241-300 of 877
Strangely Like Gulag: Schooling and the Industrial Machine
For many years, I’ve seen more and more of my rural and tribal neighbors pack their children off to school. Now, every morning between 8:00 and 9:00 am in this upwardly-mobile-yet-backward district, the country roads are full of children commuting to school, hoisting bags...
Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton ~ RAP SONG (The Oligarchy)
Sure there are differences between Trump & Hillary. But don't you see all the similarities?
The American Way: Socialism for the Rich, Free Enterprise for the Rest
While it's not entirely clear who coined the phrase "socialism for the rich, free enterprise for the rest," its ability to provoke — and, more importantly, to describe — is beyond question.
Dinosaur Explains Trump Policies Better than Trump!
Donald Trump is actually the corporate triceratops, Mr. Richfield, from the 90's TV show sitcom, "Dinosaurs". 
Water for Gold
Water for Gold tells the alarming story of how international trade law is leading us to trade our most basic rights to clean, safe water for access to gold. 
Abolish ALL Prisons, Private and Public
As momentum continues to grow against the colossal U.S. imprisonment system, the need for strategic targets is crucial, yet we are seeing an overbearing focus on private prisons. We are in a moment when reforms that appear to be “progressive” can actually entrench the...
Confirming Big Pharma Fears, Study Suggests Medical Marijuana Laws Decrease Opioid Use
Study comes after reporting revealed fentanyl-maker pouring money into Arizona's anti-legalization effort
Chevron Vs. the Amazon
The complete version of Abby Martin's three-part series covering Chevron's disaster in Ecuador, on teleSUR's The Empire Files. Abby launches a deep investigation into Chevron Texaco's intentional spilling of 19 billion gallons of oil and waste in Ecuador's pristine Amazon...
The Parasitic Logic of Profit-Making
What does it mean to earn a profit in an extractive economy? Simply put, it means to behave like a parasite. All you need do is attach yourself to a nutrient-rich host and suck the value out of it. When the host dies, move on to the next “market opportunity” and never look...
Plutocracy II - Solidarity Forever
"Absolutely brilliant on numerous levels. While there have been many other important documentaries about individual strikes and/or strike movements, Plutocracy has succeeded at generalizing the political lessons of an entire era in U.S. Labor history from a working-class...
Is Facebook Psychologically Profiling Users Sharing Political Content; Survey Says YES
One of my followers (Martin Bishop) recently shared an album of screenshots he took of a survey that was generated when he shared one of my videos to his FB wall (video linked below). It, of course, was highly political in nature and talked about Bernie Sanders forming an...
Banking Nature
Protecting our planet has become big business with companies promoting new environmental markets. This involves species banking, where investors buy up vast swathes of land, full of endangered species, to enable them to sell “nature credits.” Companies whose actions destroy...
Seeding Fear - The Farmer Who Went Toe-to-Toe with Monsanto
Seeding Fear is a short documentary Executive Produced by Neil Young that tells the story of Michael White, a fourth generation farmer, who went toe to toe with Monsanto.
Capitalism Has a Metaphor - It's a Cancer
My mother died of cancer five years ago. While most of the cells in her body grew and reproduced at a rate that merely kept her alive, there were a few rogue cells that mutated and changed — reprogramming themselves as greedy individuals who cared about nothing except rapid...
The Battle Over Trump's Taj Mahal Is a Battle for Us All
What those striking are now bravely confronting in Atlantic City should resonate deeply with American workers, their unions, and beyond
Inside the Global Fight Against Corporate Impunity
Among the many terrible features of the Trans Pacific Partnership, twelve countries are crafting something that would give corporations unprecedented power: a secret court for capitalist enterprises to sue any country that infringes on profits. As it stands, with investment...
How Prison Labor Is the New American Slavery and Most of Us Unknowingly Support It
If you buy products or services from any of the 50 companies listed below (and you likely do), you are supporting modern American slavery
Wasted/ Wanted
Every year, supermarkets in the UK throw away an estimated 40million tonnes of perfectly edible food, often for perplexing reasons. FareShare is a charity that diverts some of this waste, redistributing it to organisations that work with vulnerable people.
Put Away the Fireworks... You Don't Live in a Democracy Anymore
Within the last 30 years, while we’ve chased bogeymen overseas and here at home, our Democracy has fallen. We have been taken over; defeated; our voices neutered; our freedoms trampled; our democracy vanquished. No invading force accomplished this; no jackboots echoed...
Expropriation or Bust: on the Illegitimacy of Wealth and Why It Must Be Recuperated
Election seasons bring with them a renewed interest in politics. For most that couldn't care less about such concerns, election season becomes, for at least a moment, a time to reflect on deeper issues. For those of us who spend a large portion of our lives thinking, writing...
