Yasha Levine at NSFWCorp, for example.
Kevin Carson
The Right To Save Seed is an animated movie which explains when farmers can resow their seed in Europe. With the help of Magnum, Agata, Dali and Mona Lisa -- four varieties of potatoes that really exist -- the movie covers different legal situations with humour and a lot of...
5 min
Abby Martin highlights a number of communities around the world that have risked life and limb to force out corporations who are pillaging their land and resources citing cases like Dole in the Philippines and McDonalds in Bolivia.
5 min
It's really unbelievable what happened to Stella Liebeck. You just have to watch to see how the media turned on this little old lady who lived in Albuquerque. Obviously a villain, right? And at 5:00, prepare to see what the coffee actually did to her. It's not pretty. Well...
12 min
Abby Martin speaks with John Perkins, best-selling author of 'Confessions of an Economic Hitman' & 'Hoodwinked', about the corporate takeover of world governments and the need to eradicate the death economy.
11 min
Abby Martin speaks with Han Shan, spokesperson for Ecuadorian Victims of Chevron Contamination about the decades-long legal battle between oil giant, Chevron, and indigenous residents of Ecuador's rainforest who suffered from a massive oil contamination. LIKE Breaking the Set...
10 min
When the town of Sandy Springs, Georgia, spun-off from Fulton County and established a brand new government, it didn't sign a Declaration of Independence; it signed a contract.
PR Watch
Rainforests are being destroyed for palm oil and pushing the last wild orangutans to the brink of extinction. At Rainforest Action Network our goal is to collect 60,600 photo petitions - that's one person for each orangutan remaining in the wild.
2 min
Who controls the future of your food? GMO OMG explores the systematic corporate takeover and potential loss of humanity's most precious and ancient inheritance: seeds.
2 min
New data shows that many will be paying less for private insura
Jon Queally
This video exposes the privatizers and profiteers selling out our democracy.
3 min
Where do you draw the line?
3 min
Ever had the feeling that your job might be made up? That the world would keep on turning if you weren’t doing that thing you do 9-5? David Graeber explored the phenomenon of bullshit jobs for Strike Magazine's summer issue – everyone who’s employed should read...
David Graeber
Preface: Not all banks are criminal enterprises. The wrongdoing of a particular bank cannot be attributed to other banks without proof. But – as documented below – many of the biggest banks have engaged in unimaginably bad behavior.
Washington's Blog
Building A Solidarity Economy
Under the cooperative model, workers own the business, reducing injustice because they have a stake in the community and because an individual will find it hard to exploit oneself. Workers often buy into their jobs (upfront or amortized), vote...
Sebastian A.B.
In recent years, Facebook has become an unexpectedly crucial tool for activism. The social media platform allows activists to efficiently connect and communicate with one another in order to arrange meetings, protests and boycotts. Unfortunately, activists who once found that...
Kevin Mathews
Shot on the front lines and meeting spaces of the Occupy movement in NYC, Boston, and Washington, DC from the earliest days through the end of January 2012, American Autumn: an Occudoc is an inside looking out view of the occupy movement.
75 min
In his important 2006 book, Nemesis, the Last Days of the American Republic, the third and concluding part of a trilogy, the late Chalmers Johnson, who was an expert on Japan and US foreign policy, writes that as much as 40% of the Pentagon budget is “bla
Mark H. Gaffney
5 years after the financial crisis, Wall Street grows bigger than ever. What's worse, it continues to hurt everyday Americans in ways that most of us aren't even aware of. This video summarizes 3 ways that happens.
3 min
Produced by Chipotle and created by the Academy Award–winning Moonbot Studios - this masterfully animated film feels like more than an implicitly subversive attack on big agribusiness corporations like Cargill, Tyson and Monsanto.
3 min
Abby Martin draws attention to five corporations that are profiting from the constant fear mongering that keeps the US at war and has resulted in the slow erosion of Americans' civil liberties.
5 min
The Internet Must Go is a video mockumentary which follows the character John Wooley, a market researcher who tries to come up with a plan for how internet service providers can try to market what internet access would look like without network...
30 min
Directors Tom Simon and Sarah Teale (HBOs Dealing Dogs) tell the story of an animal rights investigator who goes undercover at a hog farm in Ohio to explore a whistle blower's allegations. The evidence he gathers leads to a rare prosecution and trial for animal cruelty, and a...
87 min
“The powers of financial capitalism had another far reaching aim, nothing less
Ellen Brown