Distorting Fascism to Sanitize Capitalism
The facile and indiscriminate use of the term fascism has led to a widespread misunderstanding and misuse of its meaning. Asked to define fascism, most people would respond in terms such as dictatorship, anti-Semitism, mass hysteria, efficient propaganda machine, mesmerizing...
Monsanto, America's Monster
Last month, the University of San Francisco made an alarming discovery, that 93% of Americans tested had traces of a chemical called glyphosate in their urine. Last year, the World Health Organization deemed glyphosate a “possible carcinogen”.
Placing The Children's Fire at the Centre of Institutions of Power
The Children's Fire is part of the Earth teachings of the elders of ancient America. Over time the elders came to understand that all human-created institutions needed to reflect the balance and wisdom observed in nature. The Children's Fire was a reminder of the first...
Why Global Capital Fears 'Brexit'
While the leadership of the ‘Leave’ and ‘Remain’ camps portray their positions as fundamentally different, neither side is challenging the stranglehold of corporations that run the global economy. Their econometric, growth-based arguments focus primarily on which alternative...
World's Banks Driving Climate Chaos With Hundreds of Billions in Extreme Energy Financing
Wall Street continues to back the most polluting fossil fuel industries "at the expense of some of the most vulnerable communities on the planet," states new report
Repetition - An Animated Guide to Making a Killing From War
A short film critiquing the military industrial complex.
How Big Oil Conquered the World
From farm to pharmaceutical, diesel truck to dinner plate, pipeline to plastic product, it is impossible to think of an area of our modern-day lives that is not affected by the oil industry. The story of oil is the story of the modern world. And this is the story of those who...
Building a Local Peace Economy: We Have the Power
When attending meetings with peace and justice activists, I often find myself the only business person in the room. Inevitably, someone makes a comment about the evils of business, or greedy capitalists, or some other negative comment that implies business people are the...
The Best Democracy Money Can Buy
Trailer for Greg Palast's feature documentary exposing the theft of the 2016 election and the billionaires bankrolling the ballot banditry. Coming Summer 2016 Support this movie. For $100, you'll be listed on screen as a Supporter and receive a signed DVD of the movie...
Planetary Crisis: We Are Not All in This Together
“Climate change and extreme weather events are not devastating a random selection of human beings from all walks of life. There are no billionaires among the dead, no corporate executives living in shelters, no stockbrokers watching their children die of malnutrition.”
Down With Guilt! There Are Much Better Ways to Get People to Act on Climate Change.
How do you get people to do something about climate change? For years, the answer has been to prod people into thinking about their role in causing it, to guilt trip them into action. Because any human who happens to live in North America has taken advantage of central...
Australia's Tax Reform Unicorn and Other Mythical Beasts
In which Trickle Down Economics collides with Impotent Tax Reform to create a super-massive Budget Black Hole.
Beyond the Zero-Empathy Matrix
To be, or not to be: that is the question.” —Hamlet “Psychopaths are capable of taking the perspective of somebody else, but only to take better advantage of you. They’re able to play the empathy game, but without the feelings involved. It’s like an empty shell. The core of...
The Looting Stage of Capitalism: Germany's Assault on the IMF
Having successfully used the EU to conquer the Greek people by turning the Greek “leftwing” government into a pawn of Germany’s banks, Germany now finds the IMF in the way of its plan to loot Greece into oblivion.
After Empowering the 1% and Impoverishing Millions, IMF Admits Neoliberalism a Failure
Last week a research wing of the International Monetary Fund came out with a report admitting that neoliberalism has been a failure. The report, entitled, “Neoliberalism: Oversold?” is hopefully a sign of the ideology's death. They were only about 40 years late. As Naomi...
How to Bootstrap a Bossless Organization in 3 Easy Steps
My first impression at OuiShare Fest was a weird utopian blockchain mania: a poorly understood but massively hyped technology that will somehow fix all our social, political, and economic inequities. As I got to know some of the people here though, I started to see through...
What Is Economic Democracy?
An animated look at David Schweickart's proposal for a next system, grounded in democratic worker cooperatives and built around public control of financial capital.
Judge a System by the Health of Its Children
On Globalization and The Costs of Exporting the American Dream
Changing Everything Except What Needs Changing: What's Missing From The Renewable Energy Debate
Among climate change activists, solutions usually center on a transition to renewable energy. There may be differences over whether this would be best accomplished by a carbon tax, bigger subsidies for wind and solar power, divestment from fossil fuel companies, massive...
New Political Earthquake in Brazil: Is It Now Time for Media Outlets to Call This a "Coup"?
Brazil today awoke to stunning news of secret, genuinely shocking conversations involving a key minister in Brazil’s newly installed government, which shine a bright light on the actual motives and participants driving the impeachment of the country’s democratically elected...
Confessions of a Panama Papers Hit Man
As an Economic Hit Man (EHM) in the 1970s I spent a great deal of time in Panama. I hate to admit it, but I helped forge the system that has now been exposed in the Panama Papers. It is a system of legalized crimes. How else can we describe it?
Peasants for Plutocracy: How the Billionaires Brainwashed America
The following video explores the influence billionaires have had through massive public relations campaigns, fake "grass roots" movements like the Tea Party, and funding of right-libertarian organizations like FreedomWorks and Americans for Prosperity. Featuring: Noam...
Face It: Our Democracy Is a Sham. We Don't Have a Real Say in Most Decisions That Affect Our Lives
Are we able to stop fracking and other threats to the environment from coming into our communities?  Are we able to protect local farming from sewage sludge or factory farming?  Are we able to protect workers and local economies from multi-national corporations?
What Is a Participatory Workplace?
How can we create participatory workplaces that make decision making more democratic and compensation and job assignments more equitable? In this new animation from the Next System Project, building off Robin Hahnel's paper for our New Systems series, we explore the answer...
Noam Chomsky Answers The Question: "Who Rules The World?"
Masters of Mankind: American Power and the Challenges of 2016
'Why? and Why Now?' Panama Papers 'John Doe' Steps Out of Shadows
Anonymous whistleblower says "Panama Papers are, if nothing else, a glaring symptom of our society's progressively diseased and decaying moral fabric."
Leaked TTIP Documents Confirm Corporate Power Grab at Heart of EU/US Trade Deal
Greenpeace have leaked 248 pages of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiating texts, confirming worst fears of environmentalists and social justice activists
Corporate Fatcats Will Party Until We Turn the Music Off
Capitalism is having a laugh at our expense. Surely that is the only reasonable explanation for the current shamelessness of Britain’s corporate elite. Having survived the financial crisis without the public, armed with pitchforks, hammering on their doors, perhaps they now...
The Undercurrent Guide to Legal Tax Evasion
While everyone's in a flap over the Panama Papers, we're way more pissed off about the legal and more-or-less out-in-the-open ways that multinational corporations avoid paying tax in the countries from which they generate staggering profits.
Last Week Tonight With John Oliver: Credit Reports
Credit reports play a surprisingly large role in our lives, but even more surprising is how often they contain critical mistakes. John Oliver helps credit agencies see why this is a problem. 
Mutiny of the Soul, Revisited
Over the years, I’ve probably received more mail about Mutiny of the Soul than any other essay I’ve written. The idea of the article has been hugely validating for many readers: that depression, ADHD, anxiety, etc. aren’t chemical malfunctions of the brain, nor spiritual...
Five Dangerous Thoughts about Capitalism
Our system of modern capitalism is just one story; it is not the only one there is. It’s not inherent within us. It isn’t some inevitable expression of predefined Human Nature. It was invented by human beings and so human beings can change it. But in order to get there, we...
The Thing Sanders, Trump, and Clinton Agree On. It's That Bad.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership is slated for an up-or-down vote in Congress. Proponents say it’s about free trade. But it looks more like corporate colonization.
Capitalism and Mental Health: How the Market Makes Us Sick
Far from being a far-fetched pipe dream that human beings could never live under, pockets of anarchistic self-activity are what keep us sane in a profoundly insane world. This video mainly deals with how the capitalist system exerts massive amounts of pressure on individuals...
More Confessions of an Economic Hit Man: This Time, They're Coming for Your Democracy
Twelve years ago, John Perkins published his book, “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.” Today, he says “things have just gotten so much worse.”
Last Week Tonight With John Oliver: Encryption
Strong encryption poses problems for law enforcement, is weakening it worth the risks it presents? It's...complicated. 
Catastrophic Failure: The Biggest Disaster in Brazil's Mining History
In November 2015, 50 million cubic metres of waste was unleashed after a tailings dam collapsed in the Gualaxo River Valley. This report investigates what is being named the biggest disaster in Brazil's mining history. A horror mudslide swept through the towns and villages...
How to Be an Anticapitalist Today
Anticapitalism isn’t simply a moral stance against injustice — it’s about building an alternative.
The Revenge of the Fallists
This week we take a look at the nefarious capitalist mechanism called free trade agreements, with a focus on world wide resistance to the TPP or Trans Pacific Partnership plus an update of anti-fascist resistance in Anaheim California.
On the Meaning of Capitalism, We Don't Agree
Within conversations on the left, many of us use the term "capitalism," but we aren't all using it to mean the same thing. Among both its champions and opponents, capitalism acquired too many different meanings over the 200 to 300 years of its global ascendancy. I am...